chapter 27

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"Of course, this is Cheolmin and this is Bohee, my parents", she answered determinedly with a weak voice.

Jungkook looked at the doctor quickly, meeting his eyes.

"These two are your parents?", the doctor wanted to confirm.


Jungkook slowly shook his head in disbelief.

"I-I'm Jungkook.. your.. Jungie", Jungkook quietly spoke, obviously confusion in his voice.

The doctor signaled us to follow him. We only went a few steps away from the bed.

"What.. what is happening?", Jungkook asked, a frown on his face.

"It is the illness. It plays around with your grandma's brain. She possibly won't know who you are today and tomorrow she might recognize you. It's because of cancer, you never know but you hve to be strong for this. Don't feel offended if she doesn't know who you are, it's normal for cancer patients that their brain isn't functioning that good", the doctor quietly explained while Jungkook's eyes were slowly widening. My heart began beating faster as I tealized that was exactly the same it was with my granny.

Jungkook sighed deeply.

The only thing he could bring out at that moment was a little 'Okay'. His voice was suddenly really shaky and he looked like he was about to cry.

"I am gonna leave you alone now", the young doctor nodded, leaving the room.

"Shit", Jungkook sighed, squeezing his eyes together, pressing his hands against his face for a second.

"I can't believe this", he took away his hands.

"The same happened to my grandma a few years ago", I sadly looked to the floor.

"Come on, we have to give her the porridge", I patted his arm, trying to calm him down at least a little bit.

Jungkook looked empty in his eyes, he knew that there wasn't going to be a happy end, no sunshine, no laughter.

I walked over to the side of the bed where I had placed the bowl with porridge and sat down on a chair.

"Are you hungry?", I asked nìcely to which she nodded in response.

"Here", I said while Jungkook took another chair and sat down next to me, "I made you some porridge, remember? Jungkook told me that you really like it."

"Jung..?", she asked, a genuine look of confusion on her face.

"Grams. It's me, Jungkook. I am your grandson, I am your Jungie", Jungkook explained on the verge of tears.

"I-I don't have a grandson", she looked really worried but decided not to think about it anymore as she looked at the bowl, while Jungkook was getting more desperate.

I opened it for her and placed it on the small table, trying to ignore Jungkook because it broke my heart to see him like that.

Spoon by spoon I fed her, because she was too wwak to even lift her arm up from the bed.

I gave her some water to drink and then again fed her until all of the porridge was gone.

"How was it?", I packed the bowl away and gave her one more sip from the water.

"Thank you sweetheart, it was good", she weakly responded.

"That's good to hear", with a kind smile I lowered the head of her bed again so that she was lying down comfortably.

With a deep sigh she closed her eyes and mumbled something.

"Jungkook and I are going now, tell the women who come here if you need something. You can press the little button there and they will come", I gave her an encouraging smile.

Jungkook hugged her, even though she still seemed lost and we left the hospital.

Throughout the whole ride no one spoke a word. It was pressing me down but I knew how he felt.

//the next day//

That day the doctor told us that Jungkook's grandma got weaker. She slept the whole day and was connected to a machine that gave her enough oxygen since she had a problem with breathing.

We just sat there for a full hour, not talking at all. I noticed that Jungkook was crying on the other side of the bed, even though he was trying to conceal it. Some tears left my eyes at the same time. It remembered me of my grandma's death and I couldn't see other people crying, it made me cry even more.

The next few days were the same, nothing changed. She didn't wake up, not even once.

Every single day was just full of silence, darkness, Jungkook crying himself to sleep.

If I have had to see him any longer like that, I would honestly have a mental breakdown or something.

I couldn't think straight anymore and in the eighth night of him crying himself to sleep, sobbing quietly so that I wouldn't notice, I packed some of the few things I took with me and made my way downstairs into the kitchen very quietly.

On my way to one of the chairs in the kitchen my head started spinning around and I quickly sat down.

It was freezing cold in the kitchen so I put on my big, oversized cardigan. It was silent and dark outside of the window and to be honest, it scared me.

Not because it was dark, not because there might be creepy people outside, not because I couldn't orientate on the dark streets of Busan.

But because I didn't want to leave him like that, I didn't want to just break my promise and leave him alone there, I didn't want him to be lonely while hoping for his grandma to wake up.

On the other side, it made myself break a bit every day.

I slowly got up from the chair, putting on my coat and my scarf because it was a cold night and I was already freezing inside of the house.

As soon as I was ready and dressed, I googled bus stops on my phone because I knew nothing in Busan.
My hands were literally shaking and I didn't feel good at all because of the poor boy that was lying in bed at that moment, completely unknowing about what happened at the moment and I just left him without thinking.

I sighed, being pathetic and hesitantly grabbing all of my bags to get out of there as soon as possible, not thinking about how Jungkook would be feeling.



I hope you will continue reading this story, I am doing my best♡

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