Chapter 21: In the Hospital

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I wake up to a bright light, and a white ceiling. My eyes feel heavy and my body is sore. There's a weight of some kind just below my chest. I look down and find black, disheveled hair and an innocent face fast asleep. His bruises are still there along with bags under his eyes from lack of rest. I smile from seeing him.

"Ri..tsu," I mutter. I try to lift my right arm to rub his head but a small prick stops me. I look over and see an IV sticking into my skin, dripping blood into my injured body. As the room comes into focus I realize I'm in the hospital. Ritsu isn't the only one asleep, Grandma sits in a visitor's chair in the corner of the room. Her hands are folded tightly in her lap as if she fell asleep praying. A small bouquet of Azaleas decorates the table next to her. I smile again. Both of them must have been waiting here for a while. I lift up my other arm up and gently run my fingers through Ritsu's soft, messy hair. His eyes start to flutter open.

"Ritsu, I'm ok. You can wake up now."

He slowly lifts his head and opens his eyes all the way. Elation spreads across his face as he sees me awake at last. His pure smile lifts my spirits.

"Nami!" he exclaims. A small chuckle escapes him. "About time you woke up!"

"Hehe, I must have been tired from helping fight all night." I tilt my head and voice towards the chair in the corner. "Grandma, I'm okay!"


Grandma nearly cried when I woke up, she was so relieved. Her thoughts told me that even though she believed I would live, she still worried about the slight chance that I wouldn't. The doctors explained my injury wasn't extremely serious, I had just experienced some blood loss. They put a couple stitches in my gash just to help speed up the healing process. I could tell from Grandma's thoughts that she was gonna baby me for the next few weeks just to be safe. After the doctors cleared me to be released, Ritsu helped me to my feet despite me insisting I was fine. He walked close next to me the entire walk home, ready to catch me if I suddenly fainted again. Even after we had gotten back to my apartment, he still stayed for a while just to make sure I was doing alright.

"Don't worry sweetheart," Grandma had reassured him, amusement filling her thoughts. "She'll be fine. I'll make sure."

I still remember the soft look on his face as he headed towards the door. The last thing he said before he left was "I'm glad you're alright, Nami." For some reason my heart felt a little warm afterwards.

He really cares about you, Grandma's thoughts said to me.


Soon after I'm back in the hospital with Ritsu and all the other kids who participated in the battle against the Old Ones. The others kids are covered with tiny cuts and bruises from the fight, but everyone is okay. We came to see someone. The nurse directs us to the room and then leaves us. Slowly I push open the door to the patient's room. The morning sun shines through the window and into the white clean room. The patient lays on his bed, staring out the window. His body is covered in thick wrappings with only space for his eyes and nose. The steady beep of his heart monitor is the only sound in the room.

"Michio?" I gently call to him. He adjusts his eyes towards our direction. We approach his bedside and hear him sigh.

"It's good to see you kids in healthy condition." His voice is muffled. "Why did you come?"

"If it wasn't for you we'd be screwed," Takeshi answers.

"Yeah, we wanted to make sure you were ok," Daichi chimes in.

"We were scared you died!" Rei cries out.

"It's good to see you're healing." Ritsu nods. "We're all grateful for what you did back there."

Michio breathes in deeply. "You kids did a good job as well. I'll be alright. I've gotten used to injuries like this. After all, pain is just a signal."

After a moment of silence I clench my fist and step closer. "You shouldn't be so willing to let something like this happen!" I shout. "You can't just keep hurting yourself! What you did was brave, but you can't let your power be the death of you!"

Michio shuts his eyes and tilts his head downwards. "My ability is my strongest quality, I've built my life on using it." The broken man sighs again. "I suppose you could say at this point it's all I know."

I lower my own head sadly. I can feel the grief in Michio's mind. He believes his ability is what defines him. He's come to rely on it so much he doesn't know if he's able to do anything else.

To my surprise Mob cuts in front and kneels next to Michio. They stare at each other and Mob begins to speak. "You know, having a certain talent doesn't mean that's all you are, people are so much more than just one quality. Just like how some people run fast, or are really smart, your ability is just one of your talents. It doesn't have to be the only one, people can always work hard to change themselves and be better." The normally quiet boy rises and rolls up his sleeve. "I used to think my psychic powers were the only thing special about myself, but since then I've been working out and pushing myself in different areas." Mob lifts his arm and gives it a slight squeeze. "I've gotten physically stronger, I've also tried speaking in front of a crowd, and I've learned how to deal with others a lot better. You can change too, Michio. You're so much more than just your power."

I'm amazed to hear such inspiring words from Mob, he isn't like this all the time. Michio seems affected by his words also, not uttering a response. Ritsu and Teru simply smile, as if they aren't surprised by Mob's heartfelt words. After a minute of quiet Michio speaks again. "Heh, you may have a point, kiddo. Maybe things can change, maybe I can change..."

I grin with relief, Michio is being serious. Mob's words must have really reached him. "What will you do after you're better?" I ask.

"It wouldn't be good for me to stick around here. The doctors might start questioning me about who I am. With all the jobs I've done in the past it's best when people know less about me. Besides, I'm sure my previous employer isn't too happy about his forcefield machine being used. I imagine I'll leave as soon as my injuries are able to be managed on my own."

"I see," I respond quietly. "Again, thank you so much for everything. I'm glad we got to meet you."

"I'm glad as well to have met you group of fine individuals." The bandages around his mouth shift as if he's smiling. "Take care of yourselves."

[Drafted by Anna]

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