Some nights

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//Victoria's p.o.v.://

1st Night:

It was 3:28 am.
Brian was sleeping and I stood up and walked to the drawer I found his diary. I sat next to the desk because then I could see whether Brian became awake. I opened his book. I directly saw an inscription:

5:45 am
Brian must die. He isn't strong enough for me. He is too nice and too weak. I thought he was strong enough but he isn't. The only good thing is that he brought my queen to me. My beautiful girl. My beautiful diamond. But she is strange at the moment. I don't know why but that's not good. It's like she is scared because of me. Maybe she wants to run away. That would be bad. And when she became insane that was...odd. I was worried about her. But... I did it. Well I am the best so... I can do everything.

That was strange.... Self loved and such like that. But I knew he had a second personality. I am worried about him because I was right. He was more Manson than Brian. Brian was the slave and Manson the Emperor. I mean, okay, it was cute that I was his queen but that's unneccessary at the moment. Brian was like a psychopath.
I paged down.
Then I found another inscription:

I love sex with my queen! It's so good! It's more than good. It's perfect! She can give me knock outs, she knows what I want. I am her puppet and she is mine. I am glad my plan worked...

I stopped reading. Which plan? I turned back. I am not his toy, his puppet or something else! I found another inscription:

Our Power... It isn't strong enough... It isn't invincible! We can't defeat our enemies. Not now... But soon we can do it! I need a plan... And I think I have one! Brainwash... Yes! Brainwash! But when? Hm.... Yes I know! I will do it if I fuck her. Yes! But she may not know that! Okay Brian, but be careful...

I can't believe that fucking shit! I am a toy for him! A motherfucking toy! I thought he is different and not a jerk. Well okay, then I will do the same with him. I wonder how he reacts then. Then Brian snored. I think it's enough for now.

2nd Night

It was 4:30 am.
Actually it was a bad time because Brian could be awake every minute. But I must do that. It's better for us. I paged down in his book until the last inscription I read. But...this was strange... After the inscription there was a heart:

 After the inscription there was a heart:

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Emperor's and Queen's Heart

Hmmm.... What does that mean? I mean it looks pretty but... Why did he write this sentence under that? I paged to the next side. There was a very very very long inscription from him:

2:30 am

The Pale Emperor got his Red Queen of Hearts. The Queen of my heart. Now she'll be only mine. Forever! And now we can reign. Our power is bigger than everything. Like our love to each other. It's invincible. I'm always gonna guard my queen. She's my world, universe, dream,... My life!! I can't live without her anymore. I love her too much. And now we can defeat our enemies. Our mortal enemies. Everyone! We can kill her 'killer'.
I am so glad I found my queen. She is the only one who understands me. She is the only one who knows me. She is the only one who can guard me against everything. Only my queen can guard me against my second personality. She can control me. I am her puppet. I am her toy. I am her slave. I worship her.
Later we're gonna outside and then I'll buy a ring for her. But I won't give it to her yet. It's a special ring. And I'm gonna give it to her in the right moment. Soon...
Then we're associated...forever...

Huh? Wtf?! I don't understand him anymore. Sometimes he's an asshole and then cute. What is going on with him? Now I wish I could see what's going on in his brain. I think there are not only good things. Wait... I remembered this guy John. Maybe I find something about him. I paged down until I found a very old inscription. The page was a bit yellow and smelled strange:

11:45 pm

I cry. I cry the whole day...
What did I do that John does something like that?! He has beaten me. He gave my hairs a tug. He kicked me. I bleed because of him. Everywhere. Because of him I have deep scars.
But the worst thing was he attempted to rape me... He pushed me on a wall and rammed his cock in my ass although I didn't want it. And it hurt a lot! It was so horrible. And he acted like an emperor....

I didn't read on. Emperor... I don't like this word. So... EVERYTHING is because of him?! But why does Brian do that then? That makes no sense. I must find another inscription. I paged down until I found one:

2:38 am

I must kill the Emperor! He is too danger! I must be the new one! I'll be better! And I don't rape people! And I don't abuse people. But... If I am the new Emperor I'll must find a queen. A beautiful strong queen having the same character like me.

Wow... So that was the begin of this shit thing... I mean he showed me his scars and such like that but I think reading his diary is....more private. Brian began to snore loudly. Okay... I think that's enough.

3. Night

It was 3:27 am.

Okay...uhm... I.... I actually don't know what I should say because... Today Brian was very strange. He said nothing and... He looked at me as if I am ugly. I think he knows it. Fuck!!! I must read his newest inscription. Now!
I paged down until I found it:

10:45 pm

Fuck! My queen... I mean, Victoria, was my enemy. I think she read my diary. She said some thing she actually should know or something. She knows too much things. I trusted her too much... I showed her too much.  I must defeat her... But I can't... But I must!!! Brian is dead now... That's one good thing....

Fuck! He became insane! I must watch out what I do. I live in danger now. Now...he could do everything with me. I am lost.... I must go away... Although I don't want it. I wonder what he'll do with me. He won't leave me alone. I definitely know that. I am scared. Totally scared. I looked at him. When he sleeps he looks so cute but I know there's a demon inside. It chases me. Like the killer. I trembled a bit. I was shocked about the inscription. I was shocked that he thinks I am his enemy. I went out of this room. I took one of Brian's absinthe bottles and drank something. I need that now. I drank more and more and more. I wanna forget about that damn shit but I can't. I drank a whole bottle. Suddenly I got a headache. Fuck!! And I became tired. I fell asleep.

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