chapter 11

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Time went by fast and it was already August when there were only two weeks left to Jungkook's dad's wedding. In the first weeks after I tried to avoid Jungkook because of his attempts to find out if I was still a virgin, I was surprised because I only witnessed one girl quickly leaving our apartment after a night here. It has nearly been two months without Jungkook fucking around, well at least there weren't any girls at our apartment anymore but I was truly surprised.

Jungkook and I were still arguing and bitching around non stop even after two months. I thought I wouldn't survive it any longer with him in an apartment. I went to the bathroom, he knocked on the door because he wanted to go in the exact same moment.

"I bet you heard that I was getting up and quickly ran to the bathroom to annoy me", I also heard him cursing.

"JUST USE THE OTHER ONE FOR GOD'S SAKE", I shouted and couldn't be more frustrated. He was like the shitty brother who blamed you for every shit that happens.

"BUT YOONGI'S THERE RIGHT NOW THAT WILL TAKE SOME TIME!", Jungkook shouted back, apparently sliding down onto the floor with his back against the door.

Awesome he's gonna tease me all week long if this is going to smell this is fucking embarrassing... but hey this is real life

I was getting frustrated, opened the windows and sprayed some parfume through the air, waving around with my hands like crazy.

Well as I was ready and opened the door, Jungkook didn't consider that the door was opening inwards, not outwards. So me opening the door, caused him to fall back with his head on the floor.

"Aargh fuck", he rubbed his head violently (A/N: the Image of this in my head looks so fucking funny I can't).

"Why didn't you warn me you would open the door?!", he asked in an annoyed tone.

"Why didn't you warn me you would lean against the door? Oh nevermind that was actually funny, thanks for not telling me", I chuckled and left him behind, sitting on the floor.

"WE'RE BACK BITCHES", Taehyung screamed from our entrance, walking into the living room where Yoongi, Hoseok and I were sitting and watching some random cartoon Hoseok chose.

"You weren't here?", I just mumbled, focusing on the TV again. Taehyung pouted, holding a bag in his right hand and Jimin in his left one.

"We got food", Jimin smiled happily, making me want to pinch his cute chubby cheeks.

Oh my god he said food

"That's how you get them excited", Jimin told Taehyung, who was now also smiling, loud enough for us to hear.

"What food do you have?", Hoseok asked excitedly, nearly jumping on Yoongi's lap.

"We brought something from Wendy's, so go get the table ready and call everyone", Taehyung told us.

"You can also call Namjoon and Jinnie, we have enough", Jimin suggested.

So everything was just like two months ago but the wedding was getting nearer and nearer. I still had to think about what I was going to wear with my dress. Shoes, accessories and shit like that, and I still didn't know what I had to do with his dad's wedding.

"JUNGKOOOK!", Jimin shouted after I told him that he would probably be in his room.

In the meantime Jin and Namjoon already arrived since they had been shopping nearby anyways. Jungkook walked out of the hallway with his phone in one hand, typing around.

"Hi", he shortly greeted everyone before washing his hands and sitting down at the table where everyone was already sitting. Jungkook and I were always sitting at the other end of the table, no exceptions.

If we would sit next to each other I would've probably already stabbed his hand with a fork. Yes, I hated him that much. Maybe we could've been very good friends right from the beginning but the problem was, that we were quite similar in our personalities so insulting and avoiding each other was standard.

"I hope you're not cold yet, don't disappoint me Wendy's", Taehyung playfully smacked his hands together and prayed silently.

We all started eating the food which was still warm enough and enjoyed it a lot. We hadn't had much time to that often, just all of us eight sit together and enjoy some nice ass food. But that was the thing which made these days so special, every time it was like a feast and I'm not exaggerating.

Everyone was laughing, sharing food, talking and even Jungkook and I didn't shout insults over to the other end of the table. Everybody just had a great time with the greatest friends ever. The day didn't end until 2 am. Namjoon and Jin slept in our extra room which was small but alright for just one night. (A/N: hehe that was a rhyme, are you proud of me mom? :] )

The following day was the day of my personal preparations which were left for the wedding. I took a bus to the city and found myself a cute pair of black high heels, even though I hated high heels, those were freaking cute.

After buying those cuties I went to a pretty little café next to the bus stop to reward myself with some lemon flavoured ice cream.

I ordered one and got it in a pretty bowl with decorations all over it. I sat down at a table right next to the window, staring out of it while enjoying my ice cream.

"(Y/N)?", someone behind me asked, slightly scaring me.

I turned around and saw Soomin, my female best friend who visited our apartment sometimes.

"Heey oh my god I haven't seen you in a few weeks", I stood up and gave her a hug. She sat down across from me, smiling genuinely.

"Yeah right?", she nodded.

"What is even happening in your life? We don't get to see each other anymore! I MISSED YOU!"

"Actually there is happening something", she smiled happily, shifting around in her seat while fumbling around with her bracelet.

Looking to the side, she smiled even brighter. I only now saw that another girl came, holding two cups with ice cream in it.

"Hello", she said, kinda confused but sat down as Soomin made some space right next to her.

"(Y/N), this is Jisoo, my girlfriend."

I'm having more motivation to write recently so that's good :))

I really like the jacket I bought but aren't they like spring 2017?

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