chapter 10

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"Oh", the blonde girl widened her eyes as she saw me, "is this the girl you were talking about?"

"Uhm what?", I immediately asked.

"No wonder that she's still a virgin."

"Hold the fuck up bitch", I lifted my hand, motioning her to shut up.

"Why would you think that I'm a virgin?"

"Basically because Jungkook right here told me", she smiled. It was an ugly smile, not that I'm judging people or anything but it really was an unsympathetic and ugly devilish smile.

"First of all, don't judge me based on my looks, you know nothing about me", I crossed my arms and saw that Jungkook raised an eyebrow while the blonde chick was mirroring my movement.

"And also", I said, strengthening my voice and shooting a death glare towards Jungkook before turning my attention to that girl again, "don't believe everything people tell you. People say things that aren't true like every single day. I wouldn't trust someone that easily if I was you."

"Oh and by the way, babe, your makeup looks amazing today", I winked at her sassily and turned around, going into the kitchen and hearing a gasp right before a slamming door.

That brought me satisfaction since she didn't talk back and just left angrily.

I flicked my tongue, making myself some breakfast. Seconds later Jungkook entered the kitchen and sighed.


I frowned while placing my bowl with cereal on the table and sitting down. Jungkook sat down right across from me, making me angry again because I remembered that he apparently told that random bitch he only met yesterday that I was a virgin.

"Why so mad?", he asked innocently.

"Hmm.. I don't know let me think. Ugh this is a hard one..."

"Oh maybe because that random bitch just gave me the information that you told her I was a virgin? Not quite sure 'bout that though...", I acted as if I was thinking while anger was boiling inside of me instead.

It wasn't that big of a problem actually, I wouldn't mind if he knew it but telling it around without even being sure about what he said was disrespectful.

"So you're not a virgin?", he poked his inner cheek with his tongue like he did very often.

"First of all, you got nothing to do with that. And also even if I was you have no fucking permission to tell that to some-... girl", I tried to calm down.

"I know that you're a virgin don't try to hide it. The way you dance literally screams virgin", he rolled his eyes, leaning back into his chair.

"Besides that what's the big deal with it? You won't ever meet her again, she was just confused why you were dancing like this so-"

"YOU SHOWED HER THE DAMN VIDEO?! ARE YOU COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR MIND?!", I was furious. Really fucking furious.

"CALM DOWN FUCK! My phone was unlocked and I went to the bathroom for a minute so when I came back she laid there, watching your video", Jungkook explained calmly.

"Why would that person take your phone and look through it?", I asked angrily, shoving a spoon with cereal in my mouth.

"'Cause she was a crazy ass bitch", Jungkook shrugged.

"You're treating them like trash Jungkook", I said quietly after some seconds of silence and continued eating my cereal.

"You pick them up at a club, do things with them and then throw them away like... trash", I didn't look at him because I was feeling weird since I couldn't just order him what to do.

"So you don't like me fucking around?", he gave me a side glance, slowly raising an eyebrow.

"Don't say fucking please."

"You say it all the time though", he shrugged.

"I know", sighing I placed my spoon next to the bowl.

"I just feel bad for the girls. Imagine you would have a sister and she would be treated like that. Wouldn't you want to punch the shit out of the guy who did that?", I asked him, proud of myself that I found such a comparison.

After that it was silent for minutes, Jungkook was looking at the floor as if he wanted to burn holes through it and I stared at the unicorn on my pyjama pants. It looked happy. Disgusting.

Jungkook was the first one to break that numb silence.

"So you aren't a virgin? No guy has ever taken you home, stripped off your clothes and kissed your hole body, from your lips to your thighs?", he asked but looked kinda absentminded. (THIS IS SO CRINGEY TO WRITEBSLSLFNNRW)

"What the fuck Jungk-", I widened my eyes, looking at him as if he just asked me to bury a person he murdered.
(A/N: Great comparison I know)

"No guy has ever whispered into your ear how beautiful you are? And then slammed you against the wall to go down on you before pushing you onto his bed and fucking you right there?"(I REALLY DON'T WANNA DO THIS TO JUNGKOOK BUT THIS IS HIS CHARACTER IN MY BOOK I'M SORRY), Jungkook turned his head so that he was looking right into my in shock widened eyes.

"W-what's wrong with y-you?", I stood up quickly and stomped out of the kitchen, shaking my head in disbelief and hearing a laugh from the kitchen.

I thought he was normal for fuck's sake! On his first days he was so shy and didn't dare to even look at anybody besides his friend, Jimin. He didn't say a word when we were around BUT NOW HE'S ASKING ME IF I AM A VIRGIN IN THE MOST DETAILED wAY EVER?

I needed to process that before being able to face that jerk again without completely blushing. He probably just described every single night he has while I've never done something like that before.

I deeply apologize for perverted and bad Jungkook I hope yall can forgive me and enjoy this ff because I won't change it :)

I love yall guyss♡

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :))

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