The Ad

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I pulled open the glass door to the art gallery located on the corner of 5th and Monroe street in downtown Madison, hoping to find Casey somewhere in the vicinity of it.

I walk around looking at all the new pieces that have arrived and see people speaking to each other as if they know something about each piece. Typical. Money and snobbishness at it's best.

I slowly walk around admiring some new pieces when I notice a guy staring at me.  Nothing creepy about that. Brushing off the weirdness of it all, I look up to find him gone. Thank god. I didn't need to fight off some over zealous male.


I turned and smile.

"It's about time you arrived. I didn't think you were coming," Casey teased me.

"You know me to well Case," I smiled at her.  It was true. I didn't go out much. Between working and school, I was trying to focus on my future. Having to struggle through school and working, was hard. Thank god for scholarships and grants.

Casey showed me around, showing me new pieces she had acquired to showcase. I studied them, noticing the brush strokes and vibrant colors. They were exquisite to say the least.

"Hey stranger," I heard a voice boom behind me. I turned to see Roman, Casey's partner standing behind me with a grin. I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey Ro," I smiled, giving him a hug.

"I see, my partner finally got to come out of your cocoon," he smirked. I let out a small giggle.

"Something like that," I shrugged.

"So, now that you have finally graduated, what are your plans for the future?"

"Well, funny thing, I'm not really sure."

He arched an eyebrow with a inquisitive look.

"I was let go of the job I had," I had sighed. I didn't want to go into detail that my boss was a sleaze and kept trying to get into my pants. Plus, when you slap them, they tend to frown upon it.

This was something I had to put up with a lot. Over aggressive men who wouldn't keep their hands on. Being in foster care, taught me to fight. That and Roman who happen to be in foster care with me at one point and taught me to defend myself.

We've been best friends ever since.

"I won't press you for details," he said with a smile.

"Thank you. On a bright note, I did answer and ad for a personal assistant position. In fact I have an interview in an hour," I said with hope.

"So, that's why you came out," he nodded before I had a chance to answer we heard someone yell, "not there you idiot! That painting goes over there!"

Casey walked towards us in a huff, "I swear, you think you are hiring competent people only to get incompetency."

Roman chuckled and I giggled. Casey was always exuberant in her movements. She would always let you know when you were being an idiot.

"So, I see you got some new pieces," I mentioned to them.

"Yes!" She spoke enthusiastically. "I was actually able to acquire pieces from The Connor Thompson!"


She looked at Roman and rolled her eyes, "okay, we. We secured pieces."

"Isn't that the painter no one has ever seen," I asked them with curiosity.

"Artist." She corrected me. "But yes. He was this big name then just disappeared. Then one day, his pieces randomly showed up."

That was odd. I looked at my watch and said, "I've got to get going. I will see you both later." With that I turned on my heels and quickly made my exit before I got bombarded with questions. God bless Casey but I really wasn't in the mood to answer any questions.

I pulled open the glass door and stepped outside. I walked towards my destination. It was that far from the gallery so the fresh air was inviting.

I pulled the address from my pocket and looked to make sure I was in the right place. A house? This wasn't any house though, it was a freaking mansion. Oh dear lord.

I walked up to the door and rang the bell. I stood there looking around. The house loomed over me. This was so weird.

The door opened and I heard someone clear their throat. I turned and smiled.

"Hi, I'm here for the interview for the personal assistant position," I said making my purpose for being here known.

"Yes. Come in," the man said with abruptness. Note to self, this man is not friendly. He held the door open and I walked in past him. "Follow me," he waved to me.

I shoved my hands into my jacket as I followed him into the house into a room. He took a seat at a desk and gestured to me towards a chair, "sit."

I walked over and took a seat.

"Seraphina Lockwood, college graduate. It says you graduated in a degree in business." He looked up at me.


"And why do you want this position?"

"Because I know I would be able to provide attention to detail," I said in a firm clear tone.

"What about your current position?"

"I am currently unemployed. Downsizing," I quickly covered. Yeah my boss was a sleaze.

"I see." He let out a breath. "Fine. You're hired." I was taken by surprise.

"So, are you the one I will be working for?"

"God no. My name is Davis. You will be assisting Connor."

My brows raised. Connor? Please tell me it's not.

"Yes Connor Thompson."

Shit, I must have spoken out loud.

"You will be assisting him. The usual. Making sure he is fed, taken care of, etc. But you will not disturb him, talk to him or make any contact with him. His creativeness is the up most important," he spoke in a clip tone.

"So, essentially a maid," I asked trying to hide my contempt.

"You will be paid well and expected to stay most of the day with the option to go home at night."

I had to think about it. Since my outburst at my last job, I had been blackballed from most companies. Word travels fast. I didn't have a choice. I needed the money or I could add homeless to my resume.


"Then you will start tomorrow at nine sharp. Do not be late," he ordered.

I stood and he walked me out. As we walked down the hallway I could help but feel like someone was watching me. Must be my imagination.

I left the house and started making my way back to my apartment. It wasn't that far so I made good time. This would come in handy to know what time I needed to leave for tomorrow.

I walked into my apartment and set my keys on my table by the front door. I kicked off my shoes and walked to my fridge. Opening the door I pulled out something that resembled food but wasn't. I tossed it in the trash. Great. I so needed to go shopping.

Guess it's peanut butter and jelly sandwiches until I get paid. I made a sandwich and ate sitting at the counter. Connor Thompson? Really? God I hope he isn't a creep.

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