The Split

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//Brian's p.o.v.://

I woke up. Victoria didn't lie in the bed. Where was she? Well but...apart from this I must talk to her. She read my diary and I wanna know why she did it. I try to keep calm. But I can't promise that.
I stood up and went downstairs. She layed on the couch. "Victoria?" I asked. She didn't react. I looked why. Ah, she sleeps. Okay, uhm... I think I shouldn't awake her. I can wait. And I can deliberate how I can punish her. It can't get without punishment.

It was 11 am.
She became awake. Good. "Ah, hey Brian." She meant. I hate this name...Brian.... Irgh. "Hey..." I meant. "Everything okay?" She asked. I nod:"Yes but I must talk to you. Now!" "Okay, okay. What's up?" She looked at me. "Well... I know you read my diary..." I looked at her. "Uhm..." Victoria looked at the ground. "You abused my confidence..." She interrupted me:"I didn't! I was worried about you, okay?! You were... I don't know... Strange!" I looked at her:"I am strange?! You think I am strange?! You are strange at the moment! You called me a wimp although I reacted normal! So you are the stranger!" I was angry. She began to lie. I hate lying!!! "I am the stranger because of that?! You threaten me! You used me as a toy and you made a brainwash!! You are the strange one! I only want that everything is okay!!!! You are the one who has secrets!!! You are the liar!!!" She screamed a bit. I gave her hairs a tug:"You should shut your mouth, girl. I am the Emperor. You can be happy that I didn't beat you, okay?" I nudged her on the ground. She began to bleed. But I didn't care. She must learn that I am the Emperor and not Victoria. "What the fuck is going on with you?!" She screamed. I bet her:"Shut up!" She looked up to me with her bleeding mouth:"You aren't the one I've got to know anymore..." I smiled and gave her hairs a tug again:"No... I am better." "No you aren't. You are worse... I am scared because of you. Be normal again..." It sounded like she begged a bit. I don't care about that. She hurt me:" want to go to Brian? Well, he's dead. He never comes back anymore..." A few tears felt down from her cheek and she began to whisper:"You don't know what you do with me... I decay inside..." "I am sooo sorry for that." I didn't commiserated with her. It was her fault that I am cold now. I wanted to go upstairs when I felt a bottle deflected off me. I turned around. I wasn't angry anymore.... I was more than that:"You threw a bottle after me?!" "You are like John!" She screamed. I looked at her:"Repeat that!!" "You are like John!! You always said to me 'I would never abuse you', 'I would never hurt you', 'I love you so much' and blablabla!!! But now I see you are a jerk like John! You said you wanted to be better than him? Well you are worse! You said you need a 'queen' for your invincible power?! Well okay, and when you got your 'queen' you apparently thought you can do what you want or what?! You are only a liar, a wimp and...whatever but I know you never loved me or something else!!! You only exploited me!!!" She threw another bottle after me but in the right moment I jumped down. Then I went to her and began choking her:"You know nothing about John... You know nothing about that what he did to me... No one can be like him and I never lied to you... I needed you... But you abused my confidence. I thought I can trust you... But now I know I can't..." I nudged her against a mirror. It broke. She slowly felt on the ground while she bled on the back. The whole mirror and the wall was red now. At the beginning I thought she was dead because she didn't react but then she took a fragment:"I kill you..." She nudged me against another wall with my head and made me a few scratches. I became a motherfucking headache and began to bleed out of my mouth. I looked at her:"Come on. Kill me." She smiled shortly:"No...that's too easy. I will kill you slowly." "You can try it but I'll kill you first." I nudged her on the ground, took the fragment and made her scratches"But I won't kill you now...." I lifted her up and 'threw' her against a wall with furnishings:"Now you should feel my pain inside." She began to bleed more. "That's everything? I can show you my pain..." Victoria took another fragment and a bottle. "What do want with the bottle?" I asked. "That's your death desire." She meant and walked to me. "Then try it." I meant. She wanted to throw the bottle against my head but I held her arm, took the bottle and bet it against her head. She fell on the ground. Ha! She thought she's stronger but she is weak. I lifted her up and brought her to the bedroom. I layed her in the bed and locked the door. Then I went to our destroyed living room and sat on the couch. I need a break.


//Victoria's p.o.v.://

I woke up in a bed. I had a headache. And I was covered in blood. And I had scratch marks and cuts. I didn't hear Brian and I didn't saw him. I was alone in this room. I thought about what happened. I began to cry. Not because of my scratches. Because of Brian or...'Manson'. I was nothing for him... Only a slave... Only a fucking toy... There was no real love. Nothing was real. NOTHING!!! I was so angry. He is a motherfucker! A jerk! An asshole!! But these things are too nice. But I can't describe what he is. I searched for something I can destroy. Something I can hurt him. I looked in all furnishings. Nothing. Fuck. He put everything away I think. Then I will go to him. I wanted to open the door. It was locked. Asshole!!! "Brian, you asshole open the door!!!" I screamed. I was so angry. I heard Brian was giggling:"Did you really think I do nothing with you? Like you are guilty or...helpless? must live with consequences!!!" "My only consequence is that I must live with you here!" I meant. He only went away. "And now open the fucking door!!!" I screamed. "Lick my ass you slut!" He meant. I hate him so much!!! "Brian, open the fucking door!! I split up with you!!! I wanna leave!!! You will never see me again!!!." I screamed again. I heard he came and opened the door. He choked me a bit and rammed me against a wall:"Okay you slut. I don't care about that. But you stay here and you won't call me 'Brian' anymore. Clear?!" I didn't say anything. "I asked you something!!" Brian choked me harder. I only nod. I was scared now. He wasn't the one I got to know. He wasn't the one I love. He is a monster. He is cruel. Horrible. Whatever. I sat in a nook and cried. I want to go to Brian. To the real Brian. Not to this motherfucker who is sitting in the living room. "Why are you another person because of this diary?! Why are you lying to me? Why are you threaten my? I thought you love me..." I cried "And now we split up because of this fucking shit..." I layed on the bed and closed my eyes. I hope it's only a fucking nightmare.

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