Three Demon Abilities

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"We need to find them." Arrow's voice rang out through the crowded kitchen. "At this rate, they'll have a whole army of monsters."

Genesis flinched.

"Surely it's a bit harsh to call them monsters?" Luna Queen Lyra asked, her gaze flickering over to her new friend.

"Well, they're ridiculously strong and uncontrollable." The assassin said. "It's the best word suited to describe them... besides it's not like there's one in the room listening to us insult them."

Juniper sniggered.

"Something funny, Pookie?" Her mate glanced at her.


"Stop interrupting Arrow." Rylan sighed. "This is important."

"Thanks." He nodded at the Alpha King. "First Berserker... Now Vampyris... Looks like Omega Taurus is getting more powerful by the day."

"Only they've actually managed to copy the Vampyris ability perfectly this time, unlike what they managed with Berserker." The blue-haired Alpha chimed in. "This isn't looking good."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Well, on the plus side, we think we've narrowed down the location of their base." A certain green-eyed blonde said, freezing as every head in the room swivelled to face him.

"Me and these two idiots," Alpha Thorn spoke, unfolding a map on the table, "managed to narrow the field to here." He said, scrawling a red circle around the forest Genesis normally avoided like the plague. "They're somewhere in Hawkdale Forest."

"Are you sure it's not in Hawen Woods?" Rylan asked, glancing over at Finn.


"It's fine, Rylan." Finn gritted his teeth. "I'll help you search... I probably know that area the best."

"I take it Genesis is coming along too, then?" Arrow glanced over at her, his gaze narrowing as she stood there, completely rigid.

"I'd rather stay here."

"Please?" Finn grabbed her by the hand. "I don't particularly want to go there either, but it'd make it more bearable to have you by my side..."

"Can't we just stay here?!"

"We need to help." Grey eyes pleaded with her own. "Unless you want more kids to vanish..."

Genesis scowled, knowing she had no choice. "Fine."

"Thank you." Finn smiled shyly, his hand gently squeezing hers. "Actually, I should show my thanks..."

She gazed at him cautiously. "How?"

"By taking you out for dinner tonight." He grinned. "So how about it, Genesis?"


Sweaty hands pulled at the front of her dress, nervousness written across her face as she sat on the bench next to Finn, waiting to be seated at the restaurant they'd found in a nearby city. Her long black hair had been curled, courtesy of Sister Elizabeth, her nails carefully trimmed and filed with some help from her two new friends, all just for her date with her mate.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." The voice interrupted her thoughts, Finn pulling her to her feet as he followed after their server.

"Relax, Genesis." Finn gave her a small smiled as they sat down.

She hid her face behind the menu in answer.

Deciding on what she wanted to eat provided some temporary distraction, but all too soon they'd placed their orders and they were left sitting there in silence.

Finn was the first to break it.

"Sooo..." He bit his lip. "How was the rest of your day...?"

"It was fine..." She shrugged. "How about you?"

"Yeah." He smiled, ignoring the small voice telling him that they were both terrible at conversation. "It was fine too..."

"Glad to hear it."

"Me too."

"You're looking... nice." Genesis said, glancing at his untucked white shirt and his black slacks.

"As are you." Finn replied, trying to swiftly think of a new conversation topic. "You met Lyra and Juniper today, didn't you?"

"You were there, dummy."

"Oh yeah." His cheeks reddened. "Well..." He recovered quickly. "What do you think of your fellow Lunas?"

"They're nice." She mumbled. "But, technically I'm not your Luna just yet. You have to mark me for that to be official."

"I think it's too soon for that."

"I agree." She said, her ears burning with embarrassment.

The thought of Finn biting her, and marking her, in a place of his choosing was terrifying to think about. She'd never been that intimate with anyone before. She'd only ever kissed one boy before Finn had come along and ruined that track record.

"Finn...?" She stared at him. "I've been meaning to ask for a while, but what's the Berserker ability?"

"We're on a date, and you want to bring up work?" He tilted his head, slightly amused.

"Pretty please?"

"I can't really say no to that face, now, can I?" He grinned. "You know about the top three Demon Class Abilities, don't you?"


"You do know about Ability Classes, though, right?"


"Wow." Finn blinked. "Well, Ability Classes are the rankings in which an ability falls into. They number from ten to zero, with ten being the lowest and zero being the highest." He explained. "Different people with the same ability can be in different classes, because their individual Gift strength may vary... However..." He trailed off, clasping his hands in front of him. "There are a few abilities that are always ranked in Class Zero, no matter how weak the wielder is."

"The top three Demon Class Abilities?"

"Those are some of them." Finn nodded. "But those are probably the most dangerous... and the repercussions of simply having those Gifts can be very extreme."

"Yeah..." Genesis knew that all too well.

"The third ranked is known as Take-Over... The second, Berserker... and at the top is Vampyris..." He said, continuing his explanation. "Vampyris is rarely seen even once in a century... well, as an active ability... because you can get dormant abilities too – ones that sleep inside people for years before they become active." A grim smile cracked at his lips. "Berserker is slightly more common, but it's slightly less dangerous. It grants the Gifted in question an ungodly amount of strength and resilience... but they can be very prone to violent outbursts – especially before they find their mate."

"Oh." She nodded slowly, trying to get her head around the large amount of information that'd just been dumped on her.

She'd asked for it, though, so she couldn't really complain, even as their dinner arrived, causing the pair of them to fall into a comfortable silence.


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