Chapter 11: Self Defense

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"Hey Nami," Ritsu asks on the way to school. "Are you doing anything after school today?"

"Uh, I don't think so." I feel a little funny in response to his question. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was thinking about how you complain about not being able to do anything about spirits, because your ability isn't combative at all, and I think I know someone who could help."


"Yeah, my Nii-san is friends with this guy who's very talented at helping people use their powers. He's been teaching some people I'm friends with how to get stronger, and I thought there might be a chance you could learn a thing or two from them all."

"Do you go to these lessons?"

"Occasionally, mostly to see old friends. I'm able to learn from Nii-san when I need it."

"That's nice." I smile once again at their brotherly friendship.

"So, would you consider coming?"

"Yeah, it's no trouble." I tell Ritsu. "Why do you want me to come though?"

Ritsu's keeps his face straight, something I've noticed he does when he doesn't want to show emotion. "If I'm around I can protect you from evil spirits, but it would make sense if there was something you could do when I'm not there. That's all."



After school Ritsu leads me down these streets I haven't been down before. We arrive at an odd building and Ritsu leads me inside. We reach the top floor and I look around at the surroundings. It seems like a comfortable environment. There is stylish furniture, couches, bing bags, rugs, tables, it ultimately seems like just a fun place to hangout. Kids our age are spread out, working on different things. One boy with long blond hair is focused on a fireball in his hand, a girl with short bright hair focuses on cards in front of her, and a kid with over-styled hair shouts at a stool in front of him. The metal stool raises in the air before landing back down with a clank. A guy with short blond hair and a purple school uniform next to him seems to be instructing him. A man with light brown hair, a slight beard, and an odd red and white checkered suit approaches us.

"Ritsu!" He greets is a welcoming voice. "It's been a little while, how are you?" He notices me. "Oh, who is this with you?"

"This is Nami. Nami, this is Kenji Mutsuura. He's the founder of the Awakening Lab, this..... um... club I guess where young espers practice their skills."

I shake his hand. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Mutsuura. I'm a mind reader." I surprise myself at how easily I admit it, maybe I just feel like I fit in a little easier here.

"A mind reader!" He smiles. "Fascinating! Can you really tell what I'm thinking?"

I check his thoughts. "You're hoping I don't think you're a creep, that I trust you. Don't worry, it's easy to trust people when I know what they're thinking."

He looks surprised yet relieved. "You really are something! I'm glad we have another girl joining our group. Hey guys, come meet Nami." Mr. Mutsuura calls out to the group. They all stop what they're doing and come over. They all look happy to meet me. I greet the different kids and learn their names. Takeshi, Rei, Go, and the Shiratori twins Daichi and Kaito. I'm impressed with their different varieties of abilities. The last kid introduces himself.

"I'm Teruki Hanazawa, but you can call me Teru." He winks at me. In the corner of my vision I see Ritsu's eyes go slightly darker. I do a quick scan of Teru's mind; he might be a little used to flirting but he mainly does his best to be a gentleman. "I'm the one in charge of teaching everyone here."

"Oh, I thought Mr. Mutsuura did that."

"Oh no," The man chimes in. "I'm no psychic, just a man who loves psychic powers. I provide the funding for this place."

Teru speaks again. "So, Nami-chan, let's see how we can improve your ability."


Apparently mind reading is more similar to telepathy than I thought, so I'm working with the Shiratorin twins. They describe their communication as "throwing" messages back and forth. I try again. I focus on the thought of a kitten and attempt to "throw" my thought out of my mind and into Kaito's.

"I'm seeing a cat." He states.

"Yes, that's what I'm sending."

"Nice job, Nami." Daichi compliments. "Normally my brother and I can only read each other, but it looks like you've practiced enough to reach us."

"Alright," Teru instructs. "Now your ability isn't very good for self defense, but there are some things you can do. You can send a mental whirlwind at someone, giving them a sharp headache for example. That might give you the break you need to get away."

"Interesting," I think out loud. It's different being here. I don't feel like a freak, I feel normal. Instead of being ashamed of by ability, here I'm praised for it and even do my best to improve it.

Over the next few days I come back after school to learn more. I become better friends with the other kids and gain more confidence in myself. Soon I'm able to learn how to mentally transmit an attack to another mind, and my fear of spirits lightens. At lunch Dimple visits our table once again and I decide to test out my new skill. I gather a whirlwind in my mind and throw it through the air at the green spirit.

"Aaaowch" Dimple squishes and contorts his body. "What the heck was that?!"

"It really does work on spirits!" I cheer.

"You did that?! What's the big idea?!"

"I've found a way to defend myself against spirits."

Dimple floats a little horizontally, still getting past the headache. "Ugh, and I'm just a test dummy? Is that it?"

"Sorry dimple, I just couldn't wait to try it out."

"Well don't do it again!" He points a green finger at me. "If I was just a shrimp spirit I would have disappeared! It's a good thing I've gotten some of my spiritual strength back recently."

"Disappeared?" I ask surprised. "I can really defeat weak spirits?"

"That's great, Nami!" Ritsu congratulates me.

"Awesome!" I shout with excitement, then quickly quiet myself remembering we were still in the cafeteria. "Thanks for taking me to the awakening lab, Ritsu. I couldn't have gotten to this point on my own."

"I'm just glad we were able to help"

I smile to myself. I feel happy here in Spice City. I have real friends, ones I can be myself around and rely on. Somehow I feel like an empty feeling inside me is gone, replaced by warmth and hope.

[Drafted by Anna]

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