chapter 12

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"Hello", she said, kinda confused but sat down as Soomin made some space right next to her.

"(Y/N), this is Jisoo, my girlfriend."

I widened my eyes as the unfamiliar girl sat down next to Soomin.

She had beautiful short and straight hair which went down in a silky and dark brown flow. That girl named Jisoo was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen and the couple had so much luck with having each other.

 That girl named Jisoo was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen and the couple had so much luck with having each other

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"YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!", I asked, mouth wide open.

"Yeees", Soomin chuckled cutely, linking her arm with the girl's.

"Oh my god! I am so happy for you, like what... this is so awesome! How did you meet?", I was more excited than they were but I was so genuinely happy for them.

"Actually it was right here", Jisoo smiled and nodded, removing Soomin's arm and intertwining their fingers instead.

"No way", I raised my eyebrows, nearly exploding as I wanted to know every little detail.

"I sat down across from her because there was no place anymore it was unusually full that day", Soomin smiled, showing her dimples after giving Jisoo a quick side glance.

"You could've totally sat down outside or to another person", Jisoo playfully rolled her eyes and laughed softly, covering her mouth.

"I can't believe it you are so cute like I wish I was that happy ohmygodyou'rethesweetest", a smile spread across my face seeing both of them as they shared a glance, not seeming to want to look away again.

"So anyways what were you doing here?", Soomin asked, propping her chin up on her hand

"Actually... don't get the wrong idea, I bought some shoes for a wedding I am going to", I started explaining.

"Oh who's gonna get married?", Soomin asked genuinely interested.

"I told you about Jungkook right? I have to go to his dad's wedding together with him bec-"

"WHAT YOU AND JUNGKOOK", she gasped, not letting me continue.

"I thought he was an asshole but suddenly you're going to meet his DAD", Soomin was really excited.

"Noo I told you, don't get the wrong idea, he still is an asshole and I am kinda forced to go there", I told them, making both of the girls frown.

"Forced?", Jisoo asked.

"Yeah so... he has a video of me dancing and it's really fucking embarrassing so I have to accompany him to his dad's wedding for him not to post that video and delete it", I rolled my eyes.

Soomin nodded, looking as if she was thinking.

"But why does he want you to go with him? Jungkook has so many girls", she mumbled.

"I don't think that any of these one night stands would accompany him to a wedding, especially not his dad's wedding."

"Yeah okay you might be right", she nodded and took another spoonful of ice cream.

"The wedding is already in two weeks I am so stressed", I ran my fingers through my hair, my mind trailing off.

The three of us ate our ice cream together, talked about random things and well, somehow ended up at our apartment.

"I'm just gonna warn you, Jungkook can be straightforward and also a total jerk", I told Jisoo and Soomin before opening the door to our apartment.

Soomin hasn't been there for some months already so she didn't meet Jungkook in person yet. That was the first time.

"AAAAH SOOMIN!", Jimin squeaked as he entered the hallway and stared at us for a few seconds. He literally threw himself at her, hugging her tightly. Both of them went to the same school as me, that's how we met each other.

"I missed you Jiminie", Soomin laughed, letting go of him.

"Hi", Jimin hesitantly greeted the girl with the unfamiliar face.

"Hey, I'm Jisoo", she smiled, which made her look so cute and beautiful.

"I'm Jimin", he now confidently responded.

"She is my girlfriend", Soomin smiled contently while Jimin gasped and clapped his hands out of some reason.

"Wow you're getting all grown up", Jimin cupped his own cheeks smiling cutely, "I am so happy for you! And... it was Jisoo right? Feel free to come here whenever you want to."

"Thank you Jimin", Jisoo responded happily.

We entered the living room together, not knowing that we would meet the rest of our friends sitting there and talking loudly. Well everyone besides Yoongi and Hoseok because they were busy kissing each other while Hoseok was sitting in Yoongi's lap.

"Boys! Soomin's back!", I shouted over their loud voices, causing everyone to shut up.

The first one to react was Taehyung who stood next to Jimin at that moment. Soon everyone greeted her, showering with hugs and questions about her life. It was depressing that I never got that attention. Maybe because they saw me every day anyways and knew that I was a lonely piece of shit without any job or love life.

"So she doesn't like boys? That's sad because her ass looks hella fine", I heard a whisper right next to my ear and jumped.

"What the fuck don't scare me like that!", I whisper-screamed, making Jungkook chuckle quietly, his breath brushing against my neck.

"And no. She doesn't. She has a girlfriend, as you can see", I told him in a warning tone and turned around to face him.

"Ugh yes", he rolled his eyes, distancing himself from me again.

Fucking jerk...

I clenched my teeth and tried a smile as Jimin gave me a questioning look.

We ate lunch together that day which made it a little bit cramped since there were two other people so that in total ten people were sitting at the table. Bit we somehow managed to do it.

Two weeks... I thought as I went to bed later that day.

Two fucking weeks till I die I'm nervous, I thought while slowly drifting off to sleep.

Whoop whoop
So many homework
Thanks fucking teachers
Slay fucking teachers.

But I love you guys
Everyone who's reading my story, I love you



Love yall


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