chapter 8

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A minute later the lady came back with two hands full of dresses, hardly being able to even see me behind the big pile of dresses in front of her face.

"Let's get this shit started."

The lady slightly pushed me into the dressing room after I shot a last angry look at Jungkook. But he was just sitting there in his black suit, enjoying my suffering.

"I really don't wanna do this", I sighed.

"Your boyfriend just wants you to look pretty, I'll help you", the lady's red lips formed a kind smile as both of us heard Jungkook clearing his throat loudly after snorting.

"Ew! First of all, that guy over there for sure isn't my boyfriend. And he just wants to see me suff-"

"Put that one on first!", the lady apparently didn't even listen to me, throwing a bright pink dress towards my direction.

I caught it with one hand and looked at the red lipstick lady for some seconds before realizing that she didn't plan to leave me alone in the dressing room.

"Ugh I won't look darling", she tsked, turning around and letting me undress quickly before I put on the bright pink dress which I wanted to rip off my body immediately once I saw it in the mirror.

"Ready", I mumbled and the lady turned around while I opened the door. Jungkook almost choked on his water as he saw me like this, laughing loudly.

"I guess this isn't the right dress", I gritted my teeth, slamming the door shut and undressing again, this time not bothered by the existence of that lady.

The next two or three dresses weren't very pretty either. One made my butt and boobs completely disappear, one was way too short, not even a stripper would've worn that.

In the end I put on a navy blue dress which hugged my upper body and my waist perfectly tight but fell down loose from my waist. My sides were covered by nothing but navy blue lace. The dress had very pretty details on the upper half and I fell in love with that immediately. It was a perfect mix of sexy, chic and cute.

"It's pretty cool I think", I told the lady while looking at myself in the mirror.

"This is perfect, love. Let's show this to your... whatever", she nodded nervously, opening the door and motioning me to go to Jungkook.

His gaze was on his phone for the first few seconds but then I cleared my throat awkwardly, leading him to look up slowly.

I stood there, awkwardly folding my hands together behind my back and looking at him with an expectant expression.

"This is the one I think", Jungkook shortly nodded and mustered me from head to toe as I turned around slowly.

"Yeah it hugs her figure nicely and the colour fits her eyes perfectly, we'll take it", Jungkook gladly smiled at the lady.

After I got out of the dress and into my cozy clothes again, I walked over to the counter where Jungkook was giving the lady some money. Well it was a lot.

"Why would you buy such an expensive dress?", I asked as soon as we got out of the shop.

"You'll know soon enough. Also, for me this wasn't a big amount of money. Now come or else we'll miss the bus", he lead the way after rolling his eyes for the nth time that day and I just followed him.

The whole bus ride I couldn't help but think about the beautiful dress which I now owned. I didn't think that I would actually like seeing myself in a dress but that one surprised me.

As soon as we entered the apartment together, Hoseok stood there in front of the door, in the middle of stuffing his mouth with some sweets. He stopped his movements and looked at us, eyebrows raised and mouth still wide open.

"Wfat wfere you tfo dfoing?", Hoseok wasn't able to talk normally but that didn't bother him at all.

I decided to let Jungkook talk since I didn't want to explain to Hoseok that Jungkook bought a dress for me to wear on his dad's wedding, just because he is threatening me to post an embarrassing video of me dancing and singing on his famous ass instagram account. Yeah.

"Ugh we just had to get something important", Jungkook shortly answered with a blank expression.

"Uh-huh", Hoseok nodded, cocking one eyebrow now, smiling devilishly.

I took off my coat and my shoes before leaving the two of them in the hallway and locking myself into my room.

I spent the rest of the rainy day in my bed, reading a book I recently found in Jimin's room and enjoying some WatchCut videos before continuing with the new episode of the drama I was watching then. (a/n: daS actually mE)

As the sun set I heard a door closing loudly all of a sudden, making me flinch. I took out my ear phones to know what's going on but there was silence, only a pair, no two pairs of footsteps. They sounded weird, they went from fast to slow again and I heard some chuckles.

It got louder until I heard those sounds in front of my door. Out of curiousity I stood up and sneaked over to my door, pressing my ear against it. It sounded... kinda wet. And I definetely heard a boy whisper something.

What is this sOund?!

Like bitch I am ready to write this book but the thing is I don't have enough time because of fucking school
I am trying tho, thank you for those who support this stpry already♡♡

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Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :))

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