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Soon, the boys were all dressed and we left for the venue. Taehyung requested me to go in their vehicle with them, but I slithered out by saying that I needed to be with Mia. He pouted and I patted his head, sending him off with the rest of the boys. Jimin hadn't even made eye contact with me, and I was starting to get real sick of his mood swings. Well, fuck you too.

We settled into the green room and made the last-minute changes to the boys' looks and sent them off with well wishes. They returned from their very successful performance, all drenched and breathless and we fixed them up for the rest of the show before deciding to take off.

"Mia, you can go. Tara, I suggest you stay, just in case something is required. But as soon as the show is wrapped you can leave." Said the manager at a very pouty two women. Mia left, assuring me that she would be out of my house by the time I got back. I sat in the green room for the duration of the show, bored out of my mind. As soon as the MCs announced the end of the show, I raced out to check the catalogue- noticing one missing jacket. Going back to the green room to look at the boys in the monitor, I sighed on seeing that Jimin chose to continue wearing the jacket for the rest of the show. I sighed as loud as I ever had in my whole entire life. I'm supposed to send these back to the building.

I decided to send the catalogue to the building the next day, once I had everything back in place and rushed to inform Sejin about the jacket situation. He agreed to have it sent to my house as soon as possible and so I grabbed both bags of product and rushed to the car. Hurriedly, I shoved everything into the trunk and took off, not wanting to run into anyone. The driver helped me get the bags up to my house and I thanked him, before checking for Mia.

Mia was gone and I grinned to myself, wearing only lingerie freely around the house after showering. I made myself a salad and began eating while gently swaying to Tinashe's 'All Hands On Deck' that played in the background. My peaceful dancing and dinner was interrupted by the doorbell, and I sprinted into the bedroom. Securing my robe around my body, I made for the door, brushing the hair out of my face. Did Mia leave something back?

I lowered the volume on my phone and swung the door open, looking up at Park Jimin leaning on the wall- all tight jeans and grey sweatshirt- with today's jacket slung around his shoulder.

"Hello," he said, salaciously, pushing off the wall. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."    

Running In Circles // pjm.Where stories live. Discover now