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//Victoria's p.o.v.://

I layed in the bed and thought about last night. Hehe... Last night :). I think it's an unforgettable night for me. This experience was...incredible. Well, now I layed in the bed. Alone. I don't know where Brian was. I think he was in the living room. But I don't want to go to him. Not now. I wanna relax for a few minutes.

//Brian's p.o.v.://

I sat on the couch. I thought of last night. Hehe :). I will never forget these pictures in my head. They are too good...and too lush. Fuck! I think my cock gets hard. I walked in the bathroom. Why me now?! That fucks me up. I locked myself in the bathroom. Fuck! It's hard. I think it's because the pictures in my head. Shit! I think I am aroused of them and I think I'll be done because of them. Fuuuck! Not now! But I think in a way it's okay now. Victoria sleeps so... I see no problem doing something for myself. Dirty acts are always good. Especially with these pictures now.

//Victoria's p o.v.://

I think I stand up now. It's a good time for that. I took on my clothes and went to the living room. Actually I wanted to Brian...but he wasn't there. "Brian?" I asked. I heard nothing. "Where are you?" I asked again and looked in all rooms. When I wanted to open the bathroom door it was locked. "Brian are you in there?" I asked. "Yes." He meant. "Why didn't you answer before?" I asked. "Uhm...you said something? I.. I didn't hear you." He does something. Maybe something that I shouldn't see or know. My first thought was... No...he wouldn't mas-....would he? Well I definitely would not do that. It's a bit disgusting. "I said it loud enough that you could hear it. So...what do you do there?" I asked again. "Nothing." He said quickly. "I don't believe it. You are different at the moment." I meant. "Uhm...uhm... I... I'm not different." Brian stammered. He does something. I know it and I hear it because he speaks different anyway. "Okay so...if you don't do anything can I come in?" Now I wanna know what he says. "I think it's a bad idea, babe." Brian meant. "And why? Because you're naked or what?" I said wondering. "Uhm...not directly..." what? He is a bit...strange now. "What do you mean?" I looked confused. "Well... I think you would kill me or something." I think he did it with himself. I don't know why but I think that. "Why? Did you do it with yourself?" anyway I had to laugh. I don't know why. "Uhm..." He stammered. I began to laugh. Anyway funny. "Why do you laugh?" He asked. "Why should I kill you? I don't care whether you have fun with yourself or not. Don't be scared because of me." I giggled. It was funny when he stammered only because of that. "Oh...okay so.." He opened the door but closed it quickly. "Can I go in it?" I asked. "Hmm... No good idea. I think... I think we should go outside. To buy something, y'know." Brian smiled a bit embarrassed. "Uhm...okay. Why not?" I went outside with him.

We were in the city. "Where do you wanna go first, baby?" Brian held my hand. "I don't know. Maybe in the mall." I made the suggestion. "Okay." Brian gave me a kiss on my cheek.
We went in the 'clothes-part' of the mall. Brian was...where was he? Well okay... He'll come back I guess. I looked a few new clothes. But the most were not my style. Well...my style isn't easy to find. Then I found something. It was...a VERY short shirt. It was like a towel. Well but anyway it was cool. And I think Brian would like it. I took it with me and looked for other shirts. Then Brian came back:"Did you find something?" He kissed me on my cheek. "Yes, this... Its a bit short but...it's okay." I meant. "Nah, it's not too short for you. It's good." why did I know he would say that? But in a way it surprises me that he didn't say:'Shorter is better.' or such like that. "If you say that." I smiled shortly. He smiled, too.

