chapter 7

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I just finished lunch as Jungkook suddenly came up to me and scanned me from head to toe before sighing.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping."

"You are lame Jungkook", I rolled my eyes.

"And you are ugly pyjama girl", he gave me a fake friendly smile before taking my coat from the hanger and throwing it to my face.

"Are you fucking serious? I have enough clothes why would I go shopping?(A/N: Which girl in the world would actually say that lol)", I yelled after him, but he already exited the apartment.

Angrily I grabbed my house key and my phone before leaving the apartment and slamming the door shut.

"What the fuck took you so long?", Jungkook asked, even though I came out only ten seconds after him.

"Where are you forcing me to go and why?"

"We need to get you a beautiful dress for my dad's wedding in which you look acceptable. That won't be easy."

"You are so fucking annoying we have enough time left, you said the wedding was in two mo-!", I whined in an annoyed tone but got interrupted by Jungkook.

"I'll pay for it god don't worry. And do you know how difficult it is to get a beautiful dress for weddings in this season? So get your ugly ass right here and come with me."

"Ugh fine."

I stomped over to the bus stop which was only a few steps away and sat down next to him but leaving a seat inbetween us empty.

"There are other people than you in this world", Jungkook hissed, motioning his head towards a girl standing around next to us.

"I don't fucking care just let her sit down in between us", I scoffed, hating him more than ever.

He sighed heavily before grabbing my arm and pulling me onto the seat next to him harshly.

"Thank you", the girl standing next to us shyly said, sitting down next to me.

"So annoying", I muttered under my breath, straightening my coat.

(A/N: I'm sitting in the bus right now and I'm listening to sea and I am blessed I can't even)

5 minutes of awkward silence later the bus came and we got on. As soon I wanted to sit down onto a free seat in the front Jungkook pulled me further back by my arm.

"What the fuck why? I'm gonna throw up in the back", I complained while he pulled me to the very back of the bus.

"I don't care but I can't sit in the front", he just shrugged, patting the seat next to him.

I sighed heavily and sat down hesitantly, not wanting to come too near to him.

"Where do you even want to go?", i asked out of curiousity.

"To the only shopping mile near our neighbourhood", he shrugged.

"You don't mean the one where all the rich bitches are shopping, do you?", I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"That's exactly what I mean", he gave me a confident smile, making me snort.

"That's fucking expensive I don't want you to pay for it, I'd have to pay you back some day", I mustered him suspiciously.

"So first of all I have more money than you might think and also... you don't look like you do so I'll pay for it. Your only return is to accompany me to my dad's wedding", Jungkook looked out of the window, obviously annoyed by all of my questions.

I sighed, looking out of the other window.

After fifteen minutes we arrived in the city centre, getting off the bus and walking to the next noble shop with a big amount of beautiful dresses.

Seconds later we disappeared inbetween of thousands of dresses in different colours and lengths.

A tall woman in a white blazer and a white tight skirt approached us, smiling brightly and showing us nearly all of her teeth.

"Welcome, how can I help you?", her gaze wandered from me to Jungkook and back.


"We are looking for a beautiful breathtaking dress which highlights her figure but at the same time isn't too much", Jungkook explained, smiling nonchalantly.

Wow that guy knows what he wants already...

I just followed them slightly dumbfounded as the lady leaded us to a dressing room which looked exactly like one of those in Hollywood movies.

In front of the dressing room there was a sofa on which Jungkook sat down, looking as if he owned that place.

I just awkwardly stood around in front of him in sneakers, a hoodie and black leggings while the lady was looking for some dresses which fit Jungkook's description.

"It's not like I'm gonna be the bride. Why so extra?", I whined quietly.

"It has a reason but that's not important for you, just be happy, after this you'll have a new beautiful expensive dress. Isn't that what all girls want?"

"No. I am not like that. And you juat sounded like an asshole", I said, making Jungkook snort.

A minute later the lady came back with two hands full of dresses, nearly being able to even see me behind the big pile of dresses in front of her face.

"Let's get this shit started."

I really want to but I have like zero motivation to do something :(
motivate meeeeh
I am gonna try it I promise

As always don't forget to vote♡

Byeeeeeee :)

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