Chapter 20: Fight for Spice City

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I focus my mind on the evil spirit in front of me, sending out the strongest signal I can. The mother yells in pain, but isn't deterred. She's too strong. I turn and run, holding Aia's hand. Screaming pierces my ears as the mother spirit flies after us.

"Nami!" Go-kun hurls a fireball at my pursuer, burning her to ashes. I try to thank him but he's immediately knocked down by another spirit. Everywhere around us are the Old Ones. Their numbers and strength are overwhelming everyone.


"Try fighting together," Aia softly suggests.

I call out as loud as I can. "Don't let them corner you, attack them all as a group!"

Ritsu gets my message and stands by Teru. Takeshi joins them. I throw a mental shock towards the spirit attacking Go-kun, giving him an opening to reach the others. The four boys stand in a circle and counter the spirits coming from around them. It seems to be working, when suddenly all the spirits come together as well. They merge together and form a giant, grotesque monster towering above us.


"Don't falter!" Teru commands. The boys send their attacks towards the morphed spirit, the blasts blow chunks off the monster's arms and head.

A mental presence diverts my attention. I look and see one spirit separated from the rest. It carries a ghostly dagger as it flies towards the backs of my friends. My mind goes blank and my feet start to run on their own. Skidding between the spirit and Ritsu, I outstretch my arms to stop the spirit's momentum. My non exorcist hands pass right through the spirit's form as it brings the blade down upon me.


"NAMI!" I hear Ritsu's scream. My body buckles in pain and I fall to my hands and knees. I feel like I've been ripped open. Ritsu blasts the stray spirit and stops next to me. "Cmon, get up, please be ok!" He slowly lifts me up by my arm, fear evident on his face.

"It's.. fine.... Pain is.. just a signal....." I focus on his mind, as if using the solid wall to steady myself to my feet. "Keep... fighting.." I mutter. My knees feel weak and I fall again, vision blurring.


Ritsu yells like I've never heard before. Through my foggy vision I see him shoot a beam of powerful psychic energy at the monster spirit. His blue aura pierces the ghostly body and rips it apart. The monster roars and begins to disintegrate into nothingness. The colors fill my vision and my head feels light as I pass out on the grass.

[Drafted by Anna]    

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