Stonewall Castle

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Yet another tall castle loomed in front of Genesis, a small sigh slipping past her lips as large wooden doors were cast open, the glass rattling as the incredibly familiar Elder and his mate strode out to greet them.

The old Alpha King was a carbon copy of his son, from his inky black hair to the apparent love of dark boots.

"Constance." Leopold smiled.

"Connie!" The old Luna Queen yelled, engulfing her in a gigantic hug, her long blonde hair forming a curtain around the two of them as she was yanked into her chest.

It was rather similar to being crushed against a brick wall.


"Oh, sorry." Carol grinned sheepishly. "I was just excited to see you after all this time."

"Yeah... me too, mum..."

A hand ruffled her hair, pale blue eyes staring down into her own. "Glad to have you with us." Leopold said, leading her inside, barely sparing a glance for the Alphas waiting at their door. "You boys can come in too, if you'd like."

The two Alphas rolled their eyes, striding inside the castle without another word, merely watching as Genesis was practically carried off to her new room.

And what a room it was...

It was much larger than her room back in Blagmoor, having obviously been made to accommodate more occupants as shown by the two cribs tucked away in the corner of the spacious room.

Leopold set her suitcase down, smiling somewhat. "Rylan didn't give me many details on the situation..." He said, glancing at her curiously as she wrapped her arms around herself. "He said it wasn't his place to tell..."

Genesis shrugged.

"Are you in danger or something?"

She shook her head. "No... I just needed to be away from Blagmoor..."

"Well, in any case, I'm glad to have you here." Carol said, shooting a glare at her mate. "Let us know if you need anything."

Genesis hiccupped, clapping a hand to her mouth. "Where's the bathroom?"

"There." Carol said, pointing to the slatted white door, staring at the odd green colour she'd turned as she followed her to the toilet. "You OK?"

She threw up in answer.

Leopold was there in an instant, watching as his mate held her long black locks out of her face. "Do you want me to go and get Finar?!"

"It's fine." Genesis waved him off. "I probably just got a bit travel sick."

"Are you sure?"

Carol helped her back out into her room, handing her the large white rabbit doll. "If she says she's fine, Leo, then she is. She's a big girl now."

"So why are you giving her Flopsy?" One brow arched.

"You're never too old for teddy bears."

Leopold ignored her, shaking his head. "Anyway, do you want a hand unpacking, or should we leave you to it?"

"I can manage."

"Well," he shuffled awkwardly on his feet, "if you need any help, just let us know."



Genesis wandered through one of the long corridors of Stonewall Castle, wrapping her arms around herself, wishing she was back in the Blagmoor Region. It was odd. She thought she might've felt a bit better being further away from that icy stare of his, but instead she was missing it. A strangled laugh burst from her lips, her heart thudding painfully as she stared out across the rolling green fields of Stonewall Castle.

She hadn't seen her so-called mate in months.

He hadn't even bothered to visit, not that she'd expected him to or anything.

"Genesis!" Carol waved her over.

After fourteen long painful weeks she'd finally got the woman to stop calling her by the name that dredged up painful memories. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, silly. I just thought that you wouldn't want to eat your dinner cold." One thumb jerked back in the direction she'd just come from. "You've had a monstrous appetite of late..."

"It's that late already?!"

"It's Springtime. The days are getting longer, Genie."

Genesis simply shrugged, not knowing what to say as the old Luna Queen dragged her off to the dining room.

Nods greeted her arrival, the Elders and their mates already in their usual spaces as a familiar silvery-haired Alpha carried out numerous plates filled with the usual Friday dish: spaghetti and meatballs.

An extra-large portion was set down in front of her, a hand ruffling her hair, making her scowl at the baby-faced Elder as he slicked his silvery hair out of his matching eyes.

"You ought to cut down on your portion sizes, kiddo." Aren, the ever-helpful Elder sitting next to her, said, pointing his knife at the small bump that could be seen stretching against the fabric of her shirt.

A gigantic crash met everyone's ears, their eyes swivelling to the wall with which Aren had just become one with.

"You brat!" Dark blue eyes bore into her purple ones. "What do you-?"

A pale hand clamped over his mouth, one of the silvery-haired Lunas having cut him off midsentence as a certain Elder made his way over to Genesis.

Grey eyes stared at her curiously, inky black locks half-covering them as he approached her, not deterred by the low rumble emanating from her throat. One hand lowered towards the small, yet prominent, bump cautiously, and the Elder soon found out his reflexes were no good.

Genesis's sharp fangs were, after all, buried in his arm, her toes dangling inches from the ground as she held onto him.

"Finar." The guy muttered. "A little help?"

"If our suspicions are correct, I have a feeling you might need to use your Alpha Eyes unless you want to lose that arm."

"Tch." Grey eyes glowed, becoming more wolfish as he stared at Genesis. "Let go. Now."

Genesis growled.

"Wow..." Leopold blinked. "She's a stubborn one..."

"Let go."

Slowly her teeth unlatched from his arm, purple eyes blazing as her entire body became subjected to his orders. Alpha Eyes had that power. They could make werewolves obey them, and it still worked, even on Rogues, albeit it did lose a bit of its effectiveness.

"Genesis." Finar's voice echoed across the room. "When did you last have your period?"

Leopold choked. "We're trying to eat, Finny!"

Genesis froze, her eyes wide. "You can't be serious...?" She whispered.

It was no surprise she hadn't noticed. With all the craziness going on in her life, she hadn't had time to think let alone contemplate that ever since that night, she hadn't had her monthly visitor.

"I think we'd best go to my office." Finar sighed, running a hand through his wavy long brown locks.

"Wait..." Carol turned her gaze on the Elder. "Are you saying that she's pregnant?!"

"Well, I won't be certain until I run a little test, but I'd say it's looking that way..." He shrugged, turning tail, swiftly fleeing the room.

Genesis blindly followed after him, hurrying away from a certain blonde whose eyes told her that the conversation was far from over.


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