chapter 6

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I saw Jungkook standing in the entrance of our living room, smirking and holding his phone.

Oh no he didn't...

"What are you doing here fucking shit!", I buried my face in my sweater, breathing heavily from all the dancing.

"Well as if you didn't know I lived here", Jungkook said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow.

Oh fuck Jimin only mentioned that he was grocery shopping and Yoongi and Hoseok were at the beach, he didn't mention Jungkook do that I kinda forgot that he was living with us.

This is so fucking embarrassing fucking shit what the hell should I do?

As I didn't respond to anything he said he just kept going, suddenly looking as if he had an idea but then turning his expression serious again.

"I am going to enjoy that very often in the future, I bet you would get a lot of fans", Jungkook smiled devilishly, leaving me in confusion.

"W-what do you mean by t-that?", I stuttered dumbly, clutching my sweater tightly while blushing strongly.

"Well I have a nice little video now which qe can post, don't you think so?", he had a smile of victory in his face, mustering me from head to toe carefully.

I was sweating like crazy, not only because I just danced like crazy but also because Jungkook saw it and recorded it.

"Fuck you nobody will see that anyways... you have what? 5 followers?", I talked back, proud of myself that I sounded confident which I cleary wasn't.

"Well to be honest I have exactly... wait a minute...", he started tapping around on his phone.

"931.284 followers on instagram. Just to make sure many people see it I'd post it on my instagram account", he raised an eyebrow, making me gasp.

"Don't you fucking dare you fucking asshole!"

"Stop fucking cursing like that it's so unattractive", he sounded kind of disgusted, making me angry.

"Stop fucking cursing like that it's so unattractive", he sounded kind of disgusted, making me angry

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(A/N: I didn't find a single disgusted jungkook picture wtf why)

"And I fucking dare. You woke me up from my twelve hour nap", Jungkook tsked.

"What's your POINT?! What have I done to you? It's already embarrassing enough that you saw me dancing like that! Why would you film it and upload it somewhere on your famous ass page?! "

"Let's put it like this", Jungkook started, smiling at me mischievously while sitting on our couch, leaning back into the couch.

"You have to do me a favor in order for me not to upload that embarrassing video where you are dancing and singing", he continued, poking the inside of his cheek.

What the FUCK is he planning?, I asked myself in confusion.

"If you will accompany me to an event, I will consider deleting your little video."

"What is that supposed to mean? You'll consider deleting it?! I won't fucking do shit if you don't promise me to delete it", I crossed my arms in front of my chest, possibly squeezing my boobs together so that the cleavage was seen.

For a split second Jungkook's eyes shot down there, eyes slightly widened before his head shot back up again with a blank expression on his face.

"I-I promise", he seriously talked, not sounding as confident as before.

"Okay so... what event will I have to accompany you to?", I sighed, pressing my lips together.

"A... wedding", Jungkook said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

I widened my eyes, being slightly dumbfounded about what he just asked me to accompany him to.

"A wedding?", I asked and frowned.

"Yes a wedding", he now said, feeling more secure about his demand.

"That's how you're threatening me?", I asked slightly confused.


"O-kay. So... when is it?"

"It's in exactly two months", Jungkook smiled victoriously.

"Wait whose wedding is it?", I asked, just to get some basic information.

"My dad's", he shortly answered.

"But why do I have to accompany you what the fuck?", I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Because you don't want your video to get posted on my famous ass page", he answered in an annoyed tone, making me want to rip all of his hair out or at least slap the fuck out of him.

"Deal?", Jungkook smirked sarcastically.

After a moment of doubt I shortly nodded, loosening my updo.

"Fine. Deal. Delete it."

"But how should I know that you wouldn't just ditch me after I did it. I will delete it after the wedding."

"UGH FINE", I stomped out of the living room while Jungkook just smirked and yelled after me "You totally got those moves!", embarrassing me even more than he already did.

In my room I just buried myself in my bed with all the blankets I had, being extremely frustrated. I even cried. Maybe that was because I got my period just two days later and that was how I welcomed it. But anyways why would he want me to go to a wedding with him? Why didn't he just ask one of those sluts he brought home nearly every night?


The next day I woke up, trying to avoid Jungkook at all cost, making Jimin wonder but he didn't ask.

I just finished lunch as Jungkook suddenly came up to me and scanned me from head to toe before sighing.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping."

Thank you for 200 reads :))

Sorry that I can't upload every day but i'll have to relax a bit :)

Don't forget to vote♡

Byeeeee :))

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