Bloody Fight

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Her fingers closed around the hilts of the two daggers she'd had strapped to her side, smoothly pulling them out of their sheaths, cutting into her arms without a single sign of hesitation. Blood hardened as it spilled out from the deep cuts, forming two axe-like blades on the outer side of her arms without wasting a single drop of the precious crimson liquid. Her black coat had already been torn to shreds, so it was no great loss to her as she ripped it away from her body, revealing even more of her pulsating glowing red blood vessels. She knew she had no choice but to use that part of her ability, despite the odd feeling it gave her as she controlled the blood beneath her skin. Using it meant she'd get a horrible headache later that day, but without it, she knew she'd sustain far worse injuries. According to the history books, those with the Vampyris Gift were supposed to either be able to use their power entirely offensively, or completely defensively. Genesis, however, could use it either way. She didn't know why. It could've been some mutation. It could've been Flix himself. She didn't know, and she didn't really give it much thought. It was just how things were, and nothing could change that fact. She was a freak. Even among her own kind – the ones with the Vampyris Gift. It always came in handy, though, since she could defend herself from attacks whilst dishing them out at the same time. Even using her ability in a more defensive way was actually still rather destructive. She could amplify the power in different parts of her body, as well as creating thin layers of ridiculously hard blood in her skin to block attacks. And that was what she did. Her feet formed small craters in the ground beneath her, her arms ready to attack as she charged forwards at an unnatural speed, ignoring the gasps behind her as the other Alphas finally saw her in all her bloody glory.

Bullets of blood raced towards her, but in her red-eyed state they seemed to be moving as though they were passing through treacle rather than air. Her body moved like it was on autopilot, her arms swinging around, the red blades curved around her arms deflecting every single bead of hardened blood while she continued to move forwards. Her advance was soon halted, much to her dismay, thanks to the strands of blood that seemed to burst from her opponent's body, the tendrils of dark red liquid forming an odd sort of moving circle around him.

"You really think that'll stop me?" Her voice came out a guttural snarl, her fangs dropping over her lower lip, her eyes aflame as she glared at him.

A growl was her only response – the man seemingly incapable of normal speech.

Red hair was blown up off her shoulders as she resumed her charge forwards, ignoring the strands of blood that tried to rip into her skin only to be stopped by the thin layer of hardened blood shielding her.

He was at a disadvantage against her.

Especially seeing as how he couldn't seem to use his ability defensively, even though it'd been copied from Genesis's own blood – a fact she soon found out as her sharp claws ripped through his skin like it was paper. Her fingers closed around the bloody gem, ripping it out of him before he could command the vast amounts of blood gushing out of his body to attack her.

Just like that, the fight was over.

And it was a fight that struck fear into the hearts of everybody watching.

It had been a battle of two beasts, a battle rarely seen, since none other than another Vampyris could normally stand up to the other for more than a few minutes.

She was a reaper.

One who could decide who would live, and who would die.

Strands of blood hovered in the air around her, dancing to a tune of death and sorrow until she finally released her ability, but not before a few words echoed through the silence behind her.

"That hair..." Finn whispered, his eyes wide. "No... Don't tell me..."

Tears trickled down her cheeks, her black hair falling back down past her shoulders, her purple eyes slowly turning to find the startlingly grey pair. "Finn..." Her voice was small, sobs threatening to break free from her chest as her body shook.

"Here." Blaze threw a familiar opaque bottle her way, having spied the way her fangs still hovered over her lower lip. Genesis had to hand it to him. He wasn't as stupid as all the other Alphas liked to make him out to be.

"Thanks..." She mumbled, quickly drinking the all too familiar contents of the bottle, quelling the hunger that'd been building inside her as she'd fought.

"You killed my parents..." Finn said, his expression unreadable. "You murdered the entire City of Flirit..."

Genesis flinched, his words cutting into her more deeply than a knife could ever reach. "Finn..." She whispered, unable to find any other words.


The knives twisted deeper.

"How could you?!"

She stumbled closer, tears pouring down her face in unrelenting waves, her hands reaching for him, trying to find a way to make him see. "Finn, I-"

"Don't touch me."

"I'm sorry." Her voice was devoid of all emotion, a strange emptiness ripping at her chest as she stood suddenly.

She was losing the one thing she'd clung to over all the years, but she supposed it was only fitting.

Who would want a monster like her?

"Sorry won't bring them back..."

"You hate me now, don't you?"

His silence was all the confirmation she needed.

Her shoulders slumped. "I see." She sighed, seeing the pain eating away at him. "Flix is cruel... To pair us together..." She smiled, but there was no happiness in her expression, only pain. "You can find yourself another mate." Genesis said, her hand rubbing at the faint scar underneath her shirt, a small sob escaping her lips as she realised she wouldn't be able to keep the promise she'd made to Sister Elizabeth all those years ago.

"We've got a Bond Mark, murderer." Finn muttered, his face gaunt.

"I was holding out for the one person I thought might be able to understand..." Genesis said, like there was nothing wrong inside her, but her eyes were dead.

"Are you trying to guilt trip me?" He asked, his grey eyes narrowed. "Trying to make me feel bad about having no clue what to do about you and this... problem..." He stared at their Bond Mark, and Genesis's happy façade she'd been wearing for years finally crumbled.

She was a problem.

No. Genesis grinned, a small laugh escaping her lips as the thoughts she'd buried deep inside her finally rose back to the surface.

Her existence was the problem.

"Good luck with finding a new mate." Tears leaked down her face, a strange sadness overwhelming her entirely as his words destroyed her heart so completely.

"I've already told you we've got a Bond Mark, idiot! What don't you get about that?!" He snapped, blinking in surprise at the oddly peaceful look in his mate's eyes as she stood in front of him, her resolve firmed as her fingers danced over the hilt of the dagger in its sheath.

"Hasn't anyone told you?" Genesis tilted her head. "Bond Marks disappear when one partner dies." She lifted the dagger, her hands shaking ever so slightly as she reversed her grip on the small silvery blade. "Goodbye Finn."


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