Chapter 15: I Need Your Help

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I feel my body hit against the hard floor while Ritsu lands nearly on top of me. His hand is gripping my arm, as if he was about to pull me out of harm's way. I'm not sure why we lost our balance so suddenly. My eyes adjust as I look around our new surroundings. No longer are we in the dark alley, instead we are in a dimly lit storeroom with large boxes around us. The blond, bandaged man in a suit stands above us, gripping his hand in pain.

"It's not polite to tag along without warning, young man. I wasn't expecting two passengers."

Ritsu and I scramble to our feet almost as quickly as we had fallen. One second ago we were facing the dark spirit Anri, now we are in a completely different place with this strange man. Ritsu thrusts his hands forward, but the man disappears once again before Ritsu's power is able to hit him. I sense his mind off in the corner of the room. I'm trying to find his motive for bringing us here but his mind is too distracted by the cut on the back of his hand. Soon he steps back into view from behind the crates.

"Don't waste your time trying to fight me, I don't wanna deal with it right now."

"Tch," Ritsu mutters, understanding this guy would be hard to take out on his own.

The man causally pulls a bandage out of his pocket and gently wraps it around his hand, covering the bleeding gash . I feel a slight wet feeling on my forehead and realize I have a tiny cut myself. So does Ritsu on his leg.

After the man tends to his own wound he pulls two bandaids out of his other pocket and hands them to Ritsu and me. I can tell my friend is still on edge, but I haven't read any aggressive thoughts coming from this stranger.

"It's ok, he's not gonna hurt us. At least, not yet." I peel off the back of the bandaid and stick it on my forehead. Ritsu covers his own wound, but doesn't take his eyes off our kidnapper.

"Now, I suppose you're wondering why I brought you here with me." The man speaks almost as if this is a business meeting. "My name is Michio, and I need your help with my boss."

Ritsu and I cast a glance at each other, not sure where this is leading.

"Nami, I'm aware of the fact that you can read minds." Michio continues. I'm shocked that he knows. "I need you to read the mind of my employer and find out what his master plan is. So far none of us agents have been told anything, we've only been given our assignments and paid for their completion. I'm not satisfied by this, I want to know what type of cause I'm really supporting. I've been unsuccessful in gathering enough clues on my own and I'm worried I'm running out of time. Simply help me discover what my employer is planning and I'll return you and your friend home."

I deeply explore Michio's mind, looking for lies or details he's not telling me. It seems like he is opening his mind so it is easier for me to read. His boss is called "The Instructor", and the work the agents have been performing is research projects about ancient spiritual legends. Michio's ability is teleportation, but he gets a slight injury everytime he reassembles. I suspect Michio is remembering all this for me to see so it's easier to trust him.

"Why do you care what your employer is planning?" Ritsu inquires.

"I'm willing to do most jobs to make an income, but I still have morals. If the Instructor is planning on hurting anyone innocent with what he does next, I don't want to be a part of it. Simply tell me what the Instructor is planning and you won't have any trouble from me or the other agents again."

"So you're the one who sent the white ninja and Anri after us." I realize outloud. His thoughts tell me the white ninja was just a test for him to see if my ability was real or not. As for Anri, he just used him to lure us into the alley and take me without being seen. I'm starting to believe him, but not without caution.

I furrow my brow slightly and turn to my friend. I explain to Ritsu everything I've learned as well as my growing trust that Michio will keep his word. This doesn't completely calm him down, as he still glares at Michio with his hand positioned to fight. Ritsu has told me about his experiences with claw, so I don't blame him for being untrusting. Despite all this, I believe Michio. What I'm reading all makes sense, and I can tell he's being serious. He's not lying to us.

"Alright,"I answer. "I'll do this, but you have to take us straight home afterward!"

"I will," he promises. "Trust me, I wouldn't get you involved if it wasn't necessary."


The scanner beeps. Michio unlocks the door with his security card and casually walks through. When he sees no other agents around he gestures for Ritsu and I. We follow his lead further into the base. A cough into his arm signals to us there's a camera in this hall. Pressing up against the same wall its on, we slip under the camera's gaze. Eventually we reach the main computer room. According to Michio, the Instructor gets his name from the fact that he never shows himself in person, instead relying on instructions and reports to direct his agents. However, once a week he sends the agents away and reads their progress on the main computer. The Instructor doesn't allow digital transmission of information so he's forced to update himself on the status of the project in person. This is my chance to read his mind.

Michio opens the drawer to a wide filing cabinet and places the folders inside on a nearby desk. "Here."

"Are you serious?" I look at the small space, it would be a tight squeeze.

"It's the safest spot in the room and you'll breathe just fine," the bandaged man explains. "If you need more motivation I'll compensate you with a cut of my next check."

"Didn't expect to start saving for college like this." I slowly step into the wide drawer and shimmy my way inside. I readjust my legs and squish like a contortionist, this is gonna be sore.

"Your friend and I will come get you when it's safe," Michio assures me. "In the meantime we'll be waiting in a nearby room."

"Don't worry, Nami," Ritsu leans over. "I'll make sure he keeps his word."

I take one last breath of fresh air as the drawer is pushed shut, darkness fills my sight. I hear steps away from me and the shut of the metal door. Now the waiting begins.

[Drafted by Anna]

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