chapter 16

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"They're coming, I will delete the video if- I will take you out to eat, I'll pay everything but plea-", Jungkook sounded slightly angry but still tried to look nice and happy because it wouldn't take long for the shitheads to get to the bench.

"Then just kiss me you fucking asshole."


And surprisingly his pathetic ass kissed me.

His pathetic ass gently grabbed the sides of my face, slightly lifting my chin up before brushing a strand of hair behind my ear carefully.

It was at this moment, I realized I fucked up. I've never really had my first kiss and it was not good at all that Jungkook was coming nearer and nearer to my face. My breath hitched as Jungkook softly placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

This is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good...
this is fucking good...

I thought that I must've lost my mind as I hesitantly started kissing back. But as soon as I did that, I had a sudden feeling of loss and felt that his soft and warm lips weren't on mine anymore.

Fuck, fuck, fuck what have you done you fucking idiot you just lost your first kiss to a person you practically hate!

Quickly I opened my eyes, blushing madly. I couldn't even think about how much I hated myself at that moment. Jungkook just responded to my little shock with a smirk.

As I looked up again, I already saw the couple from before standing in front of us awkwardly.

"Oh hey", Jungkook greeted nonchalantly as if nothing ever happened before.

"Hey", the couple responded simultaneously and I noticed a strained smile from both of them but especially from the girl's side.

"Oh excuse me", Jungkook cleared his throat and lightly wrapped his arm around my waist, "This is (Y/N)."

Jungkook smiled at me happily and I wouldn't be able to tell if that was fake or not, if I didn't know the truth.

"Okay, we're gonna get going then", the ex-girlfriend hurried a little, pulling Jungkook's brother along.

"Nailed it", Jungkook stated after they disappeared.

"She is totally jealous what is wrong with her", I agreed but got srious right after because of thinking of what happened right before. I wasn't ready... and now my first kiss was with Jungkook.

"Fuck Jungkook that wasn't good", I sighed, slightly frustrated.

"What?", he had no clue and he wouldn't understand my Problem. Jungkook is the Boy who has already kissed about 3496 Girls or something like that. It doesn't matter to him at all. But that was my first kiss and I was kind of pissed.

"The fact that we just kissed", I said, trying hard not to blush even though I knew I couldn't control it.

"Are you a small child or what? I'll treat you to a meal tomorrow, it's no big deal, calm down", he shrugged it off.

"Yes it is a fucking big deal", I mumbled to myself.

After what seemed like half an hour of freezing outside of the church, a white car pulled up. Jungkook quickly got up and pulled me towards the crowd by my wrist.

Before the car stopped, we were standing at the very front of the crowd. We built a path for the groom to go through, preparing it with rose petals. The front foor opened and a tall man in a very masuline wedding suit got out and we all together got into the church and sat down to wait for the bride.

Jungkook's father stood in front of the altar, smiling happily. He looked a little older than he actually was. Jungkook told me he was 40 years old and the bride was 39 years old.
His face was a little wrinkly but he didn't look strict or serious like most men with wrinkles did, he lookef like a happy man.

Jungkook told me tp stay in my seat while he went to to front, greeting and hugging his dad, talking to him shortly.

After about ten minutes finally the doors in the back of the church opened, revealing the bride. She was wearing a dress I could've only imagiend disney princesses to wear. It was white with some lace here and there, also so many other details, they can't even be named by me.

Beautiful music was played which completed her surprisingly very elegant walk. That was actually only my second wedding I've been to and I already thought it was the most beautiful because of the luxurious-looking church and all the flowers and decorations.

Both of them were smiling happily, their eyes were sparkling.

The wedding ceremony went by fast, they kissed in the end, everybody clapping and cheering.

Throughout the time in the church I often caught Jungkook's ex looking at me, making her look away immediately.

She seemed really pathetic.

At first she cheated on Jungkook with his brother, after that she became his girlfriend and appeared with him at the wedding of Jungkook's dad, being all salty and jealous.

I wouldn't have been surprised if she had forced herself onto Jungkook that day.

But I was surprised by someone else...
Was this chapter boring?

I am so sorry that I'm letting you wait for so long, I'm just having a total block idk.. I hope you'll keep reading :)

Soooo what'll happen next time?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Don't forget to vote♡♡ you'll get a cookie from my pathetic ass( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Byeeeeeeee :))

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