Small Bumps

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She was a complete and utter idiot.

She hadn't even noticed anything was amiss. She hadn't even noticed the small bump until Finar had rolled back her shirt, revealing it for the whole world to see.

Genesis was pregnant.

There was no doubt anymore. Finar had confirmed it and given her the proof, which was what she stared at. She could see the fuzzy outline of a baby on the sheet he'd given her.

Her baby.

His baby.

She slammed her head against the wall, trying and failing to clear her mind. How was she supposed to tell him? What would he think? Would he hate her even more? Love her, even?

Errant thoughts were soon interrupted, though, by a small voice. "Do you want to stop by for tea?" Silvery eyes met her purple ones. "You look like you could use something to take your mind off things..."

"I've got nothing else to do, I suppose." Genesis shrugged, staring across at the woman she had come to know quite well during her stay.


Elder Riley's mate.

Everyone had heard of her, but lately Genesis had been able to figure out which rumours about the couple were true and which were completely false.

"Thorny-kins has decided to grace us with his presence today, so if you want to know anything that's going on at Blagmoor now's the best time to get some answers." Silver said, guiding her to the room that'd become very familiar to her. She had, after all, been in it for tea with the couple several times already.

"I'm a bit underdressed..." She said, staring down at her baggy clothes she wore to hide the growing bump.

"Relax... Riley won't mind..." She smiled. "Though he might be looking jealously at your little bump for a little while." He slight smile turned fragile, reminding Genesis about what she'd learnt only a few weeks ago.

Stonewall's infamous couple had lost their child a few years prior.

They'd only been able to have one child in the entirety of their time together, so it'd come as a bit of a blow when their little girl had been stolen out of her cradle one night. Still, they hadn't lost hope that their baby girl was out there... Over time, though, it was becoming clearer the small fragments of hope they were clinging to were slowly disintegrating into dust.

Almost everyone was in the room, helping themselves to tea and scones which had been set out on the coffee table, including one red-eyed blonde who Genesis was rather nervous about seeing.

"You're looking... well..." Thorn remarked, looking at her state of undress curiously, his gaze darting over to Riley's, one blonde brow arched in question.

"What's with that pause?" Leopold mirrored his expression, glancing curiously at the Alpha.

"She's a bit underdressed, isn't she?"

"It's fine." Riley waved a hand. "Considering her circumstances, she won't be able to fit into the dresses she normally wears."


"She's pregnant." Carol interjected, and it was like someone had just flushed Genesis's system with icy water.

"Mum!" She hissed, shivering ever so slightly as red eyes burnt into her purple ones. That was supposed to be her secret to tell.

"Whose is it?"

The words were like a knife to her chest.

"Finn won't be happy."

A second dagger lanced through her heart.

"What does Finn have to do with anything?" A blonde Elder, who looked suspiciously like Blaze, asked, setting his cup back down on his saucer.

"Haven't you told them anything?!" Thorn turned to her, confusion masking his expression until she shook her head ever so slightly. "Oh, for the love of all that's holy! Finn's her mate."

"What?" Pale blue eyes narrowed. "Then why is she here instead of at Blagmoor?!"

"Oh..." Thorn blinked. "So that's why you didn't tell them anything."

"Wait a minute... Finn's the one who sent her up here..." Leopold said. "Is there a situation at Blagmoor, or something?"

"No..." The Alpha spoke carefully. "They're just having some... relationship issues..."

"So why isn't Finn here, sorting everything out?"

"Well..." Thorn trailed off at Genesis's pleading expression. "I suppose that's Genesis's story to tell, but I doubt she's going to say, so I might as explain everything..." He turned away from her. "But first, I want to know whose child your carrying..."

Genesis gritted her teeth. "How can you ask that?"


"Whose do you think it is?!" She crossed her arms. "It's his."

"What?!" Thorn stared at her in shock. "But... How?"

Elder Riley sighed deeply, burying his face in his hands. "Do I need to explain how babies are made again, Thorn?"

"I didn't mean it like that!" He scowled.

"It was the night after I came back..." Genesis said, smiling ever so slightly as she thought back all those months. "Finn was drunk, and I was... willing..." She shrugged. "He doesn't remember."

Blonde eyebrows knotted together. "I've said it before, but that man is such an idiot at times."

"I'll ask Blaine to bring Finn over." Leopold sighed, his shoulders sinking. "He needs to know."

She stood, shaking her head. "No!"

"It's his child too."

"He'll blame it on me." She said, her voice quivering, tears leaking down her face. "He'll hate me even more!" She was on her feet before anyone could stop her, hurrying for the door.

"Why does he even hate you in the first place?" The old Alpha King stared at her as she yanked the heavy wooden door open.

"Because I'm a murderer."


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