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Everyone in the room froze, their eyes locked on the purple-eyed figure who was suddenly staring determinedly at the ground, her face giving nothing away.

"Murderers are normally sent to prison..." Electric blue eyes locked on her. "So, I take it you're the culprit of an unsolved homicide..."

Genesis resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

For the Alpha of Judgement, he was rather slow.

They all were.

"Looks like I made a great call in putting those cuffs on those dainty little wrists of hers..." Arrow remarked, his gaze cold. "Seeing as you've admitted to a crime, you might as well give us all the juicy details... Unless you'd rather I pry them from your lips in my own special way."

"Wow... For a bunch of Alphas, you're dumber than I would've thought." Genesis sighed. "Do I really have to spell everything out for you?"

"Watch your tone." Thorn warned. "We still haven't decided on your punishment yet."

"And you'd know all about that, wouldn't you?" She smirked, staring back into the red orbs that seemed to crackle with fire.

"Honestly, I think the whole country knows about your antics, Thorn." Blaze muttered, his green eyes twinkling with laughter despite the situation. "You might want to try and keep a low profile... After all, if your mate decides to run, then there's a good chance the entire population will try to hide her from you – exactly like what they did with a certain somebody's mate."

"Blaze, we're trying to have a serious conversation here." Rylan sighed. "Either get your head screwed on right or go upstairs."


"That's it!" The Alpha King was shoving him back up the stairs in an instant.

"Wait!" Blaze waved his hands. "I'll be serious, I swear!"

"You probably don't even know what's going on..."

"Arrow cornered the girl after she tried to take a bottle of..." Blaze blinked, horror written across his face. "Blood... Finn... Exsanguination... 1471..."

"What are you muttering about, Blaze?" Arrow scowled at him.

"It all makes perfect sense..." A hollow laugh echoed around the room. "And how you said there were no monsters in the room with us... Oh, the irony..."

"About damn time one of you put all the pieces together." She sighed, her shoulders sinking as she waited for their verdict.

"Blaze, what've you figured out?" Blu stared over at him.

"We've just found the perpetrator behind one of the biggest unsolved crimes of Elder Leopold's Reign."

"You're not going on about Flirit, are you?"

"That's exactly what he's going on about." Genesis sighed. "Do you really think I survived that massacre out of pure sheer luck, big brother?" Her eyes met the pale blue ones, slowly turning red as she stopped holding herself back.

"Do we need to contact the Elders?" Arrow glanced over at Thorn. "Technically this crime happened in their reign."

"What you need to do is get me a bottle of blood out from that fridge." She interrupted, her fangs descending over her lower lip. "I haven't had a drink for quite a while, and I tend to become... less reasonable when I'm hungry."

"Quiet." Arrow barked.

"I'll warn you now, idiot." Her eyes glowed, scanning the network of veins she could see throughout his entire body. "Your neck is looking very incredibly appetising right now, and these pathetic chains won't hold me for a second if I go on a rampage."

"Here." Blaze was in front of her in an instant, holding an open bottle of delicious red liquid in front of her mouth.


Rylan's voice interrupted her peaceful drinking session, bringing her back to reality and the question she was dreading the answer to. "What are we supposed to tell Finn?"

Blood trickled down from Genesis's lips, her eyes widening, her hands clenching into fists as she stared pleadingly at the Alphas.

"He'll find out one way or another..." Arrow sighed, his shoulders sinking.

"What will he do once he knows, though?" Thorn crossed his arms. "That's the main question."

"I'd say we shouldn't interfere." Blu closed his eyes. "Genesis needs to tell him herself... because from what I know about her ability... let's just say I don't think she purposefully exsanguinated 1471 people..."

"What is her ability, anyway?" Blaze stared around the group.

Blu slammed a hand to his forehead. "You pieced everything together when you didn't even know her ability?! You're impossible!"

"It's Vampyris, you dolt." Rylan said, rolling his eyes. "AKA the strongest Demon Class Ability."


"I swear, Blaze..." Blu shook his head. "Sometimes you make me doubt my low opinion of you, and then immediately reaffirm my suspicions that you're a complete and utter idiot."

"Um, thanks?"

"It wasn't a compliment." Blu sighed, grabbing the key to her handcuffs from the assassin.

"What're you doing?"

"She's no threat." The blue-haired Alpha said, watching as her hands fell back down to her side, landing with small thuds on the cold concrete floor.

"How do you know?!" Arrow, ever the sceptic, scowled. "She could be planning to kill us to cover up her secret!"

"Look at her face." Blu's shoulders sunk. "We've both seen the faces of enough killers to know by now... So, tell me..."

Arrow blinked, staring right into the watery purple eyes, finding the tears pouring down her face like a silent waterfall and the pale lips parted slightly in a soundless scream.

"Does that really look like the face of a killer?"


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