chapter six

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Today's the day Dam gets out of the hospital. Turns out it was only gonna be a week. Today is also homecoming.

We've had the assembly and the parade. Now its time for the game, and after the game, they will announce homecoming king and quenn. The only reason I'm exited is because there's a rumor going that Sam might be king. I won't be queen, one because I could care less about that stuff, two because nobody would even vote me queen. We have a HUGE routine, and I have been working with John for weeks now. He's getting into the swing of things and I'm so very excited. I have this really weird feeling in my stomach, like something is about to happen. I don't know if its good or bad.

Its about half way through the first half, and John is doing........pretty good, I guess. We cheer as our sweep gets the ball away from the offense, but the other team regains control. He takes a shot and hits John right in the.........yeah, that spot! He doubles over holding himself, and some of the girls wince but laugh at the same time. John waddles off the field, and him and coach start talking. "Alex!" Dad yells from the other side of the field. I look over and he motions for me. I put my popoms down and run over.

"What's up, dad?" I say. "Get your gear on!" He says and I smile. He throws a uniform at me, and I turn to Sam. "Give me your shorts! I've got some of yours that somehow got in my bag. I say then grab them out of dads bag. The guys block him, and he changes.

He throws them back at me and I place them on the bench. I slide my shoes off, then my shirt. The guys stare, but I quickly put my jersey on. I keep my skirt part on, then the refs call us over. Dad and I walk over. "What is it ref?" Dad asks. "Who's gonna be your keep!?" He asks. "I am sir!" I say raising my head. The other team appears behind the refs and start laughing. "Are you sure? You might get hurt?" The boys say teasingly. "You might get your skirt dirty?" Another one says. I turn to the boys and they throw me some shorts. I take my skirt off, then pit my shorts on. Both teams are just staring at me. "There, now I won't get my skirt dirty!" I say taunting them. "The rule book says she's good to play!" One ref says. The other team starts complaining, but their coach shushs them. "If he wants to put a girl in, then okay! Just know that we wont go easy on you darling!" The coach says and I smirk. "As long as I don't have to go easy on them!" I say crossing my arms. The boys just smile and laugh. "Let's get this game started!" Ref says. We all walk back, and Sam grabs me by the shoulder. "Watch them! They are gonna go HARD on you! Please don't get yourself hurt!" He says. "Sam's, you know there's nothing that can hurt me!" I say. He smiles.

I walk over to the field and get in my position. Jes smiles, but she also looks scared. I nod at her to tell her I'll be fine. The ref blows the whistle, and I turn back to the game. The ball gets passed around when there striker gets pass our sweep. I bend and he takes a shot. It goes to the upper corner, but I grab it. I walk to my box and punt it. He looks shocked and I smirk. He gets back and I fall on Hus get this time. He kicks me in the stomach, but I role off of him. He smiles, but I smirk as I get up.

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