chapter 23

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//the next day - your pov//

It was already 11am when I got out of my bed and had something for breakfast. Everything was normal, just like every other day. Only that I was all alone in the house. And that time for real, there couldn't be a Jungkook who would come out of nowhere and record me while being my weird self.

So I got in the mood again, dancing around and singing along for only five minutes when I received a text.


Are you at home rn?

Yeah why?

Can we talk?

Uhm.. okay sure

I turned off the music and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

As I dried myself off I heard a faint knock at the bathroom door.

"I'll be ready in five minutes!", I shouted and continued getting ready.

After that I opened the door, searching for Jungkook.

I found him in his room, sitting on his bed, back against the wall while he just stared blankly at the lamp on the other side of the room.

"Is everything okay?", I asked him worriedly, weirding myself out because we never used to care.

"Yes- actually.. uhm no", he gave me a weak smile, his legs now pulled close to his chest and his chin resting on his knees.

"Whats wrong?", I furrowed by eyebrows, giving him a questioning look.

He sighed and looked away from me who was standing next to his bed.

"You know that I visited my granny yesterday morning right?", I nodded, sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"So we went to the doctor because she wasn't feeling good at all, she was  weak and couldn't walk properly. When the doctor looked at everything, he found this spot on her arm and told us to come back the next day. When we went there today, first we waited for a very long time but then the doctor came in, telling us the results from the day before", he gulped before taking a deep breath.

"They explained all kinds of symptoms, all kinds of weird things I didn't understand which led to one fact. She... has cancer", he said with a trembling voice, nodding absentmindedly, his eyes tearing up.

I didn't know what to do, turning around to sit next to him, back against the wall.

Jungkook quickly hid his face in his hands, sobbing quietly.

As I looked at him, it felt as if my heart was ripped apart. I laid one of my hands on his shoulder, caressing it soothingly and playing with his hair carefully as I took a hand from his face in mine.

"No...", I was speechless, not being able to say anything at that moment.

Now Jungkook's forehead rested on his knees and he looked down so that I was now seeing the tears rolling down his cheek slowly. I drew circles on his hand, apparently calming him down a bit as he stopped sobbing.

"They said she has cancer, stage three and that it gets worse very quickly in her case. She will have to stay at the hospital, there she will be taken care of", Jungkook told me, closing his eyes.

Without thinking about it for too long, I carefully pulled his head towards me, making him look at me in confusion.

I placed his head on my shoulder and laid my arm on his shoulder. I felt like I was the strong, tall one out of the two of us.

After a few minutes of sitting like that I heard him sobbing quietly again.

"It's okay", I quietly said, making him let out a short and louder sob.

We sat there like this for I don't know how long, I tried to comfort him in any way possible.

"She is the only person left in my life, you know?", Jungkook dried off his tears with the sleeves of his oversized pullover.

"I know, I know", I nodded. What else could I say? We knew what was going to happen in that scenario and we had no way to stop it since Jungkook's grandma was very old and weak already.

"What should I do now?", he sighed deeply, meeting my eyes.

"You should try to spend as much time as you can together with her I think", I suggested, knowing that this was what my parents did before my uncle died.

"But I'm living two hours away from her", he ran a hand through his hair.

"Doesn't she have a house there? I think you could stay there and maybe take care of everything. You can visit her every day then", I said, Jungkook who was sitting there, his world breaking, made me shed a small tear without realizing it.

His situation was another one. When my grandparents died, I still had my parents and friends. It was a huge loss for us, of course. But he said that his grandma is the most important person in his life, he is left alone without her. He has us, the people in the apartment, yes. But she was still a huge impact in his life.

He slowly nodded, his swollen eyes closing for a second as complete silence spread in the room.

"I think I will have to do that... but maybe", he trailed off.


"Maybe you could come with me? As emotional support? I don't know if I can do all of this alone and also I don't know how long I will be there and... I don't think I can be alone", he nearly whispered, his red and swollen eyes meeting mine now.

It broke my heart to see him like that, a situation which I could've never imagined.

"I am going with you", I nodded determinedly.


I have an oral exam upcoming... In fricking French who tf thought this would be a good idea

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter oh wait I think you don't like what's happening :(

I still hope you'll continue reading my story

Hopefully see you soon♡

Byeeeeeeee :))

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