Knights Raid

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Genesis raised an eyebrow, staring sceptically at the two Elders in front of her as she sat on the chair in Blythe's office.


The more correct description would've been tied. Ropes had been knotted around her entire body, though care had been taken with the growing bump. Riley had been surprisingly gentle, even as he'd practically sat on her to keep her pinned to the chair whilst he'd tied her to it. They'd appeared a few hours after she'd ran away from afternoon tea, and had asked her, rather nicely, to come along with them to discuss some things. Genesis, being Genesis, had decided to try and flee again, which was how she found herself in her current predicament.

"Well, at least we know who's been stealing blood from the ward..." Blythe sighed, sitting back on his desk.

Green eyes narrowed on her purple ones. "You should've told us." Elder Zander folded his arms. "We would've ordered more blood for you if we'd known about your predicament..."

"I don't need that much." She sighed, staring at the floor in shame.

"That's where you're wrong." An all too familiar Elder strolled through the door, and what accompanied him was a scent she recognised far too well.


"From what Zander and I know about the Vampyris Gift, you've barely been drinking enough to keep yourself healthy – let alone the baby." Finar said, placing the tankard of blood in front of her. "So hurry up and drink."

"How?" One eyebrow rose, her gaze darting down to her arms which were neatly tied to the armrests with pretty knots.

A straw was popped into her mouth. "Drink up."

Scowling, Genesis obeyed, knowing she didn't have a choice as she slowly drunk her way through the gigantic glass filled with her body's favourite liquid. She'd only managed to get halfway through, though, because that was when a loud blaring alarm rang through the castle. Finar pulled the glass away from her, setting it down on the desk.

"Dammit." He muttered. "What's Riley doing?!"

"What's going on?"

"We're under attack... again..."

"By who?"

"Who do you think?!" Blythe rolled his eyes.

"The Knights of the Apocalypse..."

"So you're not as stupid as you look."

"Oy!" She growled.

Blythe had a terrible habit of insulting her, sometimes without meaning to, and it was safe to say she ended up very annoyed by it.

"They've sent a little group to raid us." Blythe said. "But Riley managed to intercept them, like the good little Elder he is."

Finar snorted. "Better not let him hear you say that."

"I'll go and see what Riley's doing." Zander said, striding out of the room without a second thought.

"Me too." Blythe was soon to follow.

"Don't you dare." Genesis said, eyeing up the brunette who was also trying to leave.

"Riley's in over his head, apparently... So there's a good chance he might've been injured."

"At least untie me!"

"No." And with that said, he left the room, leaving her all alone, tied to a chair while a battle raged outside.

That fact didn't sit well with her, so, instead of sitting and waiting like a helpless damsel in distress, she slammed herself, chair and all over onto the ground. Bracing herself for the impact hadn't made it hurt any less, but it had got the job done, just like she'd planned. The chair had taken its revenge, and had given her a nice long gash up her arm in return for being smashed to pieces. She was free in minutes, and on the battlefield in seconds after that. "What's going on?" She asked, skidding onto the scene next to an all too familiar blonde.

"Genesis..." Carol spluttered, turning to face her. "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm here to help?"

"Tch." Leopold scowled. "Riley, I thought you said you'd secured her inside!"

"I did!" Came the reply of the Elder currently in the middle of the fight.

"A resourceful brat, huh?" Blythe glared sideways at her. "Who'd have thought?"

"Stop calling me a brat!" Her head butted against his, eyes glaring into the annoyed pair.

"Now why would I do a thing like that?"

Her fangs dropped down over her lower lip. "Because I'm feeling a little bit peckish, and your neck is looking rather appetising right now."

"Try it, brat." He hissed. "I dare you."

Genesis snarled in response.

The previous Alpha King gritted his teeth, having spotted the pair. "Might I remind the two of you we're in the middle of a battle?!"

"And you seem to be handling things just fine." Genesis said, not even blinking as she remained in a staring contest with the other Elder.

"Fine." Leopold exhaled loudly. "Just stay back. Blythe will protect you."

"From what?"

His head snapped back to the open field just in time to see Riley knocking the last member of the Knights of the Apocalypse out. "Oh."

"Oy..." Blythe's voice pulled Genesis's attention back from the silent field. "Finar! She's bleeding!"

"Of course I am." She said, pointing at the large gash on her arm. "What gave it away?!"

"Not there, you idiot..." For once his dark blue eyes were concerned, staring down at her tracksuit bottoms and as she looked down she felt her chest thud painfully, some small part of her realising what was going on in an instant as the cramps started.

"What's-...?" Finar ran towards them, skidding to a stop when he saw the blood leaking through her trousers, horror written across his face as he figured what was going on in an instant. "She's miscarrying..."


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