Chapter 10: After School Cleaning

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Over the next few weeks I slowly start to feel more comfortable around Ritsu, almost to the point where I'm used to not being able to read his mind. I learn he's one of the smartest kids in our grade, he's very athletic, and he teaches me a little more about his responsibilities as a member of the student council. He says he's trying to be a better leader, explaining one time he abused his power and hurt a lot of students. I had instinctively tried to read what he specifically did, but the solid wall once again stood in my way. As much as it bothered me not knowing, I decided if he didn't want to talk about it I wouldn't ask him about it.

Today after school I have to stay after to help clean up the classroom, it's just my turn to do so. Ritsu offered to do it with me. I don't mind, he's one of the few kids I don't mind talking to. Besides, it's nice to have someone helping me with the extra work. The teacher drones on and I find myself looking back to the clock. Just a few more minutes until class is out. Finally the bell rings. The other students rush out the door, I sit in my chair until the crowd is gone. The teacher walks towards Ritsu and me to give us our cleaning assignment.

"...don't forget to lock the door on your way out," she kindly reminds.

Ritsu bows to her and turns towards my direction. "I can go get the supplies for us," he offers. "Just because you're still new here and might not know where they are."

"Thanks," I reply. "I'm just gonna drop my stuff off at my locker and come back here."

When I return Ritsu has an extra broom in hand for me. I take it and walk to the other side of the room. We sweep quietly for a while, then move onto other jobs like wiping the desks off.

"What was your last school like, Nami?" Ritsu's asks.

"Oh, it was small." I reply. "Smaller than this school. I know there wasn't as much cleaning to be done."

"I bet." He agrees.

I peek up at Ritsu from my spot next to the desk, he's focused on his work. His face can look pretty serious at times. I wonder what he's thinking. I know he has other friends at school, and I know many girls admire him from what I read in the halls. Most of the kids here all respect him, he's kind of our grade's idol. I've also learned that he's polite to students and teachers, and that he's rather humble despite his reputation. Some of his friends acknowledge that he doesn't really open up much. I've tried learning a bit about his brother, Mob, also. Most students think it's strange for Ritsu's older brother to be so plain compared to him. Most of the time Mob isn't thought about, he just blends in with the crowd. I know better, Mob is much more unique than people think.

Orange sunlight bleeds through the windows as we finish up our chores. Ritsu shows me where the closet is and we put our stuff away. Ritsu offers to walk home with me again. On the way we talk a little more, but mostly just walk silently next to each other. I find it kind of nice. I'm able to enjoy someone else's company but still keep to my own thoughts as if I'm by myself. Sometimes not being able to read the other person's mind is nice. At the corner where I turn Ritsu says goodbye. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I look into his dark eyes a little shyly. "Thanks for helping me clean up the classroom."

He looks away and scratches the side of his forehead with his finger. "Oh yeah, it was no big deal."

We walk away towards our separate homes and I'm surprised to find it slightly disappointing that we don't live right next door to each other.


Lunch today is pretty good, they served us (favorite food) with seasoned rice on the side. I suppose I've started opening up to my new schoolmates more, I've started sitting more with some girls in my class. Today I had decided to sit with Ritsu again, it had been a little while since we ate lunch together. He's not my only company. Today Mob and Dimple are eating with us too. Dimple can be a little punkish at times, he's always encouraging us to use our "gifts" more to our benefit. He Mob is a polite kid, but doesn't say much. He seems to talk more when Ritsu is around. As Mob talks to his brother about a recent exorcism job I think back to my last run in with psychic phenomenon. I still don't like thinking about those white ninjas, but at the same time I enjoy remembering Ritsu using his powers to help me. I gasp a little as I remember a detail I had nearly forgotten.

"Hey, Dimple?" I ask. The little ball of energy turns his gaze towards me. "Do you happen to know a spirit named Anri?"

"Oh Anri?" Dimple clearly recognizes the name. "He's a nutjob. He likes hanging out in the shadows and making shadow puppets. He likes to eat weaker spirits as a snack, which isn't uncommon, I do the same thing myself. I guess he's different just because he doesn't seem all there in the head." Dimple tilts his head in thought. "I haven't bumped into him personally, just know about him from other guys. Why do you ask?"

"Is he strong?" I ask.

"Strong? Pfft!" The little snot brags with a nasally voice. "I can easily defeat him in my more powerful form!" Dimple spins around in the air pridefully. Unfortunately, in my current form, I think he would get the best of me.

"Why aren't you as strong as usual, Dimple?"

"Oh, because of these guys!!" Dimple points at Mob and Ritsu as the pair stares back at him expressionlessly.  "These Kageyama brothers don't give me a break! Shigeo fights me just as I'm becoming the god of my own religion, mr. cocky over here goes and gets himself kidnapped by claw, and this other kid with a haystack for hair likes to poof me as if I'm nothing!"

I recognize these tales the Kageyama brothers have told me about and chuckle at Dimple's rant. He really is quite the animated little guy. 

[Drafted by Anna]

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