chapter 13

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//Two weeks later - Your pov//

It was cold and white. People everywhere and I even thought I saw a white horse on which Jungkook was sitting out of whatever reason.
A white wedding.
White walls, white floor, white flowers, everything was overflowing with white. Suddenly Yoongi sat on the white horse, Jimin and Hoseok were playing around on the floor right next to him. All I felt was his breath in my neck again, even though two seconds ago he was the one sitting on the white horse.

"What is this?", he laughed. "That's inappropriate bro."

What is going on

I couldn't speak, couldn't move, my gaze only travelled down my body. Nothing but skin, nude skin. And then I ran


I ran but I moved so slowly as if I was caught in syrup.

"(Y/N)!", I suddenly flinched, my heart speeding up as I opened my eyes. The sudden voice startled me horribly.

It was a dream

Just like the other two times, I dreamed of the wedding again. Every time something really fucking embarrassing happened. Well that time I was suddenly completely naked without even noticing.

While panting heavily my eyes adapted to the sunlight which came through my window brightly.

"Wh-what?", I blinked a few times.

"Today's the day yay get ready we have to go soon", I heard the monotone voice which interrupted my sleep.

"Whass going on?", I rubbed my eyes tiredly, being extremely annoyed because of that situation.

The person sighed.

"My dad's wedding, the ceremony starts at 11 am and we'll need two hours to get to that place so we should get ready now. Understood?"

Oh it's my dear jerk from across my room

"Ugh fine", I said, turning around and closing my eyes again only to experience a feel of loss seconds later as the warmth left my body.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!", I tried pulling back my blanket from him without any success since he was way stronger than me. That left me in just my teddy bear pyjamas and striped socks.

"Get up now, nobody wants to see you dancing", he snorted before leaving my room.

I kicked the air as soon as I heard the door closing.

"Fucking shit uuugh!", I whined into my pillow, hearing someone clearing their throat.

"I'm still here", I heard the scoff in his voice but just decided to ignore him and act as if I was sleeping again.

Eventually he left my room again which I checked by peeking with one eye.

I got out of my bed, into the shower, out of the shower and started getting ready. For once I put on a little bit more makeup and slightly curled my normally straight and for me already boring hair.

Suddenly I heard loud steps from outside my door, coming nearer.

"I swear to god (Y/N) if you won't get up now we'll be fucking la-", the door was opened by a furious Jungkook who immediately stopped all of his movements after seeing that I was just finishing the little highlights on my makeup. He was wearing a black suit and a tie that had a very similar colour to my dress. The suit made him look tall, his black hair was parted, revealing his dark eyebrows and forehead.

 The suit made him look tall, his black hair was parted, revealing his dark eyebrows and forehead

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(A/N: Yup I photoshopped and drew the tie lol)

"I see. You're almost ready", he weirdly said.

"Don't forget the dress I bought you. And... here. Wear this", Jungkook bluntly said, stretching his arm out into my direction, holding something in his hand.

"What's this?", I frowned, approaching him.

"Ugh just wear it. I'll see you in a few minutes, right here in front of your door."

"Okay", I obeyed, taking the object from his hand which was a square shaped black box with golden decorations.

Jungkook shut the door behind him and I opened the small box, exposing a beautiful necklace, making me tear up slightly.

"Oh no fuck my makeup", I whispered, trying to wipe away the single tear somehow.

I took out the necklace carefully. It was silver and it looked so luxurious that I couldn't believe it. I didn't even want to wear it, being afraid I would break it.

I kinda managed to wear that necklace before getting into my beautiful navy blue dress which Jungkook and I chose.

//Jungkook's pov//

I was standing in front of her door for ten minutes at that moment. But right when I wanted to knock and tell her to hurry up, the door opened, nearly slapping me in my face.

The now opened door exposed (Y/N) in her beautiful and elegant navy blue dress. Her weird hair which was normally put together in an unnormal way now fell onto her shoulders lightly and didn't look greasy at all. She looked refreshed and...

I don't want to think of this as beautiful. She looks refreshed and ready to go even though she's still the same bitch as before, I told myself mentally.

I, myself was wearing a simple black suit with a fitting tie. Nothing special but on me it looked good just like everything else did.

"Why are you staring jerk?", (Y/N) looked confused.

"I'm not."

"You were."

"I am ready you're also ready? I bet without me you would've gone in some pyjamas, am I right?", I scoffed and lead her towards the living room.

(Y/N) once tripped but didn't fall because she held onto my arm like some monkey. Those shoes were no good.

In the living room we met all of the boys, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin and Tae. The second they saw us, everyone's mouth dropped immediately.

The first one to say something was Yoongi.

"You actually have a body?", Yoongi cupped his cheeks, mouth agape.

"Tsk yes bitch, looks like it", (Y/N) chuckled.

"You look like a couple awww", Jimin squeaked.

"Eww!", (Y/N) and I simultaneously protested.

"We wouldn't ever", (Y/N) denied, throwing her hair over her shoulder.


But the boys just cheered and wished us good luck and also fun for the wedding.

"Let this day begin..."

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