//Brian's p.o.v.://

I went to the jeweler. Now I'm gonna buy the ring for my Queen of Hearts. But the ring must be perfect. Better than the crucifix. I know it's difficult but I try. I went in the jeweler. A woman looked at me:"How can I help you?" "I wanna buy a ring. For my girlfriend." "What for a sort of ring? With a diamond? Or..." She told me. "I would say a ring for...engagement. But the ring must be special." I meant. "Aren't you a bit too young for that?" The woman asked. "I am not." I answered. "Okay..." She brought me some rings. They weren't so good but okay. I looked and showed her the 'best' ring:"A sort of that." She nod and gave me a tray with these rings. There I actually found the best. I took the ring:"Do you have this ring in gold?" "Yes...but you know it's more expensive then." The woman meant. "I don't care." I said. I think my queen is gonna be the happiest girl in the world. Haha! I am genius! The woman gave me the box with the ring. "How much?" I asked. "Actually 5000$ but because you're young and apparently you really love your girlfriend..." She deliberated. I had to smile when I thought of my queen. I love her so much. More than anything. "Lets say 3.500$?" She made a suggestion. I nod and gave her the money. Then I went back to Victoria.

//Victoria's p.o.v.://

I found a few things. They looked very cool. Black, disturbing pictures... My style.
We went through the mall and met Jeordie and Laney. Irgh... I don't like Laney. She's a bitch. But a REAL bitch. Well... The only good thing is Jeordie was there. "Ah, hey. Hey Victoria." Jeordie smiled shortly. "Hey." Brian and I said in unison. "And? How are you?" Jeordie asked. "I'm fine." I said. Brian put his arms around me:"I am more than that." I had to smile because I knew why. "Okay. Cool. Laney and I wanted to go to the ice-cream parlor. Wanna come with?" Jeordie asked. "Okay..." we went with them to the ice-cream parlor. I was thinking about something. I think I will buy cigarettes. I need someone.
We had a sit on a table. My addiction to cigarettes became stronger. Shit! Brian looked at me:"Everything okay, babe?" "Actually yes but...I think I buy cigarettes." I meant. "Can you buy some for me, too?" what? I thought he....he doesn't like that. I am a bit surprised. I looked at him. Jeordie raised his eyebrows:"Brian...what?!" "You don't need to do this only because of me." I said. I was really confused. When we got to know us he meant he doesn't like that but okay....if he wants that.... "I don't do it because of you. I do it because of me. I want that." He sounded he was convinced that smoking was good. Well it was like an addiction. So...actually boring. "Uhm...okay...if you want that..." I stood up. Brian smiled:"You are the best." He took my hand and kissed it. I smiled. "Victoria...you don't really do that, do you?" Jeordie looked at me. "Why not? He wants that so..." I meant. It's not my problem whether he wants to smoke or not. Jeordie rolled his eyes. "J'.... Is it a problem for you that I wanna smoke?" Brian asked. "No everything is okay. Do what you want." He sounded annoyed. Why? What was his problem? Well, I don't care about that. It's not my problem. I went to the cigarette automat.

It's always good having change in your pocket. I took it in the automat and got 3 cigarette boxes. When I turned around Thackery stood in front of me. I am honest I don't like it when he stood so near in front of me. "Hey Victoria." Thackery said it like if Brian wants to fuck me. Unpleasant!!! "Hey..." I meant. "I've heard you're in a relationship with Brian. Cool..." Thackery meant. He said it a bit strange. Like...he loves me. Irgh... "Mhm...it is." I said. "So...where is your beautiful boyfriend?" Why does he ask that? That abnormal. "Why do you ask me that?" I wanted to walk around him but he went next to me so I couldn't go away. "Victoria you can get someone better than Brian. You can get someone like me." What's going on with him?! I love Brian. No one else. "But I don't want someone else." I meant. "You only say that." Does he wanna make a brain wash with me? He is totally stupid. "No. And now let me go." I wanted to go but he took my wrist and kissed me. What?! No!!! I tried to broke away but I couldn't. He was too strong. Suddenly I heard someone walking to us:"Interesting..." Shit, it was Brian. "Well...you see, she loves me." Thackery smiled. "You fucking lie. I don't and never gonna love you." I pushed Thackery away and walked to Brian "It was not my fault, you know that, don't you?" "Of course I know." Brian meant. I saw Brian was more than angry. Oh no... "And what do you want to do now? I kissed 'your girl'." Thackery smiled sarcastic to him.

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