My Coke!

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Taehyung rushed over and enveloped me in a hug, yelling, "you're here!" over the music. The boys all followed behind and I greeted everyone with small hugs. Except Jimin. He nodded politely, in acknowledgment and I returned the nod.

Everyone looked great. Especially Jimin. He wore a fit-to-perfection black suit with grey patterns on the top. His hair was slicked back halfway, exposing a dangerous amount of forehead, and a long, dangling silver earring. I gulped and looked away. Why, oh, why must you do this to me?

A little while later, everyone gave up on having any kind of conversation over the loud music. Slowly and steadily, as people drank more, they started feeling the music. Being the only person in the group who was completely sober, Mia summoned me to dance a couple of times before I gave in. Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon went all out the floor and everyone laughed, getting infected by their energy. Jimin and Yoongi stayed on the side, and I couldn't quite get into my element thanks to a pair of dark eyes I sensed on me constantly. Soon, mostly everyone was dancing, and watching them drink away to bliss, I was starting to get thirsty. Seeing Mia grooving away with some colleagues, I sighed and made my way to the bar alone.

"Hey, can I get some water? And a diet coke with ice, please." I said, once I had squeezed my way onto the bar.

"What? That's all?" said an unfamiliar voice on my left.

I turned to face the voice and saw that it belonged to a rather good-looking man.

I smiled, "yup, that's all for me."

"Such basic liquids wasted on a such an exquisite girl." He said.

Oh, okay, then.

I laughed and he continued, "I can try to match but no drink will be as fine as you." He said, now turning around to face me completely.
"That's sweet, but, no thank you."

"Oh, come on, just one? Let me buy you one drink." He pressed.

"I don't know you." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"You will, if you let me buy you a drink." He said, getting off the bar stool this time.

I chuckled, "thank you, but I'll pass."

"Would you let me buy you a drink if you got to know me? Sounds like a double reward to me." He leaned in a little so he didn't have to shout.

"Reward for you or me?" I questioned, before emptying my glass of water.

"Let's find out." He said, leaning a little too close for a first conversation.

Personal space, my dude.

I stepped back, "I'm not drinking, so either way..." I shrugged.

"I'm Jae," he held out his hand in the restricted amount of space. Hesitantly, I took his hand, "Tara, nice to meet you."

He didn't let go of my hand after the introduction, so I tugged it away a second later.

"Not even one drink?" he pouted.

Now I was starting to get really uncomfortable as he attempted to inch even closer.

"No, no," I backed away, "I'm driving, so I can't."

"One drink is well in the boundaries, Tara." He laid emphasis on my name.

"One drink won't hurt," he snarled leaning in far too close.

My eyes widened, and just as I was about to tell him off, a warm hand slid around my waist and pulled me toward it.

"I think she said no, Jae-ssi." Looked to my side to see Jimin's jaw clenched and eyes narrowed. He turned to face me, menacingly slowly, "let's go." He said, firmly, and led me away by my waist.

He kept me by his side and confidently jostled into the crowd, moving further into it.

"Wait, hold on, my coke was there," I said, resisting mildly.

"Fuck your coke." He growled and tightened his grip around me, walking faster.

"Just- ugh- you know that guy?" I said loudly, resisting harder.

He turned abruptly to me, face only inches away from mine. "Shut up, Tara, or so help me god," he hissed through clenched teeth and grabbed my wrist, now hurriedly leading us to a large glass door on the side of the VIP area.

The door opened to a spacious and well-lit passage. My wrist in his grasp, Jimin charged cross the passage, giving me no time to process any of what was happening. As soon as we passed by the restrooms and arrived at the corner, Jimin spun me around and hurled me, my back hitting the wall with a small thud. His right hand hit the granite on the side of my head, while he looked down at the floor and took a deep breath. My heels made us almost the same height, so there was no obstruction between us. His head snapped up sharply, looking me dead in the eyes, glancing at my mouth and breathing heavily.

I felt his warm breath on my skin and I shuddered- I couldn't look away even if I tried. He lingered for a second, as thought giving me an opportunity to back away if so I wished. In the flash of a second his right hand grasped the side of my neck and his lips crashed onto mine. My neck tensed up and balls of fire exploded in my gut while I unknowingly kissed him back. His left hand snaked around my waist and he palmed my lower back, pressing me to him. His lips were warm and soft against mine but his kiss was rough and hungry. His other hand gripped my neck tighter, guiding my head in the same rhythm as his. Our bodies were flush against each other's' and my back arched off the cold granite. His grip pressed harder and he inched me higher, propped against his body. Our mouths ravished one another's as my hands went around his neck and slid into his hair. Moments later, my thigh was wrapped around his leg and my dress hitched higher. Just as both his hands seized my waist to lift me up, the thump of the door being swung open snapped us out of our trance. I stood upright, smoothing my dress over and he kept his hands on the sides of my head, leaning downward with his forehead on my cheek, inhaling heavily. A second later he stood up straight, fixing his jacket and brushing his hand through the back of his head.

Jungkook approached us, yelling "what are you guys doing here? Everyone's doing celebratory shots! Come on!" he said, not having seen anything, and so, suspecting nothing.

I blinked rapidly a couple of times and chimed in, "oh! Shots! Wait up, I'm coming!" I took Jungkook's hand and started rushing, brushing off Jimin's hand that mildly grazed on my elbow, refusing to turn back to look at the man to keep myself from melting.

What the fuck. I dismissed the thoughts out of my head. I'll think about it later.

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