Chapter 13: White Day

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Today is White Day.

Here in Japan Valentine's Day is a holiday for girls to give chocolates to the guys they like. White day is the day that the guys return the favor. Most guys who received chocolate give some back just to be polite. Ritsu is in this category. Being the school idol he was given lots of gifts from Valentine's Day earlier this year; I didn't know this until he told me because I was still at my old school during that time. Yesterday I offered to help him pass out the small bags of treats to the different girls and he seemed rather grateful for the help.

I look back down at the list of names in my hand. The small plastic bags of white chocolate hearts sit in my backpack. Even if I don't remember which girls are who that's ok, I can just peek into their mind and see who is expecting something from Ritsu. One walks by in the hall and I stop her.

"This is from Ritsu," I state, handing her the small gift.

"It is? Oh how sweet of him!" The girl holds the chocolates near her cheek and smiles wide. I exhale and walk away. Throughout the break between classes I deliver the bags to various students. By the time I get to the last one I feel drained from all the giggly thoughts. Back in the classroom I find Ritsu with a few girls talking to him, his expression seems polite but a little uncomfortable. When he's done he sits on top of his desk and breathes a sigh of relief.

It's so annoying how Ritsu continues being nice to the new girl. She better not make a move on him.

I roll my eyes at the girl's thoughts. By now I've learned not to care what people think, literally. "I finished mine, any more you need me to help with?"

"No I just finished myself too," Ritsu gives me a half smile. "Thanks again, I'm glad I didn't have to bother Nii-san with helping me."

"No problem, I just felt bad for you."

Ritsu laughs a little and scoots down into his seat. Class starts and I get lost in my own thoughts. Normally I've never bothered to participate in these romantic holidays myself. There weren't any guys I was interested in at my old school. I did know there was one or two interested in me, so I tried to be extra nice to them and not hurt their feelings. My eyelids feel heavy. I'll just shut them for a few minutes and then pay attention again. I prop my head up on my hand and start to snooze. My mind feels hazy. I wake up to the feeling of Ritsu's pencil poking me gently on the arm.


"Whoops," I mutter.

After school Mob, Ritsu and I meet up to walk home together.

"Did you talk to Tsubomi at all today, Nii-san?"

"No," the 2nd year sheepishly admits. "I couldn't do it."

"Don't worry too much about it," I reassure Mob. "Romantic holidays are overrated anyways."

"I guess"

After walking together for a little longer Ritsu breaks the silence. "Hey Nii-san, could you go ahead of us? I wanna talk to Nami a little bit."

Mob gives his younger brother a small smile. "Mmhm, it's alright. I'll see you guys later." Mob pats Ritsu's shoulder affectionately and continues down the sidewalk.

"What this about?" I curiously ask.

Ritsu is quiet for a moment. "There's a playground nearby, where Nii-san and I used to play as kids, would you like to see it?"

"Sure," I agree. "Seems like fun."

He leads the way. We cross a street and walk around the short stone wall surrounding the playground. It's a cute place, a nice little haven for children in the city. A couple kids are playing by the slide but aside from them the playground is mostly empty.

I sit on one of the swings and sway a bit, remembering when I was younger. Ritsu sits in the swing next to me. I kick my legs back and forward, swinging through the air. I laugh a little and Ritsu starts to swing himself too. After a little while the other children start to leave and I slow my pace. Our swings hang still next to each other. The gradually setting sun turns the sky a pretty orange. This is a nice place.

"Thanks again for your help today," Ritsu glances at me and then looks at the ground. "You definitely saved me a bit of time."

"I was glad to help, I know sometimes it's not easy being such a popular student."

Ritsu seems quiet, I'm not sure why. He reaches over and grabs his pack sitting nearby. "I have something for you also."

"Oh you don't have to give me a chocolate too, I wasn't even here during last valentine's day."

"It's ok, I want to give you this." Instead of pulling out another white chocolate my friend holds a single white flower. It looks kinda like a rose, but the petals are different. He slowly hands it to me and I gently take it. "It's a gardenia," Ritsu says. "I just wanted to say I'm glad we are friends, and that you moved here in the first place."

"Thank you," I tell him. "I'm glad we are friends also, coming here might have been the best thing that ever happened to me."

We sit quietly for another moment, I brush my finger against one of the soft petals. Ritsu stands up and swings his bag over his shoulder. "It's getting late, I suppose we better get home in time for dinner."

"Yeah, my grandma must be wondering where I'm at."

We walk back together, saying goodbye at the corner where we split paths. By myself I look again at the flower, it really is quite pretty.

I reach my apartment and unlock the front door.

"Grandma! I'm home!" I call out as I shut the door. Grandma sits quietly in her chair. I walk over and kiss her on the cheek. She notices the flower in my hand and sits up.

"Nami! Is that a gardenia?" Grandma fawns over the flower as I hold it up for her to see. "Where did you get this?"

"Oh, Ritsu gave it to me today." I smile as I remember the nice interaction.

"Did he?" Grandma taunts. She smiles like she knows something I don't. I slip into her thoughts. 他喜欢她,多么可爱的孩子.

"Grandma! Stops thinking in Chinese!" I exclaim. Grandma grew up in China during part of her life, so sometimes she switches into Chinese thoughts just to bug me.

"Hahaha, I'm just impressed that Ritsu took the time to use hanakotoba. It really is a dying art."

I shake my head and walk off to my room; Grandma's thoughts can sometimes be pretty jumbled. She is getting older after all. In my room, I hang up my bag and walk over to the window. Sunlight falls on the white petals of the flower as I set it gently down in the window sill.

[Drafted by Anna]

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