chapter 9

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It got louder until I heard those sounds in front of my door. Out of curiousity I stood up and sneaked over to my door, pressing my ear against it. It sounded... kinda wet. And I definetely heard a boy whisper something.

What is this sOund?!

Carefully I glanced through my keyhole, trying not to make any sound. But the only thing I saw through it was someone's back which I guessed was Jungkook's, since his room was right in front of mine and I thought I could hear him mumbling something very quietly.

I opened the door a very little bit, just enough to peek through it and see some girl pinned against Jungkook's door while he was holding her by her hips and kissing her roughly.

Oh my god that's what the sound was coming from! Eww...

I quickly closed my door again, careful not to make a sound, which they wouldn't have heard anyways because of their make out.

He is such a man whore... honestly what the fuck is wrong with him?, I asked myself, making a weird face out of slight disgust.

How come that I'm the only one not fucking around? Everybody, Yoongi and Hobi, Tae and Jimin, Jungkook and strangers... the walls were not that thick okay?

"If he's gonna get it on I'm probably gonna have to sleep on the couch because that would keep me up all night long", I mumbled to myself absentmindedly.

Fucking shit what is wrong with him?

After some seconds I sat down onto my bed and heard a door clising and locking, nearly making the noises disappear.

I took my earphones, placed my laptop in my lap again and continued watching random videos to keep me busy. But I still had the feeling that I heard some loud bumps or other noises from time to time, leading me to turn up the volume of my video.

At 10pm I changed into my baby blue pyjamas with unicorns and hearts on it. Yes.

Since I was hungry I shambled into the kitchen, trying to fade out the weird noises coming from across my room.

I am disgusted... I scrunched up my nose.

In the kitchen I got myself something to eat, some yoghurt with fruit since I at least tried to be healthy. I silently hummed a song that has been stuck in my head for like forever, while I cut myself some strawberries and apples.

"He took me back to East Atlanta nanana", Hoseok finished the lyrics, smiling brightly at me as he entered the kitchen. I turned around and smiled shortly.

"Wait... you're here? I thought you were with Jungkook", Hoseok looked truly surprised to see me in the kitchen in my pyjamas.

"No ew! What are you thinking! I would never- What?!", I was offended that he thought about me like that and lightly hit his arm.

"Wait you can hear that? Your and Yoongi's room is literally at the end of the corridor", I frowned.

"Well they are loud for sure", Hoseok scratched the back of his head.

"Awesome... then sleeping in the living room won't do... Well it's better that being right across from that room", I scrunched up my nose, mixing the fruit together with the yoghurt in a bowl.

Suddenly we heard a loud but muffled high pitched moan making me cringe really hard.

"Wow looks like Jungkook knows what he's doing", Hoseok laughed, clapping his hands weirdly.

"I want to throw up right now, seriously. How can I look at him again after hearing something like that?", I whined, taking my bowl from the table and walking past Hoseok who was just laughing.

"But... what is his problem though?", I stopped once again, turning around.

"He told me what happened to him and his girlfriend and his brother but... why the fuck would he use those girls?", I was still confused even though I understood his problem.

"He needs to process everything... we can't help it right now. Just try and be nice to him, that's the least we can do for him now", Hobi smiled reassuringly, patting my shoulder and leaving the room.

"Process my ass... as if he wouldn't enjoy it", I mumbled to myself and brought my food into the living room. After that I grabbed some blankets and a pillow from my room and cuddled myself up on the sofa.

"This doesn't help shit", I groaned, trying to cover my ears with my pillow but I could still hear that annoying high pitched voice. I was really wondering how that could go on for so long...

Eventually I fell asleep after what seemed like hours to me.

The next morning I woke up with a sore neck due to our uncomfortable sofa. It may look really good but it doesn't feel as good as it looks. Just like push-up bras...
But that's another kind of subject.

I got up, carefully straightening my pyjamas and tying my hair into a loose knot.

I heard some giggles from the kitchen which made me curious.

"Okay then, I'll go now. It was fun", I heard a female voice saying, obviously trying to sound cute or something, making me cringe really hard.

I walked up to the kitchen without even realizing that I would find Jungkook and his slut, aHEM sorry, girl from last night right there. She literally threw herself onto him, smudging a kiss on his lips while he seemed a little distant.

"Oh", the blonde girl widened her eyes as she saw me, "is this the girl you were talking about?"

"Uhm what?", I immediately asked.

"No wonder that she's still a virgin."


I'm trying hard

I love you guys

This book has to become good somehow lol

I hoe you'll keep reading :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeee :)

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