First day

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I made sure to set my alarm to wake up early so I could get ready and be early. I didn't want to make a bad first impression on the job even though, I had no idea what exactly what o was doing. I made sure to dress warm since it was rather still chilly since it was the beginning of spring.

I left promptly at eight and walked to Mr. Thompson's house. I'm sure there was necessary paperwork to fill out, i.e. tax forms. It took me approximately twenty minutes to walk there. Cold weather will do that.

I walked up to the house and looked up. I still can't believe he lived in a house this huge. I mean why would one guy live in such a big house alone?  None of it made sense.

I stepped onto the porch and rang the doorbell then stepped back. Waiting, I looked around until I heard the door open to find the man that met with me yesterday, Davis.

"Come in." His tone was abrupt. Taking a deep breath, I nodded and walked inside. He started rambling a bunch of things off to me. I was too fascinated with the house to bother paying attention to him.

I followed him into the office we were in yesterday and took a seat. He handed me a packet of papers. I scanned through them quickly and asked, "what's this?"

"Rules and expectations along with a NDA. I need you to sign everywhere that is highlighted."

"Can I read it?"

"If you must," he spoke with an exasperated tone. Yeah, I'm not liking this guy one bit.

I read through it, but the rules are what caught my attention. Especially number nine. Employee must not have contact with Mr. Thompson whatsoever.

I'm working for a man I am not allowed to even see. What in the world?

"I'm not allowed to have any contact with Mr. Thompson?"  I wasn't sure if it was a statement or as much a question.


"I see."

I read through all of it. The rules were more and more bizarre as I read through them. Any violations of the rules and I would be subject to dismissal.  I hated this. One wrong move and I wouldn't have a job, which I desperately needed.

"Fine."  I picked up a pen and scrawled my signature on any area that was highlighted.  "I expect that I will receive a copy of this?"


Davis was an abrupt man. He looked to be near fifty. Must really suck to be stuck working for someone much younger than him.  All I can say is I did not like him. Something about him rubbed me the wrong way and these papers didn't sit well with me.

I handed him the papers once I was done signing everything and stood up, "did I say you dismissed?"

Yep, I did not like this man.


"Then sit." I sat down. "Now, your duties will be to bring Connor his meals and leave them at his door. Then you are to retrieve his tray. You will make sure the kitchen is clean as well as any other room in the house. You will collect his mail and leave it by his door. You will never discuss anything about Connor, whatsoever, do you understand?"


"Now you may leave," he said with a dismissive tone. I stood and walked out of the office. I made my way around the house looking for the kitchen. Holy hell this house was huge. One could easily get lost in it.

As I walked I wasn't quite paying attention when I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"No worries," I heard a husky voice say. I looked to see a guy standing in front of me. His lips curled into a smile. "Lost?"

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