Chapter thirteen

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I lay on my bed with Sams. He's laying down with his arm wrapped around me, and I have my head on his chest. Once again, he's basically my big brother. I sniffle, and he just rubs my back. Dad walks in and sits on my side of the bed. "Are you Okay, Alex?" He asks and I shake my head. "He's gone, dad! Taylor's gone!" I say and he frowns. "Hey sweetie, I'm gonna go out for a little bit. I'm gonna go get us some food. Sam, what do you want? I'm ordering from SubWay." Dad says and I smile sadly. "I'm fine." He says and I laugh. "Ham sandwich with cheese and pickles it is." Dad says and Sams laughs.

Right now, I'm sitting with Mark and Jason in Social Studies, and the phone rings. Mr. Thompson answers it, then looks at me. "Alex, phone for you." He says. I get up and grab it from him, then turn my back to the class.

Is this Alexandrea Johnson?
Yes, may I ask who this is.
This is the Sherril County Police Department. We have two officers on there way to get you and someone named Samuel Jenkins. There's been an accident. David Johnson was in a car when a semi hit him. Mr. Johnson was DOA. Do you know what that means?
Yes, Sir. I know what that means. Will you please pick me up then Sams?
Yes, they will be at the school in fifteen minutes.
Okay, thank you, bye

I go to put the phone back on the wall, but he falls between my fingers. Everyone turns to me, and I just put it back. I walk up to Mr. Thompson with tears slowly falling. "Um, I have to leave school early. Dad died in a car accident, so some officers are going to take me to the hospital. I don't know how long I'll be gone, so I'll have the boys bring me my missed work. Do I need to finish this for homework?" I ask wiping the tears.

"No, don't worry about it! I'm so sorry, Alex! Take as much time of a break as you need!" He says and I nod. I walk to my desk, which happens to be all the way in the back, and grab all my stuff. I hug Mark and Jason, then the door opens and an officer walks in. Everyone  immediately starts whispering and I roll my eyes.

"Don't worry guys, I didn't do anything illegal, all it is my dads dead." I say. Mark and Jason start crying, and that's when the tears start coming faster. I walk out of the class, and see Sams walking towards us. I drop all my stuff, then run up to him and hug him tightly. "He's dead! He's dead! There both dead! I have no one! There all gone! Mom! Dad! Taylor! There all gone!" I say and he digs his fingers in my hair crying as well.

We need to get to the hospital." Sams guy says. We nod then pull apart. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and I hid my head in his shoulder.

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