Chapter 2: Him

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Spice City?  I think to myself as I walk down a cracked sidewalk. What kind of name is that?  I stop in front of a normal looking school. Well, normal for the city. My school was out in the country, with only five rooms. The elementary classroom, the middle school classroom, the high school classroom, the cafeteria, and the gym. I'm going to miss my simple school.

"Salt middle school." I read the sign out loud. What's up with the names in this city? My mind wanders again as I stand in front of the school. A person clears their throat, drawing my attention to them. It must be an 8th grader, he's so tall.

"You are Himura Nami, correct," the boy says. He has a sophisticated look with his dark hair parted down the middle. I give him a small nod. "I'm Tokugawa, the school vice president."

Ah, that explains why the air around him feels different. "If you'll follow me, I'll take you to your class."

I follow him to classroom that has a white sign with the numbers 1-3. I enter the room and stand in front the class. It's a huge class of about 25 students. The desks are all empty, but the room has an energetic feel to it. Like there's never a dull moment. I follow Tokugawa to the front of the room.

"You can sit here. The owner transferred away not to long ago," Tokugawa says as he motions to the front seat near the window. Wait, weren't protagonists in anime supposed to sit farther back? Never mind, I would never be able to fit the role of a protagonist.

"When does class start again," I ask as I look up at Tokugawa. Staring into his eyes, I slip into his mind to read his thoughts.

...shorty... transferred after... lunch sounds good... springtime...

His mind is a mess of unfinished thoughts. I wonder how he still manages to keep up a straight face, much less act like he knows what he's doing.

"Class starts in twenty minutes. Which reminds me, I have a meeting to go to. If you'll excuse me." He walks out of the classroom, leaving me with unanswered questions. Oh well. I could always just tap into someone else's mind. I sit down at my desk and put my cute notebooks and pencils in it. I tried to tell my grandmother that I didn't need all this stuff, but something about making me happy made her happy. So I plastered a smile on my face, bit back any bad thoughts, and accepted her presents.

It's not that I don't like them, it's just that I'm not used to getting things unless I work towards it myself. Sighing, I look up at the doorway as students start to trickle in. I guess students here arrive 10 minutes before the bell. I open my mind to hear their thoughts, wondering what I could possibly learn. Something surprised me. Something I never thought could happen. I focus my attention on one boy who had just walked in.

He was completely silent, his mind like a blank piece of paper. I look at him, trying to read what might be written on his paper. I observe his dark brown eyes that are almost devoid of all emotion. He almost looks bored, if you could look past the dangerous glint in his eyes. His bedhead black hair looks like he had rolled out of bed looking perfect.

He makes his way towards me, only to turn and sit at the seat to my right. The silence of his mind sent chills down my spine. I better stay away from him.

[Drafted By Natalie]

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