Author's Note

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(You can skip this intro if you really want, but I suggest reading it.)

Unreadable is a fan fiction that was first started by my friend @chaniwae on her old account KookiesJamz, which no longer exists. She has handed the story over to my account but is still collaborating with me here and there. Chapters 1 through 5 are her writing style, on from there is my own. Go drop her a follow @chaniwae if you like her writing.

Also, the title might need a little clarification. This story is  about Ritsu and the reader slowly falling in love with each other, but  it's from the perspective of a girl named Nami. I guess she's kind of an OC, but she is meant to represent the reader and help the plot flow. I didn't mean for the title to seem like click bait. My friend was the one who named her and I'm just trying to honor her original writings. If there are too many complaints about her name being used I can replace it with (Y/n), but the backstory will remain the same. You could also just pretend 'Nami' means (name) or something like that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, lots of people have commented that the story reminds them of the anime Kotoura-san. THAT WAS A TOTAL ACCIDENT! Lol. Neither my friend nor I had even heard of the anime before. I watched the first couple episodes and it's a cute show if you wanna check it out.

Anyways, that's pretty much it. Please enjoy the story!

[Drafted By Anna]

Unreadable [Ritsu x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now