Hanging Around

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"Is he still there?!" Genesis hissed, watching as Sister Elizabeth brought her a plate of lunch the next day.

"He's been camped outside your door all night, Hun." She smiled. "And I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon."

"Him and the other Alphas have got a mission to take care of."

"And the other Alphas left to search the towns and start gathering information." Elizabeth folded her arms, watching as Genesis wolfed her meal down. "They even gave him permission to stay here... Mates aren't a small thing. They take priority over anything and everything."

"I'm not ready..."

"At least go and see the poor dear..." She sighed, staring down at the neatly dressed young woman. "Let him take you somewhere nice... If you want to take things slow, then he should understand that. If not, you have my permission to give him a good beating."

"Thanks, I think."

"Now, are you going to go out and see him, or should I bring him in?"

"No men are allowed in my bedroom from this day forward." She grumbled, scowling at how violated her private space had felt after a certain green-eyed blonde's adventures in pantyland.

"What about Greg?"

"He's an exception." She sighed, and with that she strode out of her door, and into the big wide world.


What she actually stepped out into was a small corridor. A very small corridor that suddenly felt tiny as soon as she caught sight of her mate.

He was sitting on a small futon, his brown hair a dishevelled mess, his smoky grey eyes immediately locking on her reddening cheeks.

"Well..." She squirmed under his intense stare. "I'm here. What do you want?"

His face broke out into a smile. "Hello." He stood. "I believe we might've gotten off on the wrong foot."

"Er... Hi?"

"Stop being so damn awkward, you two." Sister Elizabeth sighed, pushing a rather reluctant Genesis towards her mate. "Go for a nice stroll in the woods or something... Enjoy yourselves before it's too late."

A hint of sadness gleamed in her eyes, and Genesis felt her heart pang.

How could she have forgotten?

The reason both her and Greg had joined the Order of Lunaris in the first place.

They'd lost their mates, and although they'd found solace by pledging themselves to the Moon Goddess Lunaria, that fact still remained.

"Come on." Genesis said, grabbing Finn by the hand. "We're going for a little walk."


"I'm guessing you want to take things slow." Finn was the first to break the tense silence that'd fallen. His gaze searched her own, a small smile forming on his face as they reached the top of the small hill. "And that suits me just fine."

"Glad to hear it." She sat down on her usual rock, staring back at the church, admiring the bright blue sky.

It was definitely summertime.

It might not have been the season of love anymore, but that didn't stop the world from blaring out signals at them. Heck, it was like the universe itself was telling them to hurry up and get on with the show.

Perfect weather. Perfect spot. Perfect tree for carving in their initials inside a big heart.

It almost felt like the Moon Goddess herself was watching.

"It's a shame we didn't bring a picnic..." Finn sighed, sitting down next to her. "That really helped spark things off between Ry and Lyra."

"The Alpha King and Luna Queen?"

"Who else?" He chuckled, his fingers edging ever so slightly closer to hers as they continued to admire the landscape.

Genesis's heart fluttered in her chest, her teeth biting down on her lip out of habit as their pinkies met.

"I don't know exactly what we're supposed to do from now on..." Finn stared sideways at her. "I've never been in love before. Hell, I've never even been on a date with anyone... and the only time I've had a one-night stand was when I was completely and utterly drunk – under Blaze's supervision, I might add."

His hand edged over hers, his fingers weaving between her own slender ones.

"I don't know how we're supposed to fall in love." He said, his gaze level. "But I want to try..."

"You're sweet." Genesis mumbled, blushing furiously. "I don't know if anyone's ever told you this, but you're really cute when you're all embarrassed."

"I could say the same about you." His cheeks reddened even further.

"I've got no clue what we do now, either. So, we're in the same boat..." Genesis said, standing up slowly. "But anyway, we probably ought to be getting back soon."



"What is it?" He stared out across the horizon, his eyes narrowed as the hairs on the back of his neck stood up on end.

"Just to say thanks..."

Genesis stepped forwards, pressing her lips against his cheek.

At least it would've been his cheek if he hadn't turned at the last second.

Her lips met his, both of their eyes widening as they broke apart, embarrassment written across their faces.

That moment of happiness soon vanished, though, and then Finn was cradled in Genesis's arms as they skidded back out of the way of a small boy's fist.

"What's wrong?" Finn glanced up at her. "It's just a kid..."

Genesis could see that, but her instincts had screamed at her to move.

So she had.

Always trust your instincts.

That was the rule she lived by, and it was that rule that'd saved both of their lives.

She knew it the instant her eyes had locked with the young boy's, her jaw clenching at the odd ripple of awareness that trembled through her.

One thing was for certain.

He felt familiar.

Maybe it was the blood red eyes, or the crimson hair that seemed to glow as it danced across his delicate features.

Or maybe it was the fact she knew he was a predator.

Just like her.


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