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A flash of black.

That's all Genesis was as she hurtled through the underbrush, ignoring the curious yaps from the eight Alpha wolves somewhere behind her, the scent of her quarry's blood all the while growing thicker.

Trees blurred together, time ceasing to have much meaning as she raced along parallel to the small road, her burning red eyes locked on the jeep driving through the woods.

They weren't exceeding the speed limit.

They weren't any odd sounds coming from the vehicle.

There was nothing to suggest the occupants were involved in anything heinous.

Yet her nose had led her right there.

And it was never wrong.

That was how Genesis found herself kicking down a tree a little way ahead, earning herself a few splinters in the process.

She was abnormally strong for a werewolf of her size, even more so whenever she was in her red-eyed state, which was how she easily managed to kick another modestly sixed tree across the road a few minutes later.

She was powerful, yes, but that didn't mean she was stupid.

After all, she'd just managed to stop the suspected kidnappers right in their tracks.

Not bad for an improvised plan on the fly.

At least, that was what Genesis thought as she watched the several people climb out of the car, their gazes darting around the forest.

They weren't stupid either.

They knew someone was there.

How could they not?

The statistical likelihood of two trees just randomly falling over and boxing in a car was actually rather incredibly low.

Despite that, they were still nonplussed when all of them were taken down in a matter of minutes by an extremely fast-moving naked Genesis.

"Genie...?" A small voice made her freeze.

She was back on four legs before she could even think about it, limping to the back of the jeep, placing two paws on the back of the car before she realised her problem.

She wouldn't be able to open the boot.

Not in wolf form, at least.

But she didn't really want to ruin the innocence of Kevin's eyes.

"Here." A hand reached past her, bringing her internal conflict to an abrupt end.

Genesis spun, blinking as she spotted a very shirtless Alpha King just as two small arms locked around her neck.


Genesis gurgled in response.

"I think you might be strangling her a bit..." Rylan said, carefully prying the small boy loose, handing him over to the purple-haired man from before. "Take him home, Arrow."

"Of course." He nodded, vanishing in the next second, and when he returned several minutes later, he was met with a lot of shirtless Alphas milling about.

Where they'd gotten pants from, Genesis had no idea. She had no desire to find out, either, which was why she was hiding behind the jeep.

Her hiding place was soon discovered, though, by none other than the purple-haired Alpha known as Arrow.

The Alpha Assassin.

"Oy." He strode towards her. "You."

"Be nice." Rylan muttered, folding his arms across his chest.

And what a nice chest it was.

He wasn't just pure muscle, as most of the newspapers had theorised. Surprisingly enough, the Alpha King was only showing the beginnings of a six pack, and Genesis could only assume the other Alphas were the same. The Alpha King Trials were different from the others, which was-

Bad Genesis.

She shook her head, shifting her gaze onto the well-clothed Alpha. She didn't want her thoughts to shift back onto the Alpha King's abs. He had a mate now, after all, and Genesis doubted she'd be best pleased with the amount of ab ogling she was doing at that moment in time.

"Hurry up and shift back." Arrow sighed, pulling her out of her ab riddled thoughts. "I want to have a two-way conversation with you."

He threw a pair of pants her way, leaning back against the car as he waited for her to shift.

Rylan exhaled loudly, grabbing the man by the shoulders, swiftly removing his coat. "Here." He said, throwing it over Genesis's furry head, before proceeding to push the other Alpha out of sight.

She swiftly shifted, pulling the black shorts up, buttoning her new purple coat up, striding quickly out from behind the jeep.

"Genesis, right?"

"That's correct." She nodded at the Alpha. "What do you want?"

"You've got a tracking class Gift, haven't you?"

"What about it?"

"It could come in handy for this mission." Arrow folded his arms. "Seeing as you'll be staying at our base of operations, you might as well help us."

"Base of operations?"

"The church." Rylan chimed in helpfully.

"When did that become your base of operations?!"

"It's in a convenient location, and you've got space for all of us to stay and work." Arrow shrugged. "It's a logical choice."

Genesis paled.

"What's wrong?" Pink eyes stared curiously into her own, which were concealed under a thin layer of hair.

"I'm not a huge fan of figures of authority." She said, gritting her teeth as his stare intensified.

"Well, I'll be more than happy to help you resolve that."

"Me too." A certain green-eyed blonde winked at her.

"Feel free to sock him one if he does anything to annoy you." Rylan sighed, glaring daggers at the blonde. "I find myself often getting the same urge."

"Our lift should be arriving soon." Arrow said, interrupting the two of them before they could start bickering. "Then I can get down to questioning those idiots."

"There's no need." The brunette Alpha spoke from where he knelt, holding up the necklace he'd just removed from one of the perpetrators. "I've got a fairly good idea who's behind this." He examined the purple gem-encrusted eye of the small silver sword necklace. "And I have a fairly good idea of their motives."

"They're with Omega Taurus." Arrow folded his arms. "We already knew that."

"Oh, no." The brunette shook his head, smiling grimly at the assassin's confused look. "It looks like our least favourite group of Rogues has joined up with another group..."

"What are you on about, Blaine?"

He stood slowly, his gleaming purple eyes meeting the curious pink ones. "I'm on about the Knights of the Apocalypse."


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