Chapter 19: The Old Ones

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The night sky looms overhead as we trek through the forest. I search with my mind to find any of the spirits nearby. I'm not scared. If something tries to sneak up on us I'll read it coming, and Ritsu is here to fight whatever comes our way.

"There's one over there," I turn to the right and my friend follows close behind me. When I feel the energy come closer I crouch behind a tree and send out a mental wave. A figure of neon greens and purples flies out of the bushes in pain. Ritsu quickly raises his hand and attacks the glowing spirit. The ghost explodes, sending out small particles of light.

"You've gotten stronger!" I remark.

"Thanks," Ritsu closes his raised hand into a fist. "'I've been working hard."

Another signal and we're off again. With our combined efforts, tracking and eliminating, the Old One's numbers start to decrease.

"Another one," I motion towards a fallen log. Ritsu reaches out and lifts it into the air with his aura. A smaller, pink ghost flies out.

"No, please!" It cries in a young voice. "Don't hurt me!"

"Nami?" Ritsu checks with me.

"This one isn't hostile like the rest, it seems like just the soul of a little girl."

Ritsu lowers the log and steps closer to the girl, she shudders in fear.

"It's okay, we won't hurt you." Ritsu kneels down. "Tell us, why were you imprisoned with the rest?"

The little soul sniffs. "They thought I was bad, but I'm not! It's my mom." Pink tears fall to the ground and vanish like puffs of smoke. "I ran away as fast as I could but I'm scared she's gonna hurt more kids, like she did to my brothers..."

"We'll find her," I reassure. "We'll stop her along with the rest of these evil spirits, we just gotta find her. What's your name?"

"Aia," the girl spirit quietly responds.


"AM I PRETTY?!!" The masked demon screeches. Without responding, Teru knocks her down with his telekinetic whip. The spirit throws a pair of scissors but Teru dodges. He lifts a tree up from its roots and slams it down on the masked spirit. A final scream and it's glow vanishes.

"T-t-that one was kinda creepy," Daichi remarks, fixing his glasses.

"How's your brother?" Teru inquires.

"Uh, lets see..." Daichi stands motionless for a solid minute. "The group is still ok. Kaito says Mob is fighting a lot of spirits, but he's managing it."

"We better hurry, who knows how many are left- Gah!"

A stronger ghost collides into Teru and slams him against the tree he just uprooted. A struggle insues as more enemies draw nearer. Daichi panics and calls out to anyone fighting nearby. Teru lets out a blast in all directions, trying to push away the strong spirits now overwhelming him.

The other kids close enough to hear Daichi's call head towards the location, as well as all of the remaining Old Ones.


"Ritsu!" I skid to a halt and turn around. My mind focuses on the fighting, many thoughts all emanating from one place, "Something's wrong! The spirits and meeting together in one spot, and hurting our friends!"

"Lead us there!" Ritsu starts running. I sprint between the trees, trying desperately to find where everyone is. Aia flies next to me and lights the path with her pink glow. My lungs begin to strain but I don't stop. Finally we break through the forest to the field where everything is happening. It's like all the remaining Old Ones are joining together for a last stand. Teru whips two ghosts into the ground, Go-kun and Takeshi stand with their backs together, Daichi seems unconscious, and our friends still fighting are starting to struggle.

"We have to help them!" I run towards the battle with Ritsu passing in front of me. A male spirit wearing a kimono slashes his sword at Teru but Ritsu knocks it back.

"Hang in there guys!" Ritsu calls out, encouraging the group.

I feel Aia tug on my shirt. "That's my mama!" She cries. I turn and jump out of the way right as a ghostly lady lunges at me. She looks very young and beautiful, with long black hair and pitch black eyes. She scowls at me as her eyes darken completely.

"I'll kill you, child!" She furiously yells at Aia cowering behind me. I stand protectively in front of the child spirit and dig my feet into the ground.

"I won't let you touch her!"

[Drafted by Anna]

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