Chapter 17: Stopping the Release

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The van slows and pulls of the side of the road, parking in the dirt. The sun has already begun to set. I step out followed by Ritsu, Mob, Teru, and the awakening kids. Mr Mitsuura rolls down his window from the driver's seat.

"You guys sure you don't want me to stick around?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah, it isn't safe for you to stay here." Go-kun reminds him.

"Just head back into town for now," Teru instructs. "We'll call you to come pick us up after we get this handled."

"Be safe, you kids." Mr Mitsuura rolls the window back up and starts the van. After watching him drive away our group turns towards the forest. Large shadows from the trees cover the ground as the sun falls behind the horizon.

"Where is this suit guy you mentioned?" Takeshi asks.

Ritsu checks the time. "He should be here soon, just give him a few minutes."

Almost as if on cue, Michio materializes a few feet away. Takeshi jumps. "Gah!"

"Keep your composure, kid." Michio wraps a bandage around his finger. "Looks like you have quite the group here, are you all prepared? I don't want to be responsible for any of you getting hurt."

"Don't worry, we're ready." Teru motions his hand. "Rei, you're up."

Rei steps in front of the group and takes a deep breathe. Focusing with her clairvoyance, she takes the first step into the woods. "This way."

We trek onward for about ten minutes, following Rei. We find the trail and follow its path deeper through the trees. The light of the sun is gone now, forcing us to rely on the flashlights we brought. Noises of the forest cry out into the night. I start to feel uneasy and read most of the other kids are nervous as well. I stay close next to Ritsu and he hands me the light. Soon we come to a clearing, a flat, round formation of stone resides in the center. When we get closer we can see it's about as tall as a coffee table and about ten feet wide, with a weblike crack starting from the center and spreading outward.

"This must be where the Old Ones are being sealed." Michio observes.

"Aah jeez," Takeshi frets. "Who knows how many are trapped in there."

"If we succeed, we won't have to find out. Let's take our positions."

Spreading out, we hide in small groups between the trees. Mob and Teru wait to the south, Michio, Takeshi, and Go-kun to the west. Rei and the Shiratori twins take cover a little further away, considering their abilities aren't as combative. Ritsu kneels down next to me while I focus on the clearing, scanning to pick up and thoughts of the Instructor. We wait quietly for a while, then I detect something.

He approaches. He's alone. Or wait, is he? For a second I read a dark spiritual presence, but it's gone now. I tap Ritsu on the shoulder and point towards the entrance of the clearing. A minute passes. A short, balding, middle aged man steps in from the trees, nervously wringing his hands. I hate the dark, I hate the dark. I'll make these spirits light the way home. I'll make them obey me.

I nod to Ritsu and he outstretches his hands, his faint blue aura glows.

"NOW!" He shouts as he throws the Instructor into the air. Everyone immerges from their locations and surround the stone monument protectively. The Instructor furiously yells and clenches his fists. I tremble as I feel the ground shake underneath us. The earth lifts upward and throws us backwards. I land hard in the dirt and get back on my feet. The Instructor stands before us, large rocks floating ominously around him.

"Who are you people?!" He screams. "Don't interfere, just leave me alone!"

The wind howls and the earth quakes. Michio teleports behind the man and pins his arms behind his back, but he is thrown backwards by a powerful gust.

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