chapter 18

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After I had calmed down and got rid of my with tears stained face, I had to refresh my makeup completely because of the red puffy eyes. Jungkook waited in the bathroom with me till I finished putting on some makeup, making him ask a few questions because of the "weird cream and powder stuff" I was using.

Every time Jungkook heard steps he leaned himself against the door, thinking that I didn't notice how he was trying to keep people out of the bathroom. It would've also been really weird for me to come in on that situation. A boy watching a girl who just cried putting on her makeup... in the men's bathroom.

Well anyways Jungkook spoke up again.

"We should just leave, I wouldn't have been here with you the whole wedding anyways. Besides I don't want to face that bastard again. Let's just leave", he suggested, looking at me through the mirror.

"But it's your dad's wedding", I frowned, not wanting to be the reason for him just leaving his dad's wedding.

"It's okay, let's just say goodbye and leave", he told me.

"My god stop doing your makeup already you've gone through so much steps, you look alright now come, it'll get dark soon anyways."

"Alright", I answered after finishing off with a little bit of mascara, packing everything into my purse and following him out of the bathroom.

Right in that moment a man entered the bathroom, obviously judging us but we quickly kept walking.

Jungkook suggested to wait for him outside so I did. After what felt like five minutes he came out, smiling softly at me and taking my hand to pull me with him.

"Hey you can let go now, we aren't in the hall anymore", I told him, looking at our intertwined fingers.

"But, what if that sneaky bitch is stalking us through one of those windows?", Jungkook laughed, "You never know. Let's wait until we are out of sight", he said, but didn't let go even when we arrived at the bus stop after ten minutes and I didn't even notice it since it felt alright, his hand was warming mine.

Only when we sat down in the bus I let go of his hand in order to straighten my dress.

It was around 4 pm when we arrived in the city. I was thinking about the kiss, without even noticing it and getting pissed again.

"Don't you want to get out?", Jungkook asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. The bus was already standing and I hurried up, not looking at him.

"Are you still shocked?", Jungkook asked, looking genuinely worried.


"You look like you are though", he kept saying as we got off the bus.

"Well I am kind of pissed", it slipped out. I didn't want him to know that I was a FREAKING unkissed virgin.

He gave me a questioning side look.


"Mmhforgetit", I blushed and laughed it off, not wanting to talk about it.

"Oh my god", he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Are you still pissed because of that one kiss? What's the big deal about it? And well.. also it seemed like you enjoyed the kiss, kissing me back shyly but you DID KISS BACK!"

"Oh my god could you shut up?", I whisper-screamed because of the curious people who were passing by.

"Maybe I am that pissed because it was my fucking first kiss?!", now that it was said I maybe, just maybe felt a little relieved.

"W-", Jungkook started but only looked at me dumbfounded.

"Ugh", I hid my face in my hands and walked over to the wall of a building at the sideway, making Jungkook follow me.

"What's so special about that?", I asked him, obviously annoyed how he looked at me like he felt sorry or some shit.

"How old are you? Didn't you ever have your first kiss?", Jungkook looked truly surprised.

"No I didn't have it till today! You fucking surprised me with that sudden action, I didn't expect that to happen! And now I have had my first kiss with a guy I don't even like and call asshole and jerk on a daily basis!", I let it all out, being angry.

Was it that horrible? Is the first kiss important? Or is it an overrated fairytale everyone tells us? Is the first kiss a lie? Just like my first kiss was a lie?

"Was that your FIRST KISS?!", he asked one last time. I saw slight guilt in his expression but also something that looked like he was feeling really sorry for me.

"Yeah, it was kind of", I nodded, looking down at my black high heels.

"A kiss shouldn't be like this, it was so forced. My first kiss was forced and with someone I'm not even close to", I explained, not realizing that I might've hurt his feelings with that, even if it was just a little bit.

Jungkook looked like he was thinking, deep in thoughts.

"Just pretend I didn't kiss you", Jungkook broke the silence, "this wasn't your first kiss, this never happened, the kiss you really earn, the perfect kiss will be your first kiss. Just forget about this. I'm sorry."

"You can't just forget something like that", I looked him in the eyes.

If the right kiss comes, you can forget your original first one. I promise", and with that, Jungkook offered his arm for me to link in.

"Let's stop. Let's be nice to each other", Jungkook kindly smiled.

And I linked in.

We walked home together, we didn't talk, the only things heard were the rustling dry leaves, the gentle wind that surrounded us and our steps, which seemed endless.


I really hope you enjoyed this chapter

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Byeeeeeeeeeeeee rawr :]

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