chapter 3

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//a week before - Jungkook's pov//

Hey babe
sent 11.23

Where r uuu I just went to ur house but ur not theeere
sent 11.27

sent 11.34

I decided to just give up since she didn't answer my messages and didn't open the door. Actually I was going for some grocery shopping but once I didn't find Miyoung I didn't want to anymore since we went together nearly every time.

After ten minutes of walking I finally reached the house I lived in together with my dad, his soon-to-be wife and her son, my step brother. As soon as I opened the door I heard muffled noises and whining which made me wonder since Daehyun was supposed to be alone at home so I was worried that something might've happened.

I rushed up our stairs to Daehyun's room and swung open the door only to a traumatizing scene being exposed to me which made me choke on my own breath.

What happened in front of my eyes was horrible and disgusting in every single way.

Simply because I saw my girlfriend sitting on top of my step brother, while being completely naked.

"Fucking shit!", Daehyun screamed, trying to cover himself up.

"What the- OH MY GOD HOLY SHIT", Miyoung screeched, trying to pull the blanket over her completely exposed body in panic.

I was speechless at first but my uncontrollably anger took me over in a second.

"Wow you whores are fucking behind my back", I tried to remain calm, not wanting to spend my precious energy on those rats.

"I- babe I can-"

"Explain?", I interrupted her, laughing sarcastically.

But Miyoung remained silent, just staring at me with puppy eyes.

"Bro, I-", Daehyun started talking but I interrupted again.

"Oh you fucking dickhead don't even start talking you had your eyes on my girlfriend for a long time so don't even try to come up with something", I crossed my arms in front of my chest, controlling my anger, trying not to punch a hole through Daehyun's pathetic face.

"I didn't mean to do it I swear! I didn't want this it wasn't my intention!", Miyoung defended herself, tears shining in her eyes.

"Oh so you just fell, accidently landed on my step brother's dick and bounced on it right?"

With these words I disappeared in my room, a complete silence filling my ears after that.

I took my backpack, only putting in two sweaters and two pairs of jeans before writing a little note for my dad.

Hi dad,
I had to leave, don't worry about me, I just have to due to some reasons.
I'll call you some time, promise
Love you, Jungkook

It hurt me deeply to write that note because I had a very good relationship to my dad, different than others. I knew he would always worry and care about me but I couldn't live one more minute with the ass rat called Daehyun.

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