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"So..." Luna Queen Lyra stared down at the Alpha lying on the bed. "He's still refusing to eat..."

"Yep." Rylan sighed, folding his arms as he sat on the bed next to Finn. "At the rate things are going, I'll have to call in Finar or one of the other Elders."

"It's been three days." Hunter said, scowling. "I don't think we have much choice."

"He'll waste away if this goes on much longer." Black muttered, shaking the brunette by the shoulders. "Oy! Finn! I get that you're grieving... I did too..." He stared down at the floor. "But that doesn't mean you can't eat."

"Go away." One grey eyes cracked open, glaring at the Alpha of Medicine. "I swear, Hunter, if you come at me with one more needle, I won't hold back."

"I give up." Hunter's shoulders sunk. "Call Finar. He's the only one who'll be able to get through to him while he's like that."

"Blu already has." A familiar blue-coated Elder scowled, accompanied by another ponytailed brunette. "So now we're here to sort things out."

"What's there to sort out?" Finn sighed, pulling his blankets further around himself, hiding himself away from the room's new occupants. "Just let me stay here and cry... I'll come out in a bit."

"Pft." Arms wrapped around him, quilt covers and all, hauling him over a well-defined shoulder, which Finn had no trouble recognising. He had, after all, been slung over it far too often in his youth. All the Alphas had.

"Put me down, Blythe!"

"Hunter, I'm borrowing your office for a bit." The other Elder called, waving over his shoulder as he left the room, blank-faced Elder and struggling Alpha in tow.


Genesis sat down on her bed, swinging her legs back and forth as she waited patiently for a man she knew would never come through that door. Some small part of her longed for him – for his company – and no matter how much she tried, she couldn't get rid of it. They were mates. They were apparently destined to fall in love, and she clung to that fact. It helped her get through the day without crying as she stared at the back of the man she knew she'd probably never have. The God of Fate was cruel – pairing them together the way he had.

Her stomach growled, pulling her out of her thoughts, yanking her attention back to the setting sun on the horizon. "Rylan will be making dinner by now..." She mumbled, flopping back onto the soft white sheets that made up her bed in one of the many spare rooms. She hadn't been allowed to move in with her mate, for obvious reasons, so she was living in one of the guest rooms. White walls stared at her, blank and unfurnished, and Genesis knew that no matter how pretty the room might've looked, it was her prison.

She'd be stuck there until Finn let her go, or until he marked her and made her his forever. Surprisingly enough, Genesis couldn't see the latter happening, so she was more shocked than anyone when a certain grey-eyed brunette knocked on her bedroom door.

"Dinner's ready." Finn muttered gruffly, turning sharply on his heel, not bothering to wait for his mate as she scurried out of the room.

They walked in silence.

A tense silence.

One that continued until they reached the dinning room, where two more familiar faces greeted her by staring at her in confusion.

"Who's this?"

"This is Genesis." Finn said, his voice cold. "She's someone we're looking after."

Tears pricked her eyes, an all too familiar ache in her chest as she watched her mate sit down. "Rylan..." She walked over to the kitchen, grabbing one of the plates, her shoulders sinking as she felt eyes boring into her back like grey ice-picks. "I think I'm gonna eat in my room." She sighed. "I'm not feeling too great."

"What's wrong?" The Alpha King stared at her intently.

"Nothing much..."

"So eat with us."

"I'm really not feeling like it."


"Thanks for the food." She mumbled, retreating as quick as she could, blinking in shock when a hand slammed into her stomach.

"Don't overstep your bounds, guest." Elder Blythe scowled, holding her dinner in one hand, the other having just knocked her to the ground.

"BLYTHE!" A ponytailed brunette was there in an instant, green eyes glaring into the indifferent dark blue ones before his attention turned to the girl clutching her hip. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"I'm calling bull on that." He sighed, yanking down one side of her jeans, revealing the big red blotch on her hip. "Oy. Relax." He said, resting one hand over the inflamed patch of skin, watching as green light fell from his splayed hand. "You won't even have a bruise..." He trailed off, his sharp gaze narrowing on the odd pink markings that'd come into view once her skin had turned back to its normal olive tone.

Dark blue eyes peered over his fellow Elder's shoulder, confusion written across his face. "That mark looks familiar..."


"You're right." A third voice chimed in, a set of unnaturally yellow eyes staring down at her.

"But where's it from..." Blythe froze, stiffening even so slightly as he turned to face the newcomer. "Who the hell are you?!" A dagger was in his hands in an instant.

The yellow-eyed man vanished, reappearing on the other side of the small group. "I'm a God, foolish werewolf."

"Huh?" The Elder scowled. "You really think I'll just believe-"

"Hush." The yellow-eyed man said, flicking a finger in his direction, merely watching as the guy was sent flying across Blagmoor Castle. "Now, little weapon... I think it's time you-"

Red ribbons wrapped around the God, slamming him into the nearest wall. "You dare to try and steal what my master has claimed?" Pink eyes glared into the yellow ones, brown and pink streaked hair falling to his brow.

"Azushimuri," the God muttered, scowling darkly, "I was merely seeing what all the fuss was about..."

Ribbons fell from the ceiling, wrapping around Genesis as she lay on the floor, lifting her up despite her struggles.

"What the hell?!"

"Relax, Genesis." Azushimuri called, glancing over at her. "He'll be coming to collect you soon... Seems like we need to keep a closer eye on you until the fuss dies down..."

"What?!" She scowled, continuing to struggle in the ribbon's grip, gritting her teeth as she soon found her hands and legs bound with pretty little red bows.

"Enough." Another set of pink eyes met hers, windswept black hair half covering his face as he swept her up into his arms. "Unless you'd rather get kidnapped by another God."

"I'd rather not get kidnapped in the first place." Genesis sighed, feeling oddly relaxed while she lay there limply in his arms.

"It's only for a little while... just until we sort out the situation."

"Oy, Finn..." Red eyes glanced over at Genesis's mate in the dining room. "I think they're planning on kidnapping her..."

"You'd be much more suited to rescuing our guest." He said, staring determinedly out the window.

Alpha Blaze smirked. "I think Thorn's too busy admiring the use of those ribbons... After all, those knots look like they've been tied by a professional in the art of-"

Red ribbon wrapped around the Alpha's mouth, cutting him off midsentence as he was abruptly tied to the chair he was sitting on.

"Honestly..." The pink-eyed man shook his head. "You really need to learn when to shut up, idiot." He said, disappearing in a flash of pink light, taking Genesis with him.


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