chapter 5

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Jungkook entered the living room after apparently listening to our conversation.

I gulped, trying to come up with an excuse but he just looked at me with an annoyed expression, making me shut up immediately.

"Are you that curious? Pyjama girl?"

Fucking annoying, I bit my inner cheek.

"The reason for my behaviour is a whore", Jungkook clapped his hands once and then continued.

"...if you really want to know so damn much, I can tell you my story", Jungkook answered, acting as if he was excited.

"I don't, I just... I don't know", I just made it worse by blushing.

That situation was so unbelievably uncomfortable for me that I just wanted to run away at the moment the new one slowly approached me and let himself down onto the sofa, in between Jimin and me.

"I'll do it short just for your curiosity to be fed. So my mom left my dad and me a long time ago, now my dad found himself another woman. She is warm hearted and pretty cool to be honest. But she has a son... and that son simply fucked my now ex-girlfriend or the other way around my ex-girlfriend cheated on me after four years of a relationship. So maybe you can understand why I'm doing this shit I simply want to forget and somehow move on. I hope that answers all of your questions."

And with these words being spoken, Jungkook got up from the sofa and left the living room.

Wow now I am the asshole... but still that doesn't mean that he can just use every single one of these girls...

"Wow, now I feel like a shithead", I said more to myself than to Jimin.

"I think he just has to come over it. I mean they were a couple for four years and she just cheated on him", Jimin explained and I nodded.

The next day started with the realization that I was home alone. As I unlocked my phone I saw three messages from Jimin.

Gmoorning :)) Taehyungie and I went out to do some grcoery shopping and stuff

Yoongs and Hobi went on a trip to the beach they'll come back in the evening :)

Don't burn down the apartment pleasee :]

I won't thanks :]

Finally I was home alone again after a long time so had breakfast in my pyjamas first. When I was finished I went to my room to dress. I just threw on a crop top and some sweatpants. I looked quite cool, like a real dancer.

Well so I started dancing in our living room to some loud music I put on. There were some body rolls, some twerk movements which I only did when I was 100% sure nobody was watching. I sang along and danced like a crazy woman till a song ended and I heard someone clapping...

//that morning - Jungkook's pov//

I woke up at 1pm due to someone listening to very loud music. As I took a glance on my phone and saw the time I was shook at first.

Wow why am I sleeping so long... I'm getting a competitor to all of the people here with sleeping like that...

After putting on a plain white shirt and some shorts I left my room and looked for the direction where the loud music came from.

I ended up in the living room, watching the pyjama girl, who was actually wearing something normal and not pyjamas that day, dancing and singing along to a song I didn't know.

That view was so awkward. I thought about just leaving again and dropping something in the hallway so that she would notice me and stop dancing. But I couldn't turn away because it was just funny as hell. The way she danced with her eyes closed, totally into the song as she tries to twerk and I couldn't help but pull out my phone, trying not to die from holding back my laughter. I pressed the record button and watched her not even dancing that bad. Maybe it was even.. good but I just saw the pyjama girl embarrassing herself at that moment with singing loudly and dancing wildly.

At the end of the song she once again gave everything and danced like crazy, making me happy because now I had something to blackmail her just in case I needed it some time.

I couldn't watch it anymore, I couldn't watch her embarrassing herself like that. But the song ended after some seconds so I stopped the recording and clapped loudly.

She turned around quickly with wide eyes, shock mirrored in them.

"Oh my fucking hell!", she turned a dark red almost immediately and covered herself with her sweater, hiding her reddened face.

I chuckled, poking the inside of my cheek.

"See what we got here."

I am so tired.. it's 2am rn and yeah
I hope you liked this chapter
Byeeeeeee :))

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