chapter 4

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//the next morning - your pov//

Since I didn't have a job, I always woke up late without any responsibilities, even though I needed to think about making money.

Just like every day I woke up in my cute pyjamas. First I got into the bathroom and took a hot shower.
Once I was ready I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, being exposed to the ice cold air in the bathroom which caressed my body leading to goosebumps.

I quickly slipped into my favourite pastel blue sweater and a pair of leggings before putting my hair into some kind of updo I didn't quite understand myself.

After that I slurped into the kitchen and made myself some toast with a glass of orange juice.

In the middle of my lonely breakfast I heard quick footsteps coming from the doorway.

Let's just hope it's not the jerk again...

But as I poured myself some orange juice, the steps got louder and I suddenly saw a blonde girl with an extremely short dress and a blue bag in her hand quickly walking past the kitchen, not even noticing me. Even as she accidentally dropped her shoes in front of the kitchen before quickly picking them up and opening the door, disappearing a second later.

What the hell was that and who is she and why is she here and what

I decided to ignore it at first and ask Jimin about that later so I continued to eat.

Just minutes later I heard another pair of footsteps. Or maybe two. I heard Jimin laughing about something another male said.

Jimin and Jungkook entered the kitchen together.

"Good morniing", a wide smile spread across Jimin's face.

"Morning", I answered, continuing to eat my toast as they just stared at me for some seconds, hands in the pockets of their sweatpants.

"Soooo... let's eat together I'm just gonna get... something from my room", Jimin awkwardly said, looking at me and nodding shortly.

"O...kay", I frowned.

As soon as he left I took the opportunity and asked Jungkook.

"Uhm... by any chance... did you have a girl over last night? I was just wondering because there just came a girl rushing out of the apartment and you're the only straight guy here", I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah", he shortly responded, taking a milk package out of the fridge and taking a sip.

"Did you...?", I didn't know why I asked that but I was just curious because that girl literally ran out of the apartment.

His expression went completely blank before he answered with a simple "yes".

I nodded and continued to eat my toast while Jungkook sat down at the other end of the table.

So apparently he's the one night stand kind of guy... hallelujah

Throughout the following week I saw that he had two or three other girls over for a night before they left again in the morning. That made me wonder what was going on with him.

I bet he's a fuckboy, playing with all of his girls.. ugh

I couldn't understand why people did things like that. When you looked at me you saw that I was perfectly fine even though I was lonely and didn't have somebody besides my friends.

"Hey Jimin", I greeted him as I found him sitting on our sofa in the living room.

He cutely smiled at me in response before turning towards the tv again.

"Can I ask you something?", I spoke up after watching some cartoon with him for a few minutes.

"Yeah f'course", he mumbled tiredly.

"So about the new boy", I started slowly, knowing that Jimin gets offended easily, even if it's something about his friends, "you said he was nice and chill right?"

He nodded.

"Well... could you tell me why he has three girls over in a week? No offense but just like... a fuckboy? Not that it annoys me or anything, I am only confused because you told me nice things about him. He seems rather empty and annoyed the whole time than relaxed or chill or cool. I KNOW I'M OVERREACTING but I don't understand. And besides that, he's a new member of our apartment now and I'm getting annoyed"

"It's nothing, don't worry (Y/N). Maybe he's just having some fun", Jimin answered quicker than usual which made me suspicious.

"I just mean-"

"Are you that interested in me?", a male voice suddenly appeared, making me flinch.

HaPpY haLLoWeEn
That's a short ass chapter for Halloween but here you gooo :)

Oh sheet this came out the day after halloween but nvm

Byeeeeeee :)

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