chapter 1

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"I love youuuu!", Jimin said, smiling at me so happy, I never saw that before.

"Thank you so much aaaaah!", he screeched excitedly.

"Wow bitch calm down", I chuckled, taking off my jacket, hanging it on the coat stand and straightening my clothes.

"THAANKS", he repeated once again and started to suck on one of the many lollipops I bought for him.

I looked around in our living room which was painted in a beautiful light grey, over to the large window which spread across the right side of the living room, a grey couch with a small table in front of it. It was perfect in my eyes, the perfectly placed decorations on the walls, the tables and all the other belonging stuff.

 It was perfect in my eyes, the perfectly placed decorations on the walls, the tables and all the other belonging stuff

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Seconds after I let myself down next to Jimin who was sitting on the couch, a couple entered the apartment.

"Wowowow! Namjoonie! JIN! Do you have food?", I immediately asked.

"We haven't seen each other for wee-okay I understand you though my food is delicious as fuck so why not, yeah I have something for you", Jin answered, coming in together with Namjoon.

"Wow you're for once wearing your glasses", Jin snickered. Yes I wore glasses but only because I had to sometimes. I just looked like a complete trashbag so why not just add the sweatpants, glasses and messy bun? I was just living together with Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok in a shared apartment anyways. They saw me at my worst so I didn't really give a fuck about my looks towards them.

"Yes I am mommy", I smiled teasingly, making Jin tsk.

"Hey Chim Chim give me a lollipop please", Namjoon gave him a weird little smile, making his dimples appear on both sides of his cheeks.

"Only one", Jimin pouted cutely, handing Namjoon over a lollipop.

"How's your life going, haven't seen you in a long ass time", I corrected the position of my glasses and mustered both of them.

"It's alright", Namjoon answered, giving Jin a light smack on his ass.

"Bitch stop they're kids", Jin cursed, bringing some boxes into our kitchen next door.

"We're literally just a few years younger than you", Jimin laughed.

After Jin had prepared the food, Taehyung arrived together with Hoseok and Yoongi.

They must've sensed that Jin came over to prepare dinner because all of them just greeted Namjin normally like every other time.

"Ayee (Y/N)", Yoongi greeted me, "why don't you find yourself a nice guy? I can't see you running around like this in our apartment."

He scrunched up his nose.

"Wow my own friends bully me. I don't need a man I have ice cream and yes I am lonely let's change the subject", I gave him a fake smile, turning my attention to the kitchen because Jin called everyone.

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