Knights of the Apocalypse

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"The Knights of the Apocalypse mean trouble." The Alpha sighed, his shoulders sinking. "Big trouble."

"What do you know about them, Blay?" Blaze stared at his fellow partner in crime, his face uncharacteristically worried as he took in Blaine's grim expression.

He was Alpha Blaine's closest friend, and yet he hadn't felt so distant from him like he had in that single moment.

It made him question everything he knew about Blaine.

And Blaze didn't like that.

Because the truth was, out of all the Alpha's pasts, Blaine's was the one they all knew the least about.

"You can tell us all about it once we get back." Arrow clapped him on the shoulder, just as the blue-haired Alpha prodded him in the face, stirring the blonde out of his reverie. "I have a feeling this is better discussed inside."

"I agree." Alpha King Rylan said, glancing over at the convoy of vehicles that'd just rolled up. "Looks like out lift has arrived."

"Woah..." Genesis blinked. "That's a lot of cars..."

"How observant of you." Arrow mumbled, grabbing by the arm, swiftly escorting her to the nearest car.

And he would've managed it too, had it not been for the low murmur that made Genesis freeze in her tracks.

"At least a G..."

Her head cranked around, eyes locking on the half-conscious man currently staring at her chest. She was moving before she even realised it, her knee slamming into his gut, knocking him out for a second time.

She shook her head. "Men." She spat.

"I know." A green-eyed blonde spoke, a slight smile drawn across his face as his gaze dipped below her face. "They're clearly a H."

"Blaze!" Rylan hissed, shaking his head at the other Alpha, not bothering to watch as Genesis's foot slammed into his exposed midriff.



"With the appearance of the Horsemen, it's only natural the Knights have surfaced." Blaine said, staring around the large table everyone was gathered around. "They've been training for this their whole lives..."

"But how does that relate to what's going on?!" Genesis questioned. "In fact, what the bloody hell is even going on?!"

"Children have been going missing from this town, and the ones around it." Rylan said, sitting back on his chair, a frown marring his sharp features. "We don't know the exact number yet, because they've been sneaky about this... all we know is that we need to put a stop to it. Now."

"The children they've been taking are being trained into an army..." Blaine closed his purple eyes, exhaling loudly. "And unless we rescue them, they're all going to wind up in a war with us."

"A war over what?"

"The end of the world." Blaine fought the urge to scowl. "That's why they're called the Knights of the Apocalypse. Their goal is to bring about the end of the world, while we're busy trying to save it from them and everyone else."

"Our first order of business is locating their base." Blaze sighed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he slowly woke up from his unplanned nap, making Genesis scowl.


"Just because I can calculate a woman's bra size from one look-"

The blue-haired Alpha slammed a hand over the blonde's mouth. "Please excuse my colleague."

"Thanks, Blu." Rylan nodded at him in approval.

"Why are you even telling me all of this...?" She asked, a sinking feeling of dread pooling in her stomach, as she brought their focus away from the blonde who was sleeping once again. "I thought this mission of yours was supposed to be secretive..."

"Give him here." A ponytailed brunette said, exasperation written across his face as he took the semi-conscious blonde out of the room.

"We think you'll be useful." Blu spoke, running a hand through his spiked blue locks. "At first, we thought we could use you as a kind of lookout, seeing as how you're familiar with most of the children in this neighbourhood... You do normally help them with their schoolwork, after all."

"You did your research." She crossed her arms, her thinly concealed purple eyes narrowing on the electric blue ones. "But what's changed? You said at first you thought, which means that something's changed."

"You've got a tracking ability." Blu stared at her pointedly. "An unregistered tracking ability, I might add."

She bit her lip, knowing it was pointless to deny. "And?"

"We'll agree to overlook that little detail if you help us out with this case."

"You'll still have to get that tracking ability of yours registered, but there won't be any consequences for withholding that information." The grey-eyed Alpha said, running one russet hand through his wavy brown locks.

"I suppose I don't have much choice." She said, her shoulders slumping. It was either help them out, or go on the run, and she doubted she'd get far. Besides, she wasn't even the slightest bit prepared, so the choice was obvious. "Fine. I'll help you out."

"Excellent choice."

Genesis simply rolled her eyes. "Let's just hurry up and get this over with."

"She's all yours, Finn." Blu leant back on his chair. "Arrow wants a word with her after, though, so don't take too long."

"Hold it."

A strong hand clamped down on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks as she tried to follow the grey-eyed Alpha through the door.

Pink eyes bore into her own, fingers brushing her messy black fringe out of her face. "I knew it."


Her back slammed into the table in answer.

"What's going on?!"

"Blaze found something in her room." The purple-haired assassin scowled, slamming the gold necklace onto the table.

"That was in my panty drawer!" Genesis hissed. "Pervert!"

"Shut it." He growled, pinning her to the table in a very unflattering position. "Now, are you going to tell me how you're connected to the Knights of the Apocalypse, or do I have to use less pleasant methods?"


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