The Next Day

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//Brian's p.o.v.://

Yesterday I found my love (okay... I think I say that the third time now xD). But Victoria is PERFECT!! She loves the same things I love (okay I don't like smoking or toking but that's not necessary) and her character is so cool.
Now I was with Little-Twig (another nick name for Jeordie) at school. "And? How was the date Brian?" he was like a smart-aleck. I think the next time I won't tell him when I meet Victoria. "It wasn't a date J'. We only met us." I said. "And let me think: You showed her 'our place', you kissed her..." I knew why he said that. For a short time Jeordie and I were a couple but then he found his love and we split up. But it was okay for me because in my opinion it wasn't a real relationship. I said nothing. "Why did I know that Brian? Why did I know that?" I hate it when he repeats things:"Okay Twig I understood it." "Really?" he asked. I looked at him:"Are you jealous at Victoria?" "No why do you think that? I have Laney. You know that stupido." his reaction confused me a bit. And actually he never mentions Laney when we talk about something. He's a bit jealous but I don't know why:"Uhm J' you never mentioned Laney before. So why do you do that now? You know you can tell me everything." I was a bit worried about him. I don't know...he a little pussy or something else. "I am not jealous. It's...I don't know how I can explain that... I really like Victoria. She is nice, cool, in a way like you..." Okay STOP! It's even too much:"And my girl!" "I think you should wait what she says... Maybe she doesn't love you but rather likes you." Twig said. He had a point. But I don't care about that. Nobody expected I concurred with Cassandra or Ivy. Then we heard much laughter. Actually I don't care about the others but I had the feeling Victoria was there too. I went to the 'laughter-area'. J' stood behind me. I saw Victoria with another Brian. You thought you found the tight one and then...THAT DAMN SHIT!! Victoria was laughing while this motherfucking guy kissed her neck. "Thom please stop it. You know I don't like it." she said. YES!!! Motherfucker-Thom was not her boyfriend (I think so xD). It looked like Motherfucker-Thom was tickling her. Victoria broke free from Motherfucker-Thom and ran against me. I held her on her arms. "Hi Brian." she looked like she had smoking too much. " you need help or something else?" I asked her. "Because of my crazy friends and Thom? must know...Thom always does that." WTF?!! What's that for a guy? "Is that your boyfriend?" I asked and raised my eyebrows (well I don't have eyebrows because I hate them so...I mean actually there where my eyebrows were). I hope Motherfucker-Thom isn't her boyfriend. She was giggling:"You really think...? Oh lord have mercy nooo. NEVER!!! He has a girlfriend and I....I am free." OH YES BABY!!! Victoria is mine! "Really? general do you want a boyfriend?" please say yes. I am the best for you. "I don't know...I am happy at the moment so... I hang on what happens next." really??!!!! What about the kiss yesterday?! Wasn't that a serious kiss for you?! I thought... Apparently it doesn't care what I think - anyway you don't denote it. "Okay..." from the corner of my eye I saw J' looked caring at me. Now it doesn't care anymore. "Why do you ask?" Victoria asked me. I am a bit windy to say what I actually want from her. "He wants you Vici!!!" a girl screamed that while she was laughing. "Don't believe her. She is stoned, you know..." okay...why not. "Ey Vici you are stoned too. It's not only me!" she screamed again. Vici...uhm... I mean Victoria smirked a bit:"Not so much like you!" "Why are you getting stoned before the school begins? It's better after school." J' said also something. "You are the only one who thinks that. It's funnier before than after." she giggled again. She took a pull on a cigarette. Uhm...okay now I must say something: I...don' stoned Victoria. She is like an infant. At a moment's notice she stopped giggling:"But now let's be serious..." Uhm... What does she want from me? "Did you ask me because you want me as your girlfriend?" Oh shit I am fucked... I am totally fucked:"No... I was just wondering..." She whispered in my ear:"And what about yesterday?" "I don't know what you mean..." I lied. "C'mon guy! Say that you want her!" another girl screamed. I looked at this girl:"Why?" "Because we know you love her!" they all screamed. "" I lied again. "You know you're fucked, aren't you?" J' whispered. "I know but I don't care..." I answered. "You do! Because there's no other reason!!!" a girl screamed. "I was just wondering." I said again. "Brian don't believe them. They are all little motherfuckers you know." Victoria said. I smiled a bit. The bell ringed. That's the first time I am glad about that. "See you later Vici!" they went away. Finally!!! Victoria took a green candy that smelled like menthol. "Is really your nick-name 'Vici'?" I asked. "No...but everyone says that to me...but please you not, okay? I hate nick-names." she explained. I nod. We went to our class. The director came to us:"I must speak with Victoria. Now!" She went away with him. "Do you know why?" J' asked me. I was thinking. Maybe it was because of Mrs. Lengthwood It can't be... I shook with my head.

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