chapter 19

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"Get your lazy ass up from that couch!You've been sitting here the whole morning, get dressed and we can go, otherwise I'll have to carry you out of here", Jungkook joked.

I sighed, looking at my ryan pyjamas.

"It's gonna take some time", I frowned, getting up from the sofa. My hair was messy, I had to brush it first, hoping to get it to normal with only that.

"Hurry up, I'm going to wait here for you", Jungkook motioned his hand towards the corridor which led to my room.

I sighed once again and left the living room. I chose a pink sweater and a pair of black comfortable, ripped jeans for my outfit and washed my face. It was already 2 pm, I have had breakfast but didn't brush my teeth yet. So I quickly did that and changed my clothes.

Looking better than before I entered the living room again.

"Ready?", Jungkook gave me a little smile.

"Yup. Let's go."


"Where are you even taking me?", I asked curiously.

"To a nice little restaurant down the street", Jungkook shrugged.

"Well okay I'm gonna see", I smiled, burrying my hands in the pockets of my jeans jacket. It was a better day than the one before. It wasn't as cold anymore, the wind brushed through my hair and it felt warmer than the other days. The sound of crunching leaves beneath our feet satisfied me in a weird way.

After five minutes of walking quietly, we got into the expensive quarter of the city.

Gosh Jungkook where are you taking me?

It was when Jungkook stopped in front of a neat-looking building, that I realized, with treating me to a meal, he didn't mean some cheap sausage or something. He meant... well, something like that.

"Jungkook? Where are you taking me?", I whispered as I got a glimpse of the inside of that restaurant.

"Into this restaurant?", he innocently asked.

"Why? I thought about something like some fries or something?", I kind of panicked because I was wearing regular black ripped jeans and the pink hoodie.

"I kind of stole your first kiss and I am really sorry okay, so just eat comfortably, don't worry about the price, I can afford it", he nodded and grabbed my hand as I didn't give him any sign of agreeing.

I was pulled after him into the restaurant where the waiter greeted us.

"Two please", Jungkook said in a low voice and followed the friendly waiter, pulling me with him of course.

The man was young, around our age and wore a black suit, his hair was styled neatly.

He led us to a table right next to the window and we sat down.

"I'm going to come back in just a minute", he gave me a smile, only me, and then turned away to leave.

"Do you know him?", Jungkook asked after staring at the waiter for some more seconds.

"No why?", I gave him a confused look.

Jungkook looked way more noble than i did. He wore a light grey sweatshirt which hugged the slightly muscular arms, which I didn't notice before. His hair was parted and also looked very neat.

"He just smiled at you so weirdly, I thought you knew him", Jungkook responded.

The waiter came back with two menus, handing one to Jungkook and then one, very carefully, to me, accidentally touching my hand.

"Would you.. like something to drink?", he asked, still smiling at me which slowly but surely weirded me out.

"Uhm yes, I'd like to have sprite", I nodded, glancing over to Jungkook who also nodded.

"I'll take the same", he answered, but he didn't spare a glance at the waiter, he only looked at me while saying it.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

"What's with that guy? He kind of creeps me out", I chuckled.

"I know right, doesn't he see that we're here together?", Jungkook frowned and looked at my hand which rested on the table for a second.

I ignored it and took out my phone to scroll through my social media accounts as a thought popped up in my head.

"I don't even follow you on instagram, I totally forgot", I mumbled, typing in his name.

"Oh that-", Jungkook suddenly looked very surprised.

"What was your username again?", lifting my head, I stared at his now completely round dark eyes as he somehow looked caught.

"That's not important, just forget it", he blurted out and took my hands in his as he saw the waiter approaching us, nearly making me drop my phone.

"What the fuck?", I whispered but Jungkook only deeply stared into my eyes and smiled softly. It was a weird thing to feel but my stomach was tightening because of the look he gave me.

"Here.. are your drinks", the waiter gave us our drinks, obviously intimidated by Jungkook's glare.

"Thanks", Jungkook gave him a last fake smile before turning his attention back to me.

"Wow you made him totally nervous", I laughed softly, patting Jungkook's hand playfully before pulling mine away again.

I got on my phone again, only to quickly follow Jungkook there.

He sipped on his drink quietly, looking around before setting his eyes on me again.

And when I finally found Jungkook's account, my mouth dropped open.

I accidentally played the sound of the first video that was shown, out loud so that also Jungkook could hear, what I was watching on his instagram account, his eyes widening.

Hello, I am only now updating, I've really been in shock because of Jonghyun's death, he really had a beautiful soul and I am still getting over it slowly, also wanting to show respect.

If any of you wants to, message me, you're important

Merry Christmas, feel loved and hugged and kissed by me, thank you for being here♡☆

Pyjamas •//• Jungkook X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now