chapter 20

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And when I finally found Jungkook's account, my mouth dropped open.

I accidentally played the sound of the first video that was shown, out loud so that also Jungkook could hear what I was watching on his instagram account, his eyes widening.

On my screen I saw the video Jungkook apparently recorded with snapchat, because there was a heart edited with that grey stripe.

"What the fuck?!", I whisper-screamed.

"Fuck oh my god (Y/N)... I can explain!", Jungkook hurried to come up with an explanation.

"Explain!", I now demanded louder than before being furious but still trying to hold it back because I didn't want to cause a scene in that fancy restaurant.

"I-... actually I can't fucking explain", Jungkook ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Fuck why did you search my instagram account?", Jungkook looked angry and later I realized that he was like that because he couldn't stand being embarrassed, it was humiliating for him, not just normal embarrassment.

But I felt humiliated.

Suddenly the waiter stood next to us, asking for us to order something to eat. Both of us quickly ordered something, Jungkook blushing hardly.

I accidentally spoke a little sassy and with gritted teeth while ordering but he didn't give us any more attention and just turned on his heels after taking our order.

"You fucking promised!", I was on the verge of tears as I thought about how I believed him.

"Ugh I have to go to the bathroom", I hissed, leaving Jungkook dumbfounded as he tried to say anything to find an apology.

As I left for the bathroom I got weak but furious at the same time. Tears were threatening to come out as I opened the door to the bathroom.

Normally I didn't get that emotional so easily but Jungkook broke me. I never trusted him but this one time I believed him, I trusted him and he lied to me. Things like these always happened to me.

"Do you know what I don't understand?", I started ranting as I got back to our table. I had already checked my makeup in the bathroom before and collected my mind.

"I was the fair girl, coming with you to your dad's wedding, playing your girlfriend and even kissing you because you wanted to. And what did I get from all of that? You fucking broke our deal and posted a video which is really embarrassing me okay? I trusted you once and you just don't give a shit", I emptied my glass of sprite without any emotions showing on my face.

As I finished my rant I mustered Jumgkook's face in disbelief and saw something I couldn't quite figure what it was.

Sadness? Or guilt? I hoped it was guilt and I hoped he felt bad.

"I-I just deleted it", Jungkook didn't dare to look me in the eyes.

"But can you please let me explain just so that I don't look like a 100 per cent weird ass creep?", he lowered his voice.

"Fine", I answered, not being really excited for his answer.

"First of all that video isn't something you should've been embarrassed of, just watch it some times, honestly you're not that bad", I just frowned to that point.

"And also your face is not seen so nobody knows it's you. Well besides Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, Tae and Hoseok but... well...", he continued and trailed off.

"I am really sorry, I could bite myself in the ass for what I've done because I now realize how pathetic I was. It was pathetic of me to try and make my ex jealous by acting as if you were my girlfriend because if that person only would have known, I knew a person like you, she would have already lost her mind.
I tried making her jealous because she cheated on me but even though I did it, that  doesn't make me any happier and there are so many other... girls.
I used you and I deeply regret it and I hope you can forgive me and eat with me now because you don't deserve the shit I did", Jungkook took a deep breath after blurting all of that out.

"Okay but why did your ugly ass post the video? How would that make her jealous?", I now asked calmer because I still didn't quite understand why he had to post that video with a freaking heart emoji.

"Because then she would see... that I like other girls, I know it's pathetic and I used that word like 57 times now but... she would see that I like girls who can let loose, girls who aren't so uptight, girls who can wear pyjamas and messy hair and still look good, girls who would stop to help old people crossing a busy street, girls who are who they are and girls who wouldn't chase after other boys... girls who aren't like her", and with that explanation, I got soft.

Fuck he got me

"Yup, I'm a 100 per cent weird ass creep", he sighed, playing with the white pearls which decorated our table.

"Only like a 87 per cent weird ass creep", I chuckled softly, my anger slowly fading away.

"Wait how do you know I help old people cross the street?", I wondered, my face slightly heating up.

"Oh I once saw you while I was driving home in the bus", Jungkook shrugged.

"Are we okay now?", he frowned and had a kind of begging look in his face.

"Wow you aren't as badboy as I always thought", I rolled my eyes in amusement.

"We are okay", I nodded after thinking for a second.

Everyone makes mistakes. It's okay, my face was not shown and well...

I calmed down and five minutes later the waiter came with our food and we sat there for long, enjoying it and even getting to know each other a little.

In the end he paid for everything, while I was feeling really bad due to the prices of the food. But he said it was alright.

We stepped out of the restaurant as a cool breeze hit our faces. It was already 5 pm and it got darker outside. Walking slowly and comfortably to the next bus stop while it was silent on the streets and the only thing we heard were the rustling leaves and us, talking about funny things we've seen on the internet, it was the perfect ending of that day.

Oh my goood I really liked writing this chapter

I guess I love a little drama

I hope you liked this chapter, also thank you for over 100 followers, love all of you so much♡

I really appreciate all of you taking your time to read my stories, it's beautiful.

Byebyebyebye :)

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