Blood and Death

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"How is he?" The voice pierced through the murky darkness, pulling Finn out of his dreams, his hands going to the bandages wrapped firmly around his eyes.

A whimper escaped his throat, his fingers tearing at the scraps of fabric covering his vision, blinking when the bandages fell onto his lap. His hands went to his face, tentatively making sure there was nothing else blocking his vision, terror clawing at his chest at the blackness surrounding him.

"Easy." Hands caught his wrists, making him jump as another set carefully pulled his lids shut, wrapping a clean bandage back around his bloody eyes. "We're not going to hurt you."

His hands wrapped around a wrist, his covered eyes looking around the room he was in, trying to see if anyone else was in there. "Where am I...?" Finn's voice was small. "What's going on?!"

"Relax, kid." Alpha Finar spoke soothingly, trying to calm the agitated boy. "You're in Blagmoor Castle, and as to why you're here... Well, we're now you legal guardians, after everything that happened to that place you used to call home."

"You know I'm from Flirit?"

"It wasn't that hard to track down your records... We've had more than enough time to."


"Finn, you've been in a coma for the last five weeks."

The boy froze. "What?"

"You've been sleeping for a while, kiddo, so I think it's about time we got you out of this dreary room." He sighed, helping the shocked boy out of the hospital bed, handing him a set of clothes. "Do you need a hand getting dressed?"

"I'll be fine." He mumbled, carefully feeling for each item of clothing, gritting his teeth as he pawed through the set, the single item he really needed eluding him until the very end.

"Here." A hand passed him the boxers, holding them out the correct way.

"Thank you." Finn said, so quiet that the Alpha barely heard him.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about." Finar wasn't that unobservant. He'd spotted the boy's bright red cheeks, his hands gently wiping away the streaks of tears that'd crept down from Finn's bandaged eyes as the boy put the rest of his clothes on. "It's just going to take some getting used to..."

"It's permanent..." A fully dressed Finn clung to the Alpha's leg. "Isn't it?"

Finar shut his eyes. "Yeah."

He tightened his grip on the man's leg, clinging to it as though it were his lifeline, fear settling in his heart at the thought of never being able to see anything again. He'd never be able to stare at another sunset, or a perfectly blue sky again. "I see."


"Where are we going?" Finn asked, stumbling blindly along beside Alpha Finar as he helped him through the corridors.

He hadn't been awake inside Blagmoor Castle for that long, so it was hard, if not impossible, for him to find his way around on his own. His bandages had been replaced with a set of black-out glasses. Finn had even gotten him a white cane in case he ever wanted to venture off on his own, but he didn't need to have that with him for that little trip.

"Relax, Finn." Finar said, leading the boy into the living room.

"Who're they?"

"These are some of the Alphas." He said, capturing the room's attention in an instant. "The other five Alpha Trainees are out with Gray right now, but you'll be able to meet them later."

"Who's this?" A green-eyed Alpha crouched down in front of him, looking at the boy curiously from behind a thin layer of inky black hair.

"Oh, I forgot." Finar mumbled. "This is Finn. The little Alpha-in-the-making who's been asleep for the last five weeks."


"Lucian..." The Alpha sighed. "Introduce yourself."

"Hey there, kiddo." Lucian grinned, lifting the boy into his arms, turning him out to face the room. "I'm Lucian, in case you hadn't- what are doing?" He asked, blinking as the boy felt his face, his small russet hands running over his rosy white skin.

"He's blind, Luce."


"He overused his Alpha Eyes..." Finar ran a hand through his hair. Being blind was a very bad situation for an Alpha to be in, after all, it meant they wouldn't be able to use their Alpha Eyes very well, if at all. Alpha Eyes made them who they were. Without them, they'd just be a regular werewolf. "Something must've scared him..."

"That's an understatement." Lucian mumbled, carrying the little Alpha-in-the-making over to the sofas where the other Alphas sat. "If he saw what happened to Flirit, it's no wonder his Eyes activated."

"Who's going to take him under their wing?"

"Well Riley's the only one with wings."

"Har, har." Lucian rolled his eyes at the other Alphas' antics. "This is a serious question, you lot."

"Well Riley and you are out of the question since he's blind..." Finar said, leading the boy over to the sofa. "Those jobs would require him to have full control over his Alpha Eyes."


"He seems too shy for that."

"Well Knight and Black have already got the Finance and Support roles, so unless you want to-"

"I'll take him." A quiet voice rang out through the room, all eyes swivelling to lock on the green-eyed blonde. Pale porcelain skin reddened under their stares, the Alpha rising to his feet, walking swiftly by the boy. "Come on."

"Zander, you aren't forgetting he's blind, and he doesn't know his way around the place yet, are you?" Finar asked, looking at the man sceptically.

"I'm not a massive fan of hand holding."

"You do that with Blanche all the time."

"She's an exception."

"Oh, just shut up at let him hold your hand." Finar said eventually. "Unless you'd rather watch him trip up every five metres, which would be a bit sadistic."

"That's Riley's job."

"Actually he's-"

"They're a noisy bunch, aren't they?" Pink eyes stared into the boy's unseeing ones, black hair flopping down over his face as he crouched in front of Finn. He'd seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and the room had suddenly become very quiet, everyone's attention fixed on the strange man. The answer to who he was soon became clear to the young Alpha-in-training as the question effortlessly slipped past his lips.

"Who are you?"

"The name's Flix. God of Fate."


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