Chapter sixteen

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I sigh as I walk to the field to get things set up. I got one possible person from yesterday, but he's still not very reliable. The Coby dude was a jerk, the second one didn't know a thing about soccer, the third just played on his phone the whole time, and the fourth didn't push them at all.

I finish with the cones, then go to grab the water jug. I fill it up, then feel a presence behind me. I turn around and see Brandon. "Did you really think you could get away from me that easily?! You kicked me off the team, and kicked a ball at me. I'm not gonna let that slide!" He says then hits me.

I fall to the ground, and he kicks me. "Come on, your a goalie! Your supposed to be tougher then that!" He says through gritted teeth. Then he kicks me in the face. I pull away and try to run, but he throws me against the bleachers. He puts his wraps his hands around my throat, and my vision starts to go out.

All of a sudden, he's pulled off of me, and I see Sams and Daniel. Sam starts repeatedly punching Brandon. I try to call to him, but I fall to the ground unconscious.
Huge time gap!!!

I wake up to beeping. I open my eyes, and see white. White walls, white machines, white bedding, and my pale skin. I look outside, and see the dark night. I see a teddy bear, flowers, and balloons. There's pictures on a night stand next to me, and I almost start crying when I see one of mom, dad, Taylor, and I.

The door opens, and a woman walks in. "Alexandrea?! Oh! Your awake!" She yells then runs out of the room. I watch as the door reopens, and a man walks in. "Hello, Alex. I'm Dr. Hail. It's good to see your awake! You've been in a coma for a month. Who would you like for me to call to say your awake?" He says and I stare at him shocked. "I've been in a coma for a month?!" I gasp and he nods. "Get Samuel Jenkins!" I say and he nods.

The door opens, and Sam walks in. "Sams!" I say and he runs to me. He hugs me tightly and starts crying. "I thought you were dead! I didn't know what was going to happen!" He says and I look at him. "Who's your coach?" I ask and he laughs. "You've been in a coma for a month, and that's the first thing you ask?" He says and I nod.

"What happened?" I ask and he sighs. "Daniel and I were walking to the field to see if you needed help, we got there and saw Brandon on top of you. I pulled him off, and start punching him. Daniel had to get me to stop, for I almost didn't. We called the police, and they fixed Brandon up then took him into jail for attempted murder. They didn't take me in, since I did out of defense for you. Then they told us you were in a coma. Graduation is next month."

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